Tuesday 17th May 2016 at 7.30 p.m.
Present:Nick Crispin (Chairman), Charis Geoghegan (Headteacher),
Paul Woods, Anne Consedine, Laura Gill, Phil Heaphy,
Briony Sutcliffe & Lynne Moore (Clerk).
- Prayers
NC opened the meeting with a prayer.
- To consider & consent to absence
John Russell, Sarah Brattle and Martyn Pearce – absence agreed.
- Conflicts of interest
None were declared.
- Register of Business Interests
No changes.
- Approval of School Budget
CGpresented the school budget andoutlined the changes we have tomake and explained that all staff were aware of the changes and are very understanding of the fact that this is a burden we all have to share.
-Wehave to ensure that the budget is one that we can achieve whilst
putting the children first.
-We have been told that the amount we receive for the budget will stay the same for the next five years
-We now have to pay for everything that County provide e.g. Herts for Learning etc.
-One third of the support (Teaching Assistant) in Class 4 will go.
-Less SENCO time
-No focussed computing (coding) teaching.
-Large reduction in amount of money for ink cartridges.
-Some money has been put aside in the budget in case we receive a SEND child in Reception.
-We need to look in the future at ways to increase our income – moderation, leading teachers, students and National Leader in Education.
-Concern was expressed by a Governor, that we might fall behind with technology and it was hoped that this would be something the Friends would be able to pay for in the future.
-HLTA (KC) will act as an “unqualified teacher” in class two as our expected numbers are 31 (we are not allowed to go over 30 in an infant class with one teacher). If Class 2 numbers reduce to 30by the end of May, we would look at the situation again but it was felt that KC would stay in Class 2 in a TA role. However, if we decide KC will be paid as an unqualified teacher, this will be an arrangement for the year.
-Current Class 2 TA will now be in several classes which is not ideal.
-HLTA (CB) in Reception will have more responsibility for the class when the teacher is not there.
-Concern was expressed over the lack of time for SENCO and this is something that may need looking at if we have additional SEND children. However, we may be able to obtain additional funding for SEND children and LP will apply for this at an Extended Needs Meeting if necessary.
The School Budget for 2016/2017was duly approved, and all 2015/2016year end accounts have been signed.
- Governors’ Accounts
-Tony Moody has stepped down from his role as Auditor for the Governors’ Accounts and this job will now be undertaken by Sarah Raja-Brown, a local Chartered Accountant, with immediate effect.
Wager Bell Fund – We are now receiving £580 per month from Beth Taylor and it is understood that this will continue.
Vicars Bell – This has gained slightly and stands at £21,000.
- KS2 SATs
This year the KS2 SATs have changed and the reading paper in particular, has significantly changed. CG handed the 2014 and 2016 booklets to Governors for comparison and it was felt that this year’s paper was hard.
We are not sure how the children performed as we do not know the mark scheme.
- Governors’ Morning
This will follow the Curriculum Meeting on Thursday 7th July at 9.00am. Briony will email all Governors, asking them to let her know what they wish to discuss at this morning. Action – BS/CG
- Any Other Business
Pupil Premium – the Governors asked for clarification on the 15/16 Expenditure sheet that had previously been emailed to them and itwas confirmed that £956.69 was the correct figure.
The meeting closed at 8.24 p.m.