Kadono Sensei
Room 4105
Japanese I, II, III, & IV
Course Expectations
A. Rational: The intent of these courses is to develop a functional knowledge of the Japanese language and the culture of its speakers.
B. Course Description:Japanese I, II, III, and IV are one year courses in which students learn to speak and understand, as well as to read and write Japanese. In each course, students learn extensive vocabulary related to school, foods, animals, sports, hobbies, health, clothes, buildings, feelings, hot issues, etc. The three Japanese writing systems: Hiragana (46 characters), Katakana (46 characters), and Kanji (Japanese I: 20 characters, Japanese II: 170 characters, Japanese III: 170 characters, Japanese IV: 170) are introduced, and students are expected to write all their assignments in Japanese. Daily exercises cover all speaking, listening, reading and writing. Information about the Japanese culture is included in each chapter, and cultural projects are assigned to students on a regular basis as well as homework, quizzes and short writing assignments.
C. Pre-requisite for the Japanese II and III: To go to the next level, you MUST complete each course with a “C” or better. If you received a “D” or an “F” at the end of the second semester, you are required to repeat the course before you can go to the next level.
D. Text:Peterson, H., & Omizo, N. (1998). Adventures in Japanese. MA: Cheng & Tsui Company, and Workbook.
E. Student Materials: Binder with a section to store classroom handouts, loose-leaf lined papers, 2 sharpened pencils, eraser, textbook, and notebook. Optional but recommended is a translation dictionary.
F. Testing:
Quizzes: will be given regularly. (both announced and unannounced).
Tests: will be given at the end of each chapter (all the tests will be announced).
* ALL quizzes and tests will count towards your course grade.
G. Homework: Homework will be assigned regularly each day. The purpose of homework is to reinforce learning. By doing your homework, you will be able to review what you learned in class. Homework assignment will be given to students at the end of each class, and it is the students' responsibility to make up work in case of absence. To receive credit, work must be submitted with the student’s name, period and date written on each page.
Homework is due at the beginning of each class. The teacher will stamp the homework to indicate that it is on time and complete. ONLY COMPLETE HOMEWORK THAT IS ON TIME WILL BE STAMPED, WHICH MEANS 100% COMPLETE. After homework has been corrected in class, students must keep it in his/her binder and turn all the stamped assignments in to me at the end of each grading period. No creditwill be given for homework that has not been stamped or that has not been turned in. Lost homework handouts will not be replaced by the teacher. Excuses for not having an assignment will not be accepted. All homework will be collected at the end of each chapter, on the day of the test.
Students who have been absent MUST get their missed assignments by asking me in person,checking the forum, e-mail, or by asking another student in class. The missed assignment is due at the beginning of the next class. The assignment which was given to the student prior to absence is due on the day of return. Students will be given a permanent zero for each assignment that fails to meet this deadline.
In order to make up for a missed day, the student must request and turn in any missed class work, homework, quiz, or exam. One day is given for each excused absence. All other absences will forfeit make-up. If a student knows ahead of time that s/he will be absent, they should ask for the assignment in advance. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of the student to find out about any missed homework and/or supplemental materials immediately upon returning to class.
H. Make-Up: It is the students' responsibility to make up any homework assignments, projects, quizzes or tests due to an EXCUSED ABSENCE. Make-up work will not be given for an unexcused absence. Make-up procedures for a quiz or test are as follows: A student must take a missed quiz or test that he/she knew about on the day of return to class. For a quiz or test of which the student was not aware due to the absence, the student must see me on the day of return and arrange the date and time for the make-up. Students who fail to show up on the arranged date and time, and do not inform the teacher IN ADVANCE will receive a permanent zero for the missed quiz or test. If the student has a compelling reason to prevent him/her from meeting a deadline, it MUST be told to the teacher PRIOR to the deadline, and most of the time an alternative date can be arranged.
I. Final:A comprehensive final exam will be given at the end of each semester. It will be worth 20% of the student's semester grade.
J. Grading:
Tests = 20%
Quizzes= 25%
Final Exam= 10%= 100%
Homework / Classwork= 30%
Projects = 15%
Grading Scale:
100-91%= A
90.99-80%= B
79.99-70%= C
69.99-60%= D
below 59.99% = F
K. Extra Credit:There will be extra credits time to time. Every time you attend an event where I assign and you fill out the extra credit report form, you will receive 1% at the end of the semester, 2% max. There will be semesters where no extra credits are assigned. So if I do assign extra credit, I advise you to attend. No special assignments will be given to raise a borderline grade under any circumstances. Also, Grades will NOT be rounded UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. At the end of the semester, if your grade is 89.99, it will NOT be rounded up to an A.
L. Expectations: The goal of this class is for students to have a fun and exciting foreign language learning experience. To help create an environment that will ensure this experience, there are certain expectations that must be met and understood by all students.
I expect you to arrive on time with all the necessary materials (pen, paper, book, workbook, homework, etc.) required for the class. You will not be allowed to go to your locker during class time, therefore, will lose credit for work left in your locker or at home.
Please refrain from copying homework or cheating during tests/quizzes. If you do not refrain, you can expect to suffer the full consequences as written in the school HONOR CODE. Writing after I said PENCIL DOWN will be considered cheating.
No electrical device, such as: IPOD, cell phone, should be brought to class. If I see any electrical device in my classroom, I would have to take it away from you and turn it into the Dean’s Office.
Tardies and truancies are extremely distractive to everyone’s learning. Everyone has two free tardies per semester, and this can be used for emergency situations. After that, students will be penalized as follows: Students will receive a detention with each additional tardy after the second tardy. Upon receiving your fourth tardy, you will receive a U in citizenship along with a progress report. On your 6th tardy, you will receive a referral, and Saturday detention.
Please be respectful. This means respect for yourself, your teacher, other students, and school property. Disrespect in any way towards another person, including talking out of turn or making hurtful remarks, will result in a call home. Please be a gentlemen/lady. Also, No food, candy, drinking, and/or gum chewing will be allowed in this classroom. We have enough things under our desks. Anyone caught doing any of the mentioned will be given detention.
I expect you to keep a book cover on your textbook ALL THE TIME. By keeping a book cover on your textbook, your book will be kept in a good condition, which allows school to re-use the book for next year. If I see your textbook uncovered, I will write you a detention. “But Sensei, the cover just came off right now…” will not be accepted. Book covers don’t just “come off” if you have it on right.
Finally, I highly encourage you to come see me if you feel that you need extra help or simply want to practice speaking Japanese. If you need my help, you simply make an appointment with me, such as afterschool, and I will be more than happy to help you (Helping students IS my job, you know ).
Let's have a wonderful year together!!!
Mr. Kadono
KadonoSensei (AIM)
Mr. Kadono’s Japanese Class Expectation
Date: ______
Student Name(Print)
Student Signature
(By signing above, you have read and understood the expectations of this class)
Parent Signature
(By signing above, you have read and understood the expectations of this class)
Home Number: ______
Parent Work number: ______
Parent Cell Phone number: ______
Parent Email: ______