Common School Workforce Errors (with Solutions) ‘dictionary’
(Last updated: 24/10/2018 9:30) This document is relevant to all schools’ MIS…
Codes are in number order so it is easy to find one; you can even use keyboard shortcut Ctrl+F (in Word) to search this look-up list for your error code, to see if we have got a solution for it. If the code isn’t found, then for support, call our number at end of this doc.
For Invalid code errors that have no code number see end of this list (from page 9 on) where solutions are listed alphabetically by the name of the data item referred to as invalid
From time-to-time extra errors are added to this list, so to get our latest version see:
! RM Integris warning: Each person’s ‘SWF category’ must be set to their highest relevant type (in the order ‘Teacher’ otherwise ‘TA’ otherwise ‘Other Support’) for ALL of that person’s contracts in scope for SWF even those contracts that ended after 31/8/2017 by census day. Wrong ‘SWF category’ causes inexplicable errors.
Error 4100q + 4105q Need their English (or Welsh) teacher ref number (no slash) if teacher has (NTCL-recognised) Qualified Teacher Status (QTS see note for 4228) Most unqualified teachers get 4100q. If can’t obtain it add note in final step to explain e.g. “no number & no qts as teacher is unqualified”/“overseas teacher unrecognised by NTCL”.
Error 4150 + 4160Q Nat. Insurance number needed: even long-term Agency Teacher, (if overseas staff who has applied for, but awaits, NINO: add as a note, once return all ok).
Error 4228 says that (QTS) Qualified Teacher Status is missing for Teacher/Leader/ Teaching Assistant (being any support staff based in classroom for pupil/learning support) … be aware that this only means QT Status must be either ‘true’ or ‘false’ i.e. that QT status must not be left unanswered for these staff (even leavers): it can still be ‘false’ to mean the person is not recognised by NTCL as qualified (or is not qualified yet); it must only be ‘true’ if that person (whether currently teacher or not) really has QT Status confirmed (via school policy on verifying teacher qualification). (DfE’s SWF guide said schools wishing to use this verification may need to register with NTLC first)
IMPORTANT: schools must NOT assume QTS is true just because someone has a English or Welsh teacher number (an NTLC Teacher Reference Number) as DfE say staff can sometimes get a teacher number without gaining QTS, so may not have QTS. Note: DfE also expect teacher’s ‘pay range’ to agree with their QTS value and their ‘Post’ to also reflect this. (MIS ought to record QTS as ‘true’ or ‘false’, distinct from ‘unanswered’ default. MIS should not assume that default unanswered is same as ‘no qts’)
Error 4238 says HLTA Status (higher level teaching assistant status) is missing for a directly-employed staff member: either a Teaching Assistant (i.e. any support staff based in classroom for pupil/learning support) or for a teacher or member of other support staff… beware this means ‘HLTA status’ needs to be answered either ‘true’ (yes) OR ‘false’ (no) i.e. cannot be left blank – but it can still be ‘false’ (to mean they have not got higher level teaching assistant status yet); it must only be ‘true’ if that person is really qualified as a HLTA (and must be true if HLTA qualified even if not currently working as a HLTA, if in different role, but had qualified as HLTA, even if not while at your school). DfE expect school to capture this status from all directly-employed staff, even those that ‘HLTA status’ may not seem relevant to (not just TA but other support + non-agency teachers) in case some have HLTA status, Your school’s ‘new staff’ form must ask ‘Have you ever achieved Higher Level Teaching Assistant status’, and offer ‘Yes’ + ‘No’ distinguishable from unanswered: not assume ‘no’ if unanswered; saying it is ‘to be answered by all staff, not just TAs’. MIS must allow HLTA status to be ‘true’ or ‘false’, distinct from ‘unanswered’ default.=====
Error 4310 – contract type is invalid: there are two typical causes of this in the MIS RM integris… EITHER the person’s “School Workforce Category” (only in Integris) is not assigned correctly (in ‘contract’ ‘edit’ area of Integris) where each person’s ‘school workforce category’ should be set to the highest (‘Teacher’ else ‘TA’ else ‘Support Staff’) suitable for all their contracts including any contracts that ended before census date, in the previous or current academic year (after 31/8/2017) (see our RM integris warning note given at top of first page of this errors list); OR, the other solution (if RM’s ‘SWF category’ was not the cause) is to follow our advice given to solve “Invalid code: Contract/Service Agreement Type” seen in our “invalid codes” section at the end of this errors list, starting (after all numbered errors) near page 9 of this list…e.g. to pick the identical other value in ‘contract type’ in integris.
Error 4376 - If you get this on a very new contract (started on / since 10th Oct. 2018), (for a Fixed Term, Temporary or ‘service agreement’ type contract) that is expected to last at least 28 days, (i) check if it really ought to be permanent or not? (ii) If it is not permanent, school (in their MIS) must change only this “too new” contract to be “out of scope for SWF” (at contract-level) for this year only… (your MIS is returning “too early”: it ought to be returned in next year’s SWF return)… and (iii) only if there are no other contracts for the person – none current & none ended after 31/8/2017 – then also put that person “out of scope” (at person-level) for only this year’s return.
