PG&EAppendix B5

2016ES RFOProject Interconnection and Transmission

Project Name:

PG&E reserves the right to request additional documentation listed but not already provided in the Offer package.Please provide the requested informationin the order requested. Indicate if a question is not applicable and do not leave responses blank.

  1. Participants must submit a completed Phase I interconnection study (or equivalent )[1] or have documentation showing that the Project passed the Distribution Provider or CAISO Fast Track screens[2]for all Offers except: BTM Capacity Product Agreements, PSA - PG&E PV Sites, and PSA - Reliability and Capacity Projects. If there is an interconnection agreement please submit that as well along with your Phase II or Facilities study. Participant must maintain a valid and active interconnection queue position.
  1. The current or proposed point of interconnection to the transmission or distribution system, and the distance from the Project to the electric interconnection point. For BTM Capacity Product Agreement offers, please specify the Default Load Aggregation Point (DLAP) or sub-Load Aggregation Point (subLAP) if the individual Points of Interconnection are not known.
  1. Status of the Project’s studies associated with the interconnection process, along with any application fees paid. Expected dates for:(i) the completion of the various studies associated with the interconnection process;(ii) the completion of any upgrades required for interconnection, including those required for full deliverabilitystatus if applicable; and (iii) the ultimate availability of the interconnection.
  1. Participants offering fully or partially deliverable resource must provide documentation that the Project has received the FCDS or PCDS or provide documentation that the project is in the process of obtaining that deliverability, including any submitted requests for deliverability to the CAISO (except for Offers for BTM Capacity Product Agreements, PSA - PG&E PV Sites, and PSA - Reliability and Capacity Projects). The Participant must provide evidence of at least one of the following:
  2. Application for deliverability with a completed deliverability study (i.e., Phase 1 study or equivalent) and evidence a deliverability status that matches the Offer (e.g., Appendix B to Appendix 3 – “Data Form to Be Provided by the Interconnection Customer Prior to Commencement of the Phase II Interconnection Study”);
  3. A completeddeliverability assessment in the annual process that indicates that the project is deliverable pursuant to ISO Tariff Section 9.2 of Appendix DD; or
  4. Having received deliverability through the CAISO’s Deliverability for Distribution pursuant to ISO Tariff Section
  5. Providing documentation that an application or request for FCDS or PCDS has been submitted through any CAISO annual process is not sufficient unless there is a finding of deliverability at the time of Offer submittal.
  1. Chargeability Studies – while not required, PG&E will consider any independent engineer’s report that evaluates a Project’s charging capability through an independent engineer’s report.
  1. To participate in CAISO markets, Participants must complete a set of requirements listed in the CAISO's New Resource Implementation Checklist. Please describe your company's ability and experience to complete these CAISO requirements[3].
  1. Single-Line Diagram for all Offers except BTM Capacity Product Agreements.


PG&E Note to Participants: This page is not needed in Offer package.

Background - Interconnection

Participant is responsible for understanding and meeting all relevant interconnection requirements as outlined under this Protocol and applicable interconnection tariffs. Please refer to thePG&E’s Wholesale Electric Generation Interconnection website[4], the CAISO’s energy storage interconnection stakeholder process[5], themost current effective interconnection tariffs[6], and the CAISO’s New Resource Implementation process[7] for complete information.

Electric Interconnection refers to the technical aspects and equipment required to connect resources to the transmission or distribution systems. An interconnection is required before participation in the wholesale market can be achieved. Interconnection of the Project, and the associated costs of such interconnection, are determined from the applicable interconnection tariff (i.e. CAISO Tariff for CAISO controlled transmission grid interconnections, and Distribution Provider’s Wholesale Distribution Tariff for non-CAISO controlled distribution grid interconnections). The characteristics of a Project’s interconnection to the electrical grid and the reliability of its deliveries are integral components of PG&E’s Offer evaluation process. Participants are encouraged to initiate the applicable interconnection request as early as possible[8].


[1] Passing of an Electrical Independence Test is not sufficient unless the Project has a completed System Impact Study or equivalent.

[2]Submission of an Interconnection Request into a Fast Track process is not sufficient unless the project has passed the Fast Track screens or has a completed study equivalent to a System Impact Study.

[3]CAISO’s new resource implementation process is described at:

[4] For more information, see PG&E’s Wholesale Electric Generation Interconnection website at

[5] Refer to the CAISO website for updates on the Energy Storage Interconnection stakeholder initiative at

[6] Refer to the PG&E website ( and CAISO website ( for the most recent tariff information.

[7] CAISO’s new resource implementation process is described at:

[8]Refer to CAISO website for updates on the cluster application window at: