Websites - Internal: or External:

2009 Board of Directors

President / Bruce Barwick / M4/2066E / X41582
VP Handicaps / Kathy Broten / (310) 371-7108
VP Tournaments / Bruce Barwick (acting)
Asst VP Tournaments / Keith Matthews / M1/1339 / X26788
VP Leagues / John Van Vleet / R8/2781 / X30565
Treasurer / Linda Oliver / DH4/1622AS / (310) 764-6476
Secretary / Monica Oki / O4/1634 / X27786
Director at Large / Janet Hedderich / (310) 644-3886
SCGA Delegate / David Pisarski / R11/1032 / X39915
The SPSC Golf Club Newsletter will be sent by e-mail to all internal and external members. If any external members would notlike the newsletter by e-mail, please call Janet Hedderich at 310-644-3886 or e-mail to:
In this issue tournament sign-ups for: /

Sign up date:

San DimasCanyon /

Oct. 19

* * * * Contents * * * *
  • SPGC Golf Club News
  • SCGA Current Index Report and Statistical Report for October 2009
  • 2010 Tournament of Champions Point Totals
  • Tournament Results
  • 2009/2010 Tournament Schedule
  • Tournament Sign-up Forms
  • 2010 Membership Application Form
  • SPGC Addendum to the Code of Conduct and SPSC Code of Conduct Form

SpacePark Golf Club News
  • 2010 Membership Renewal: Don’t forget to renew before October 15th to avoid paying an additional $10.00 membership fee. League-only members will continue to pay $25.00 before April 3rd and $30.00 after. When completing and sending in your membership form, you must complete and return the new “Release of Liability and Indemnity Agreement – NGRC” and the “NGRC SPSC Member’s Code of Conduct forms. Incomplete packages will be returned to the sender which may hold up your membership renewal. The appropriate SPGC board member will sign the forms for the required witness signature. Please note, you must have these forms on file prior to partaking in any club activity.
  • Expiring Chits: Reminder - Chits with expiration dates of 2008 or earlier will no longer be accepted beginning in January 2010. If you have any of these chits, please use them ASAP either as $10.00 off a tournament price or at Plaza Golf on Crenshaw Blvd. in Torrance.
  • New External Website: The old geocities.com website is going away as of the end of October; therefore the club now has a new external website:
  • Tournament of Champions (ToC): The ToC was held the weekend of Sept. 19 and 20 at The Vineyard at Escondido. Congratulations to the following:
  • Glenn Yamashiro – overall ToC Champion for both low net and low gross (Flight 1)
  • Lou Christen – Flight 2 overall winner
  • Russ Kagohara – Flight 3 overall winner
  • Frank Suh – Flight 4 overall winner
  • Summer Leagues: Results for the Victoria League is as follows:
  • Team League Winners: Team of Phil Diaz, Mike Barsky and Bruce Barwick
  • Distinguished Golfers:
  • Mike Atherton
  • Chris Choi
  • Bruce Barwick
  • League Championship: The tournamentwas held on October 3rd at Rio Hondo Golf Course. Once again, congratulations goes to the Lakes League, they won with a total of 543 points. Second place was Victoria with 464 points followed by third place Thursday Alondra with 389 points and fourth place Tuesday Alondra with 350 points.

A photo collage of the tournament is shown on page 4 of this newsletter. Thanks to Kathy Broten for the photos and putting the collage together!

  • 2010 Tournaments: Hosts will be needed for the 2010 tournaments currently being set up. If you are interested in being a host for any of the 2010 tournaments, please contact Keith Matthews at X26788.
  • SCGA News:
  • No SCGA Casual Golf Day tournaments are scheduled for the month of October. In November, two new Casual Golf Days have been added to the schedule: Nov. 1st and 2nd at Journey at Pechanga and Nov. 8th and 9th at Arrowood Golf Club. Registration and additional information on these tournaments can be found on the SCGA website (
  • The SCGA Foundation is hosting a charity event at Dove Canyon Country Club on November 9th. While the tournament is sold out and only sponsorships are still available, they do have some openings for their reception. The evening reception will feature special guests Ken Venturi and Mark Frost who will be discussing the acclaimed golf book “The Match: The Day the Game of Golf Changed Forever”. Only 4 tables will be sold to the reception (32 seats). The cost for a seat is $125 and includes drinks, wine tasting, heavy hors d’ouevres, silent/live auction, and, of course, the opportunity to listen to the fireside chat. $85 of the cost will be tax deductible. Registration and additional information can be found at