In Feb.2019 put both person and contract back in scope (stops missing contract next year)
Error 4377Q –The contract has an end date in future on a contract with type of either “Permanent” or “Temporary” or “Service Agreement...” so you need to establish:
a) is the contract supposed to have ended before census date…
(in which case the end date has been loaded incorrectly, so correct that date) OR
b) is this a “Temporary” (or permanent) contract with a ‘predicted’/‘agreed’ end date
(and read part ‘c’ below before deciding for sure). If ‘c’ below does not apply then:
If the contract really is ‘Temporary’ and is not supposed to be ‘Fixed Term’
then school should ‘clear’ the ‘end date’ and, at same time, the ‘destination’ field
and reason for leaving field (as contract has not ended yet, so end date is subject
to variation: only load end date, destination & reason for leaving when it ends) OR
c) is the contract really supposed to be FIXED TERM contract (the only contract type
that is expected to have a future ‘end date’) – the nature of fixed term contracts is
that they usually cannot be extended and so would need a new contract to be
issued if employer wanted to ‘keep on’ the worker beyond that ‘fixed’ end date…
(so a fixed term contract has a firm future end date), in these circumstances the
contract type would need to be changed (if contract really is “fixed term”) instead.
‘End date’ can remain (and only if MIS insists on them: ‘destination’ & ‘reason for leaving’).
Error 4385 – Destination (and ‘Reason for leaving’) is needed IF that contract really is supposed to have ended already. Check the specific contract that has this error… which might not be the person’s most recent contract, (it could be a ‘former’ one)... Has that contract been ended purposefully or by accident? If it is supposed to be current and there is not an equivalent current contract, for that role & person, do not add a destination… instead re-instate the contract, clearing the end date, and keeping ‘destination’ blank and ‘reason for leaving’ blank. Integris only: 4385 also caused by SWF category: see warning above at top of front page of this guide.
Error 4390Q– contract’s ‘destination’ value (that says what the person went on to do after this contract ended) is given on a contract with no ‘end date’… so either this is a genuinely-ended contract needing an end date, OR just as likely: the contract is current and a ‘destination’ is not needed yet – clear the destination if contract is still supposed to be current on census date. If contract is ‘temporary’, beware this error (4390Q) often occurs after incompletely fixing 4377Q case b (also see 4377Q above).
Error 4410 Post missing – if post is seen on specified contract ignore (due to 2015 DfE mistake).
Error 4413 – The contract for Exec. Head Post needs a Role of Exec. Head [however in the MIS called ‘Advanced Learning CMIS Facility’: each contract post must have only 1 role (to avoid other SWF issues) so, if SENCo role is also relevant to this Exec Head contract, CMIS school must call us, at Submit step, to add Senco in Collect].
Error 4414 – The contract for Headteacher Post needs a Role of Headteacher [but in the MIS called ‘Advanced Learning CMIS Facility’ each contract post must have only one role, (to avoid other SWF issues) so, if a SENCo role is also relevant to this head teacher contract, CMIS school must call us, at Submit step, to add Senco in Collect].
Error 4415 – The contract for Deputy Head Post needs a Role of Deputy Head [but in the MIS called ‘Advanced Learning CMIS Facility’ each contract post must have only 1 role, (to avoid other SWF issues) so, if a SENCo role is also relevant to this deputy head contract, CMIS school must call us, at Submit step, to add Senco in Collect].
Error 4416 – Contract for Assistant Head ‘post’ needs a ‘role’ of Assistant Head [but in the MIS called ‘Advanced Learning CMIS’ each contract post must have only one role, (to avoid other SWF issues) so, if a SENCo role is also relevant to this Assistant Head contract, CMIS school must call us, at Submit step, to add Senco in Collect].
Error 4470Q – “Pay Range inconsistent with Post”: Check these are consistent and check staff member’s Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) is suitable (see notes in 4228).
If all is correct, this would need a Collect note written, once all other issues fixed.
Error 4516Q – “Last Pay Review Date” needed for all (directly-employed) teachers (with at least a year of service), for their latest pay appraisal (even if that review did not result in, or even could not have resulted in, any change to their pay level). It is expected to be the date of the appraisal (not a date that a change was ‘backdated to’ or ‘effective from’). If a teacher has not had a review of their pay in Autumn 2018, the date from the old academic year is still suitable. DfE expect a date since 31/08/2017.
(Old Error 4520) “Spine point invalid” – error must be ignored in MIS as even non-leadership spine points (e.g. for support staff) ought to be allowed in the MIS (users should be able to still choose/create them: and load/update them on posts/roles as relevant), but please do not store an out-of-date spine point (if no spine point is relevant to a person’s base pay figure). The 2015 SWF tech. business spec. v1.1 said schools may wish to retain Spine points in MIS for their own reasons: all spine points can continue to be recorded and kept up-to-date in MIS, if schools wish, (e.g. to store the basis of a calculated pro rata part-time or term time-only support staff pay figure) but spine points are not exported in SWF return any longer. Gerard Hassett, DfE SWF expert, in Sept. 2014 wrote: “it was not [the DfE’s] intention for MIS to limit schools’ recording of spine points to only leadership spines… the MIS suppliers have been told (this)”. MIS must allow spine point loading/editing (e.g. non-teacher) if still used to calculate base pay. Schools often still use spine point in support staff pay calculation, so keeping them up-to-date (not clearing them) is of use to school, as it stores the basis used for the calculation (whenever school must update base pay), so spine points are still useful for support staff who are part time/term-time-only as it cannot easily be established from their pay, unless able to reverse all pro rata variation(s).
