We had a wonderfulFall Kick-off celebration at Cheryl Wilken’s house. Thanks Cheryl for hosting!

Community Soup Lunch, Wednesdays @noon. Everyone is welcome. Come and join the conversation.

Copies of the Oct.-Dec. 2016 “These Days” are on the info table. Cost: $4

Bargain Basement Storeopens on Wednesdays & Thursdays 11–3p.m. The store could use donations of gently used seasonal clothing and accessories. Deliver your clothing to SPUC. Check us out on Facebook: on.fb.me/10drkS1. “We sell. We support. We train.”

Join a spiritual Growth Group: become a disciple, grow spiritually, and deepen your friendships. The book Power Surge by Foss is being used in worship for 6 weeks, SGGsalso use this book as a resource. Gather Mondays @ 7:00; Wednesdays @ 1:00pmor 7:00pm.Contact Roberta McKay at or (306) 229 -3859.

Jim Schick passed away on September 10, 2016. He was a member of St. Paul’s for over 10 years. Jim helped many immigrants to fill the Tax Return forms. Rev. Andrew Appledore officiated at the funeral held Sept. 17 at Warman. Let’s pray for him and his family.

Minutes from RiverBend Presbytery and Minutes ofour Visionary Board meetings are posted in the Hall.

Saskatchewan Conference Enotes and Con-Ed Events and are posted in the Hall.

Prairie Sky Farmer’s Market,Thursdays @11 - 6pm in the Auditorium.

The need for childcare with the Al Othman family is no longer pressing due to their attendance at English classes, day care, and pre-kindergarten. Opportunities for activities with the family are available. If you have ideas or would like to be involved, please contact Florence or Wayne .

Prairie Prism 2016 Multicultural Community Event – Sunday, Oct.2, from 1pm to 6 pm at Mount Royal Collegiate (2220 Rusholme Road). Free admission and open to all.

Oliver Lodge Auxiliary Fall Tea, Bazaar & Bake Sale, September 24th@ 2-4pm in the Oliver Place Lounge (1405 Faulkner Cres).

The St. Andrew’s Ladies Guild Tea will be held on Thursday, October 13th from 2:00 – 4:00 pm at McClure United Church. Donations of baked goods, produce, jams and jellies would be appreciated.

Spiritual Care Education Department is offering a Foundations for Spiritual CareGiving fall program. For more info, check it out in the Hall.


Pastoral Charge Supervisor :Sharon Ferguson-Hood



Twitter: @SPUCworship



Office Hours: Tuesday – Friday 9:00 – 3:00pm

Bible Reading

September18, 2016 @10:30 A.M.

The third mark of discipleship as outlined by Michael Foss in his book Power Surge, is daily scripture reading. Cheryl Wilken will explore the relevance of scripture in our daily lives. Is the Bible our reference book of choice?

Hebrews 4:13 - Nothing and no one is impervious to God’s word. We can’t get away from it - no matter what.

Question:If you were unable to hear or read anything from the bible for a year, would you miss it? Why or why not?

Joint Need Assessment Committee (JNAC) – As part of starting the search for a new Lead Minister, SPUC has formed a Joint Needs Assessment Committee. The Committee consists of Susan Carney, Jacky McArthur-Bauml and James Winkel (SPUC representatives) and Brian Walton and BeverleyHarding (River Bend Presbytery representatives.) The full JNAC will be meeting in September and we anticipate having an on-line congregational survey sent out in September to solicit feedback on SPUC needs.

The TRC Calls Churches to Action Conference - October 14-16 @St. Andrew’s College. Registration: $150. For Schedule, registration or more info, visit or contact inquiries@bcm-net.org.

Film Night at Grace - The Yorkton Film Festival and Grace Westminster United Church are hosting a film night Monday, October 3 at 7:30 at the church. The evening will include the screening of the award-winning Saskatchewan production, Sticks and Stones. The event is free and open to the public.