Photos from the League Championship at Rio Hondo Golf Course on Oct. 3rd.

Upper row: 1st group: Chris Choi, Carol Saxton, Tom Broten, Robby Swoish, Gary O’Bryan; 2ndgroup: Mike Atherton, Tom Dunbabin,Shirlene Conklin, Robert George; 3rdgroup: Russell Kagohara, Winson Lam, Philip Diaz, Linda Oliver.

Middle rows: L-R: Philip Diaz, winning Lakes League players, Russell Kagohara, Robert George, Janet Hedderich, Kathy Broten, Bruce Barwick, Mark Wightman, Alondra Tuesday league players, Mike Atherton, Tom Broten, Philip Diaz, John Williams, Debra Krolak, Kathy Broten

Bottom row: 1st group: Joyce Frechette, Gerald Brown, Jim Brandon, Patrick Folger; 2nd group: Mark Wightman, Frank Suh, Joyce Ashimine, Bruce Barwick; 3rd group: John VanVleet, Janet Hedderich, Tosh Nakano, Jo Ann Larson.

October 1st, 2009
18 Hole Current Index Report

Member Name / CI / LI / Member Name / CI / LI / Member Name / CI / LI
ASHIMINE JOYCE / 36.9 / 36.5 / AU DEREK C / 16.7 / 15.3 / AUGUSTSON JON R / 23.3 / 23.3
BANKSON ROBERT B III / 30.8 / N/I / BARSKY MICHAEL E / 08.8 / 07.9 / BARWICK BRUCE W / 09.1 / 09.1
BAUER JACK M / 30.1 / 28.8 / BORATE ROBERT / 07.8 / 07.5 / BRANDON JAMES T / 06.6 / 06.0
BRENNEISEN CHRIS R / 18.6 / 18.6 / BRICE DAVID E / 20.8 / 18.4 / BROTEN KATHRYN A / 16.3 / 15.6
BROTEN THOMAS A / 14.4 / 12.8 / BROWN GERALD L / 25.0 / 23.0 / BUCKSATH JERRY / 06.7 / 03.6
BURKE ROBERT V / 16.6 / 13.8 / CHAN IRVIN / 18.8 / 16.7 / CHANG MICHAEL / 21.1 / 21.1
CHEYSOBHON CHARLIE / 04.2 / 02.4 / CHMIELEWSKI BRIAN G / 16.4 / 15.1 / CHO DANIEL I / 11.0 / N/I
CHOI CHRIS / 03.3 / 03.3 / CHRISTEN LOUIS C / 15.0 / 15.0 / CLINE DONALD E / 14.8 / 14.2
CONKLIN SHIRLENE L / 26.2 / 24.2 / CRITTENDON TONY / 09.7 / 07.1 / CRITTENDON WILLIE F / 07.9 / 07.9
DIAZ PHILLIP / 05.7 / 04.6 / DISCIPULO DAN L / 18.3 / 18.3 / DUNBABIN TOM / 14.5 / 14.5
FITZSIMONS MICHAEL J / 08.1 / 06.5 / FOLGER JACK A / 33.1 / N/I / FOLGER PATRICK J / 23.4 / 23.4
FRECHETTE JOYCE P / 33.7 / 32.3 / GARDNER DAVID L / 28.0 / 27.5 / GEORGE ROBERT S / 17.4 / 14.4
HART HAL / 21.3 / 21.3 / HASTINGS JEFFREY M / 00.5 / 00.5 / HEARD MARK E JR / 02.3 / 02.3
HEDDERICH JANET L / 35.5 / 34.0 / HEMSTOCK SUSAN M / 22.0 / 22.0 / HILL JAMES M / 20.6 / 19.6
HINKLEY PAULA / 34.8 / 33.5 / HINKLEY RANDY / 18.6 / 17.4 / INGRAM DENNIS M / 28.5 / N/I
INMAN TONY A / 06.7 / 04.1 / ITO BENNETT T / 15.6 / 15.6 / JACKSON GREGORY K / 18.2 / 17.7