Error 4521Q / 4523Q / 4524Q – solve these together: see Leadership Pay Framework link.
Error 4540 – for Leadership (Head/Assistant or DeputyHead), and for teachers, and for the directly-employed TAs and directly-employed support staff, the ‘Pay Range’ and the ‘Base Pay’ figure (at least*) must be supplied, if those staff were current on census date (8/11/2018). Otherwise, if the person is Support staff but is not directly-employed by the school, they must instead be head-counted in the SWF return (at school level) rather than including their contract and person records as ‘in scope’.
(*Additional payment records (if relevant extra allowances are being paid) are needed for staff who need ‘Pay range’ and further details for teachers/leaders e.g. “date of last pay review”).
This error is also seen if ‘BasePay’ is supplied, but on only one/some of the roles on a contract rather than all roles on that contract, so if the contract has several roles...
Look at the pay (& hours) sections, ensuring, in MIS that IF either (a) the school does not want to split the pay figure into separate distinct pay figures – each one being relevant to only one role – storing the appropriate one on each relevant role OR (b) if your MIS (like ‘Advanced Learning CMIS’) is unable to store several distinct sets of separate pay details, one on each role, role-by-role, on one post (contract), then you must merge all pay figures for these roles and load just one set of pay details for each contract as a whole at contract/post level (so that pay data exported in SWF return is not applied to just one of their roles but to the whole contract). If your MIS (like ‘Advanced Learning CMIS’) can’t export pay at post level, then, you must have only one best role per post (contract) (see 4414 above if ‘Advanced Learning CMIS’).
in CMIS payment records are stored against CMIS “roles” but since these roles are synonymous with the contract (post) in CMIS, it means only 1 role can be correctly modelled per CMIS post for SWF pay data to export suitably (otherwise post-level Base Pay is exported in SWF XML at role level for every role, doubling/tripling/quadrupling pay depending on how many roles that post has).
Error 4550 refers to ‘base pay’ and ‘daily rate’=Yes but please beware that BasePay is needed for staff and this error is usually seen if Daily Rate is set wrongly as ‘Yes’ for anyone who is NOT a Teacher from an Agency or an external organisation…
Rather than clearing a Base Pay value, schools with this error must ensure that: Daily rate must not be ‘yes’ for any staff directly-employed by the school.
(in other words, staff on ‘Permanent’ contracts, ‘Temporary’ contracts and ‘Fixed Term’ contracts must not have Daily rate = ‘Yes’; leaving Daily Rate ‘wrong’ causes DfE error 4495, that needs schools to resolve pay details and submit a new return).
This error is also seen if ‘BasePay’ is supplied, on some roles on that post/contract, rather than all roles on that contract, so if this contract has several roles: see 4540.
Error 4610 – should only trigger for teachers/leadership/TA who started the contract after 31/08/2009… if contract is for teacher/leadership/TA and start date was after this date, enter the appropriate ‘origin’, otherwise if origin is not known, see if this error occurs in COLLECT and if it does appear in COLLECT then at the notes stage (once all other issues are resolved), add a return level note saying “4610: start date of this contract is before 31/08/2009 so origin value is not mandatory for SWF 2018”.
Error 4722Q / 4723Q –‘Post’ and ‘Role’ must not contradict each other… use the ‘TA’ post on all types of support staff based in classroom for pupil/learning support with whatever ‘role’ is relevant. For ‘Instructor’ role, use one of the teacher ‘post’ types. ‘Advisory Teacher’ post is only for staff who train teachers, rather than teach pupils.
Error 4765Q – says “FTE hours expected to be between 24 and 40”: The field called “FTE hours per week” (which is not a FTE ratio) is the number of hours in a full-time contractual week on this type of post, regardless of how many hours this particular person is contracted to work themselves, if part time. It is used, by DfE & LA, for the purpose of calculating ‘pro-rata’ pay from contractual pay rate for a full time week on that contract… it needs to be 35 hrs for Support Staff and Teaching Assistants (even for ‘Midday’ staff who could never work 35 hours a week) (based on NJC’s contractural 7 hours per full-time day). But for teachers, “FTE hrs per week” would be either 32.5 hours (if their “hours worked per week”, which you have updated, is based on a “directed hours per week” basis of 6.5 hours per teacher full-time day) OR the “FTE hours per week” could be 25 hours for a teacher ONLY IF their “hours worked per week” has instead been calculated from proportion of a 25 hour “school time table week”. If unsure what was used: if teacher’s hrs worked per wk has been calculated using 6½ work hrs per full day, their FTE hrs per week must be 32.5 =====