JENNINGS DON P / 13.4 / 12.7 / JENSEN DAVID / 12.8 / 11.4 / KAGOHARA RUSSELL / 18.3 / 17.3
KAMEN JAKE / 14.7 / 14.7 / KATHERLER JOHN A / 14.6 / 12.7 / KELLY JOHN P / 33.1 / N/I
KEPERLING GARY A / 19.6 / 19.4 / KIM SONHUI / 14.7 / 13.5 / KLINTWORTH URBAN / 26.4 / 24.2
KRIKORIAN PHILIP R / 06.7 / N/I / KUBOTA STEVE / 25.8 / N/I / KUESTER STEVEN P / 27.4 / 27.1
LAM WINSON M / 18.3 / 18.3 / LARSEN GARY / 06.6 / 06.5 / LARSEN JO ANN A / 37.3 / 37.0
LEE MARK R / 09.9 / 09.8 / LOUIE VINCENT G / 18.2 / 17.9 / LOWRY JOHN E JR / 32.7 / 31.2
MAKI WALTER H / 19.5 / 19.5 / MARKWARDT RANDY J / 29.7 / N/I / MATSUOKA HOWARD T / 14.8 / 12.4
MATTHEWS KEITH W / 18.0 / 18.0 / MAURER RICHARD D / 11.1 / 10.2 / MCCARROLL MARY / 27.0 / 25.9
MCCARROLL PAT / 19.7 / 19.7 / MIGUEL JONASH A / 10.4 / 10.4 / MILLEN JOHN A / 16.3 / 16.3
MILO RAMON D / 12.0 / N/I / MISAKA CLYDE / 36.4+ / 36.0 / MOE MARY ANN / 30.3 / N/I
MOE STEVEN R / 13.0 / N/I / NAGAYAMA VERNE M / 20.4 / 19.4 / NAKANO TOSH / 18.5 / 17.7
NIENBERG JEFFREY / 09.9 / 09.5 / NINEGAR KRISTI K / 40.4+ / 40.4+ / NINEGAR SCOTT D / 17.9 / 17.4
OBRYAN GARY / 12.7 / 12.2 / OKI MONICA C / 20.6 / 19.6 / OLIVER LINDA R / 28.6 / 27.7
OLIVER NELSON E / 13.0R / 13.0 / OLSON BEN / 25.1 / 21.6 / PEREZ ANDREW M / N/I / N/I
PISARSKI DAVID R / 14.4 / 12.9 / PRICE RANDY J / 24.1 / 24.1 / QUOCK KATHY / 05.8 / 05.8
RIPLEY BARRY S / 15.8 / N/I / ROCHESTER KIRK / 08.2 / 07.9 / ROHLES GERALD B / 22.4 / 20.4
ROSALES JULIO / 16.1 / 15.9 / SALVATORE ANDREW L / 04.3 / 04.3 / SAM-FONG ROB / 15.8 / 15.8
SANCHEZ MARCO P / 23.1 / 23.1 / SANTO JAMES M / 36.0 / 35.1 / SAXTON CAROL L / 21.8 / 20.3
SAXTON GARY / 19.7 / 19.7 / SCHEERINGA KEVIN / 13.8 / 13.0 / SCHLOTHAUER RICHARD A / 19.4 / 19.1
SECHLER KENNETH / 16.5 / 16.5 / SMITH ADAM Z / 22.2 / N/I / SMITH AREK W / 30.2 / N/I
SMOLIK JOHN L / 21.6 / 21.6 / SUH FRANK / 28.2 / 28.2 / SWOISH ROBBY A / 13.8 / N/I
UPHOFF WILLIAM D / 06.2 / 05.9 / VALLEY MARCY / 31.8 / 31.8 / VAN VLEET JOHN A / 27.6 / 26.9
VASQUEZ MANUEL R / 27.2 / 25.3 / VAVREK GREGARY M / 28.1 / 27.8 / VEDELL JACK R / 36.4+ / 36.4+
WALKINGSTICK EZEKIEL L / 22.6 / 16.8 / WARNER BRYCE A / 23.6 / 22.3 / WASNICK PAUL M / 16.4 / N/I
WAYPA JOHN / 18.1 / 18.1 / WIGHTMAN MARK E / 25.0 / 24.0 / WILLIAMS JOHN P / 09.2 / 07.0
WILSON KENNETH R / 17.6 / 16.0 / WONG TAK / 15.1 / 14.2 / YAMASHIRO GLENN S / 02.2 / 02.1
YAMASHIRO KEITH K / 23.1 / 22.5 / ZALINSKI JIM S / 04.5 / 04.1

October 1st, 2009

REGULAR / 128 / JUNIOR / 0 / COMPLINTRY / 0 / TOTAL / 128 / YOUR ASSN / 20 / OTHER ASSN / 11
HOME-18 / 13 / AWAY-18 / 293 / HOME-9 / 0 / AWAY-9 / 5 / TOTAL / 311
NONE / +3-+1 / -0- / -1- / -2- / -3- / -4- / -5- / -6- / -7- / -8- / -9- / -10- / -11- / -12- / -13- / -14- / -15- / -16- / -17- / -18- / -19- / -20-
1 / 0 / 0 / 1 / 2 / 1 / 2 / 1 / 3 / 5 / 4 / 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 / 5 / 4 / 8 / 8 / 4 / 9 / 5 / 5
-21- / -22- / -23- / -24- / -25- / -26- / -27- / -28- / -29- / -30- / -31- / -32- / -33- / -34- / -35- / -36- / -37- / -38- / -39- / -40-
5 / 5 / 5 / 2 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 4 / 2 / 4 / 1 / 1 / 3 / 1 / 1 / 4 / 2 / 0 / 0 / 1
HASTINGS JEFFREY M / 1.0 / 0.5 / 50.0
HEARD MARK E JR / 2.6 / 2.3 / 11.5
SAXTON GARY / 21.9 / 19.7 / 10.0
DIAZ PHILLIP / 6.3 / 5.7 / 9.5
SUH FRANK / 30.8 / 28.2 / 8.4
CHOI CHRIS / 3.6 / 3.3 / 8.3
CHO DANIEL I / 11.9 / 11.0 / 7.6
CHEYSOBHON CHARLIE / 4.5 / 4.2 / 6.7
WILSON KENNETH R / 18.8 / 17.6 / 6.4
HILL JAMES M / 21.9 / 20.6 / 5.9
CHRISTEN, LOUIS at The Vineyard @ Escondido on 9/20/09
Score 82, differential 11.7
DIAZ, PHILLIP at The Vineyard @ Escondido on 9/20/09
Score 72; differential 12.3
HILL, JAMES at The Vineyard @ Escondido on 9/20/09
Score 91; differential 16.9
MIGUEL, JONASH at The Vineyard @ Escondido on 9/20/09
Score 78, differential 8.0 / INDEX / IMPROVEMENT / GAMES LAST 6 MONTHS
DUNBABIN TOM / 20.5 / 14.5 / 1.226 / 23
SUH FRANK / 35.8 / 28.2 / 1.189 / 27
MCCARROLL PAT / 23.7 / 19.7 / 1.126 / 16
MATTHEWS KEITH W / 21.6 / 18.0 / 1.120 / 21
SANCHEZ MARCO P / 26.5 / 23.1 / 1.097 / 10
KAMEN JAKE / 17.0 / 14.7 / 1.086 / 31
CHOI CHRIS / 4.6 / 3.3 / 1.085 / 29
MILLEN JOHN A / 18.7 / 16.3 / 1.085 / 8
HEARD MARK E JR / 3.5 / 2.3 / 1.084 / 20
PRICE RANDY J / 27.1 / 24.1 / 1.083 / 8

October 1st, 2009


Name / Computed / Reduced / Lowest / 2nd Lowest / 3rd Lowest / Exceptional / 12 Month
Index / Index / Tour Score / Tour Score / Tour Score / Tournament / Total
Date / Diff / Date / Diff / Date / Diff / Scores
OLIVER NELSON / 20.3 / 13.0 / 062709 / 10.1 / 051609 / 10.8 / 022109 / 11.9 / 5 / 16

2010 Tournament of Champions

Point Totals through ToC

Please check your total number of tournaments and points and notify me of any discrepancies. Members establishing their SCGA index will have their participation in any tournament count toward total tournaments played for TOC qualification. Yellow highlight indicates players who have qualified for the September 2010 Tournament of Champions. Silver highlight indicates players who have played in the number of tournaments necessary to qualify for the TOC based upon total points provided space is available within the 48 player field.

Name / Points / Wins / Tournaments
Miguel, Jonash / 2250 / 2 / 3
Broten, Kathy / 1833 / 1 / 3
Christen, Louis / 1500 / 1 / 2
Kagohara, Russell / 1450 / 3
Diaz, Phil / 1405 / 1 / 3
Sanchez, Marco / 1368 / 1 / 4
Suh, Frank / 1333 / 1 / 2
Yamashiro, Glenn / 1250 / 1 / 2
Walkingstick,Larry / 1183 / 1 / 2
Oliver, Linda / 1167 / 3
Rohles, Gerald / 1167 / 1 / 2
Lam, Winson / 1100 / 4
Matthews, Keith / 893 / 1 / 2
Barwick, Bruce / 849 / 3
Uphoff, Bill / 833 / 2
Broten, Tom / 825 / 3
O'Bryan, Gary / 750 / 1
Oliver, Nelson / 709 / 3
Santo, James / 699 / 3
Pisarski, David / 683 / 2
Chan, Irvin / 625 / 2
Wilson, Ken / 600 / 3
VanVleet, John / 551 / 3
Zalinski, Jim / 543 / 3
Maki, Walt / 475 / 2
Nakano, Tosh / 475 / 2
Brice, David / 343 / 2
Fitzsimons, Mike / 338 / 2
Millen, John / 333 / 1
Wightman, Mark / 268 / 2
Choi, Chris / 250 / 1
Louie, Vince / 250 / 1
Nagayama, Verne / 143 / 1
Scheeringa, Kevin / 143 / 1
Yamashiro, Keith / 125 / 1

Tournament Results


August 29, 2009

Name / Gross / Net / Points
Diaz, Philip * / 75 / 68 / 750
O'Bryan, Gary * / 82 / 68 / 750
Barwick, Bruce / 80 / 69 / 333
Louie, Vincent / 89 / 70 / 250
Lam, Winson / 90 / 71 / 183
Santo, Jim / 108 / 71 / 183
Nagayama, Verne / 96 / 74 / 143
Yamashiro, Keith / 100 / 76 / 125
Au, Derek / 95 / 78 / 111
Sanchez, Marco / 108 / 82 / 100
* Card Playoff
Name / Hole / Dist.
Sanchez, Marco / 4 / 36"
No Winner / 6
Diaz, Philip / 13 / 9' 9"
Diaz, Philip / 17 / 17' 7"

Tournament Results

ToC (Sat.)

September 19, 2009

Name / Gross / Net / Points / Name / Gross / Net / Points
Yamashiro, Glenn / 71 / 69 / 1000 / Broten, Kathryn / 92 / 75 / 1000
Uphoff, Bill / 77 / 71 / 500 / Christen, Louis / 95 / 78 / 500
Barwick, Bruce / 82 / 72 / 333 / Broten, Tom / 93 / 79 / 292
Miguel, Joe / 85 / 73 / 250 / Oliver, Nelson / 94 / 79 / 292
Zalinski, Jim / 78 / 74 / 200 / Pisarski, David / 95 / 81 / 183
Fitzsimons, Michael / 84 / 77 / 155 / Wilson, Kenny / 98 / 81 / 183
Diaz, Philip / 82 / 77 / 155
Name / Gross / Net / Points / Name / Gross / Net / Points
Walkingstick, Larry / 92 / 74 / 1000 / Rohles, Gerald / 94 / 72 / 1000
Kagohara, Russell / 95 / 76 / 500 / Oliver, Linda / 104 / 74 / 500
Nakano, Tosh / 100 / 81 / 292 / Suh, Frank / 110 / 77 / 333
Chan, Irvin / 99 / 81 / 292 / Maki, Walter / 100 / 78 / 250
Brice, David / 102 / 82 / 200 / Santo, Jim / 124 / 86 / 183
Lam, Winson / 108 / 88 / 167 / Van Vleet, John / 115 / 86 / 183
Matthews, Keith / 110 / 90 / 143 / Sanchez, Marco / 115 / 89 / 143
Wightman, Mark / 122 / 96 / 125
Name / Distance / Hole
David Brice / 10' 6" / 3
Glenn Yamashiro / 11" / 6
Kenny Wilson / 17' 9" / 12
Glenn Yamashiro / 5' 7" / 17

Tournament Results

ToC (Sun.)

September 20, 2009

Name / Gross / Net / Points / Name / Gross / Net / Points
Miguel, Joe / 78 / 66 / 1000 / Christen, Louis / 82 / 65 / 1000
Diaz, Philip / 72 / 67 / 500 / Pisarski, David / 86 / 72 / 500
Uphoff, Bill / 74 / 68 / 333 / Broten, Kathryn / 91 / 74 / 333
Yamashiro, Glenn / 72 / 70 / 250 / Oliver, Nelson / 90 / 75 / 250
Barwick, Bruce / 81 / 71 / 183 / Broten, Tom / 95 / 81 / 200
Fitzsimons, Michael / 78 / 71 / 183 / Wilson, Kenny / 104 / 87 / 167
Zalinski, Jim / 78 / 74 / 143
Name / Gross / Net / Points / Name / Gross / Net / Points
Matthews, Keith / 92 / 72 / 750 / Suh, Frank / 104 / 71 / 1000
Kagohara, Russell / 91 / 72 / 750 / Oliver, Linda / 107 / 77 / 500
Chan, Irvin / 92 / 74 / 333 / Santo, Jim / 116 / 78 / 333
Lam, Winson / 97 / 77 / 250 / Van Vleet, John / 109 / 80 / 225
Nakano, Tosh / 100 / 81 / 183 / Maki, Walter / 102 / 80 / 225
Walkingstick, Larry / 99 / 81 / 183 / Rohles, Gerald / 103 / 81 / 167
Brice, David / 109 / 89 / 143 / Wightman, Mark / 110 / 84 / 143
Sanchez, Marco / 112 / 86 / 125
Name / Distance / Hole
Bill Uphoff / 2' 3" / 3
Irvin Chan / 3' 10" / 6
Marco Sanchez / 3' 4" / 12
John VanVleet / 9' 4" / 17

Tournament Results

ToC Overall

September 19 & 20, 2009

Saturday Results / Sunday Results / ToC Totals / ToC Totals
Name / Gross Score / Net Score / Gross Score / Net Score / Total Gross Score / Total Net Score
Flight 1
Uphoff, Bill / 77 / 71 / 74 / 68 / 151 / 139
Miguel, Joe / 85 / 73 / 78 / 66 / 163 / 139
Yamashiro, Glenn / 71 / 69 / 72 / 70 / 144 / 139
Barwick, Bruce / 82 / 72 / 81 / 71 / 163 / 143
Diaz, Philip / 82 / 77 / 72 / 67 / 154 / 144
Zalinski, Jim / 78 / 74 / 78 / 74 / 156 / 148
Fitzsimons, Michael / 84 / 77 / 78 / 71 / 162 / 148
Flight 2
Christen, Louis / 95 / 78 / 82 / 65 / 177 / 143
Broten, Kathryn / 92 / 75 / 91 / 74 / 183 / 149
Pisarski, David / 95 / 81 / 86 / 72 / 181 / 153
Oliver, Nelson / 94 / 79 / 90 / 75 / 184 / 154
Broten, Tom / 93 / 79 / 95 / 81 / 188 / 160
Wilson, Kenny / 98 / 81 / 104 / 87 / 202 / 168
Flight 3
Kagohara, Russell / 95 / 76 / 91 / 72 / 186 / 148
Walkingstick, Larry / 92 / 74 / 99 / 81 / 191 / 155
Chan, Irvin / 99 / 81 / 92 / 74 / 191 / 155
Nakano, Tosh / 100 / 81 / 100 / 81 / 200 / 162
Matthews, Keith / 110 / 90 / 92 / 72 / 202 / 162
Lam, Winson / 108 / 88 / 97 / 77 / 205 / 165
Brice, David / 102 / 82 / 109 / 89 / 211 / 171
Flight 4
Suh, Frank / 110 / 77 / 104 / 71 / 214 / 148
Oliver, Linda / 104 / 74 / 107 / 77 / 211 / 151
Rohles, Gerald / 94 / 72 / 103 / 81 / 197 / 153
Maki, Walter / 100 / 78 / 102 / 80 / 202 / 158
Santo, Jim / 124 / 86 / 116 / 78 / 240 / 164
Van Vleet, John / 115 / 86 / 109 / 80 / 224 / 166
Sanchez, Marco / 115 / 89 / 112 / 86 / 227 / 175
Wightman, Mark / 122 / 96 / 110 / 84 / 232 / 180
Winners by Flight and Low Gross Winner
Flight 2nd Place overall ToC

2009/2010 Tournament Schedule

The minimum numbers of tournaments required to qualify for the 2010 ToC is 6.

Club members are allowed to use USGA approved range-finders and GPS in all club events.

No. / Course / Date / SignUp Date / Mem. Cost / Guest Cost / Start / Cart / Range / Host
2009/10 TOC Season
5 / Los Verdes (Fri) / 16-Oct / 21-Sep / $50 / $55 / 10:00AM / Inc /

K. Broten

6 / San DimasCanyon / 14-Nov / 19-Oct / $77 / $82 / 9:00AM / inc /

B. Barwick

7 / Los Serranos South (Fri) / 11-Dec / 16-Nov / $59 / $64 / 9:00AM / inc /

K. Matthews

8 / Tierra Rejada / 30-Dec / 30-Nov / $76 / $81 / 10:00AM / Inc /

B. Barwick

9 / RecreationPark (Fri) / 22-Jan / 21-Dec / $67 / $72 / 9:00AM / inc /

K. Broten

10 / Brookside #1 / 20-Feb / 25-Jan / $88 / $93 / 9:00AM / inc /

F. Suh

11 / Redhawk / 6-Mar / 8-Feb / $73 / $78 / 9:30AM / inc /

M. Heard

12 / Goose Creek (Fri) / 26-Mar / 1-Mar / $72 / $77 / 10:30AM / Inc /


13 / Los Lagos (Costa Mesa) / 10-Apr / 15-Mar / $73 / $78 / 11:00AM / Inc /


14 / Dos Lagos / 24-Apr / 29-Mar / $68 / $73 / 11:00AM / Inc /


15 / PrimmValley / 15-May / 5-Apr / $296*
$241* / $296*
$241* / 8:00AM shotgun / Inc / Inc /

K. Matthews

16 / PrimmValley (Sun) / 16-May / 5-Apr / n/a / n/a / 8:00AM
shotgun / Inc / Inc /

K. Matthews

17 / Tijeras Creek / 29-May / 3-May / $93 / $98 / 9:00AM / Inc / Inc /


18 / Lakewood / 12-Jun / 17-May / $66 / $71 / 10:00AM / Inc /

K. Broten

*PrimmValley: $296 Single (1 player/2 people in hotel rm); $241 ea. Double (2 players/2 in hotel rm)

Tournament signups: For each tournament the signup dates are announced on the front page and in the tournament schedule of the TTN. The signup date is also posted in the tournament schedule on our website. The signup date, which is always a Monday, is the first day that you can sign up for that particular tournament. You can email the host before sending in your payment so they can put your name on the tournament roster. The tee times are set in the order of the received application and payment or notification. You can then send in your payment and application within the week. Some hosts may not put your name down until they receive your application and payment.

Each tournament has a maximum number of players based on the contract we establish with the golf course one year in advance. We try to accommodate as many players as possible. Signups for a tournament usually will be accepted up until two weeks before the tournament date. But be sure to call the host about openings before sending in your application and payment if you do not sign up within the first two weeks. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the VP of Tournaments.

Northrop Grumman SPGC
Tournament Application
Golf Course:San DimasCanyon
Format:Stroke Play
First Start Time:9:00AM / Host: Bruce Barwick
Northrop Grumman
One SpacePark, M4/2066E
Redondo Beach, CA90278
Phone: 310-814-1582

Dates:Signup – Oct 19, 2009
Tournament – Nov 14, 2009
Speed of Play (X) / Member / Guest*
*Guests see below / Name / Email (preferably),
Mail Station or Home Address / Phone
1 / 2 Default
Amount: / Member - $77*Guest - $82
Payment by: / Check / Make checks out to: SPGC
($10 maximum per player)
Note: No refunds available, unless a replacement can be found.

Signup procedure:

1) Fill out your application form and email it to the tournament host.

2) If you use the generic form, fill out the course, the date of play and the host name.

3) Speed of Play Option 1 means you must finish the round within 12 minutes after the group ahead under risk of penalty. No selection or selection of Option 2 means you must finish within 20 minutes of the group ahead. Players choosing Option 2 will be placed in later tee times than Option 1 golfers.

4) Send your payment to the host as soon as possible. You will not be assigned a tee time until payment is received. Setting of tee times by the host is on a first-come, first-served basis.

*5) All Guests MUST fill out and sign a release of liability before the tournament.

SpacePark Golf Club

2010 Membership Application

Mail to: SPGC, Northrop Grumman Corp, OneSpacePark Bldg S/1156, Redondo Beach, CA90278 Date Received______

Choose one from each column, if applicable:

Active Employee:NG Employee or Contractor / AS / Male / Renewal
Associate:All others / IS / Female / New Member

Choose membership & provide number, if applicable:

Current SCGA Member / Member Number:
Current GHIN Member / Member Number:

Fill out completely:

Last Name, First Name
City / Zip Code
Home Phone / Home E-Mail(s)

Fill out section 1 OR 2 completely:

1) Active Employee: NG Employee or Contractor / 2) Associate: All others
Badge NumberCCC / Work Phone
Mail Station / Extension
Work PhoneWork E-Mail / Work E-Mail

Fill out either 1 OR 2:

1) To join the club, play in tournaments and receive an SCGA handicap, check the appropriate box:
SPGC Membership Dues (Make Checks Payable to: SPGC) / Before October 15th / After October 15th / After July 1st
New Member / $65 / $65 / $40
Renewing Member / $65 / $75 / $40
2) To play in a league only, check the appropriate box:
SPGC Membership Dues (Make Checks Payable to: SPGC) / Before April 3rd / After April 3rd
League Only Member / $25 / $30
For Office Use Only:
VP Hdcp / Treasurer / Secretary

Please complete and return the following forms with this membership application:

  • Release of Liability and Indemnity Agreement – NGRC
  • NGRC SPSC Member’s Code of Conduct