Pennsylvania Supplement to
Conservation Enhancement Activity
Adding food-producing trees and shrubs to existing agroforestry plantings
Additional Criteria for PA
In addition to the criteria specified in the National job sheet, the following criteria apply in PA:
The managed area will not be smaller than 0.1 acre and there will be a minimum of 1 acre of habitat in or adjacent to each 40 acres of cropland or pastureland. It is not recommended to split up and plant several 0.1 acre areas.
Note - These plants are listed because they have specific parts that offer food or medicinal value to humans. Use or consumption should only occur after accurate plant ID and, as necessary, proper preparation of the edible or usable parts. Growers and/or consumers are solely responsible for the proper identification, preparation, and use of any or all of the listed plants and their parts.
Planting dates for trees and shrubs: Southern PA – by April 15; Northern PA – by May 1
Trees (plant at least three species) / Shrubs (plant at least three species)Acer saccharum / sugar maple / Amelanchier arborea / common serviceberry
Acer negundo / boxelder / Amelanchier canadensis / Juneberry, canadian serviceberry
Acer nigrum / black maple / Asimina triloba / pawpaw
Acer rubrum / red maple / Corylus americana / American hazelnut
Acer saccharinum / silver maple / Crataegus spp. / hawthorn
Betula alleghaniensis / yellow birch / Diospyros virginiana / common persimmon
Betula papyrifera / paper birch / Gaylussacia baccata / black huckleberry
Betula lenta / sweet birch / Gaylussaccia frondosa / blue huckleberry
Carya alba / mockernut hickory / Gaylussacia brachycera / box huckleberry
Carya cordiformis / bitternut hickory / Gaylussacia dumosa / dwarf huckleberry
Carya glabra / pignut hickory / Hamamelis virginiana / witch hazel
Carya laciniosa / shellbark hickory / Myrica pensylvanica / northern bayberry
Carya ovate / shagbark hickory / Rhus typhina / Staghorn sumac
Castanea dentata / American chestnut / Ribes spp. (white pine blister rust resistant only) / currants and gooseberries
Castanea pumila / chinkapin / Rosa palustris / swamp rose
Celtis occidentalis / common hackberry / Rosa setigera / prairie rose
Cercis canadensis / eastern redbud / Rubus allegheniensis Porter / Allegheny blackberry
Fagus grandifolia / American beech / Rubus alumnus L.H. Bailey / oldfield blackberry
Juglans cinerea / Butternut / Rubus baileyanus Britton / Bailey's dewberry
Juglans nigra / black walnut / Rubus cuneifolius Pursh / sand blackberry
Malus angustifolia / wild crabapple / Rubus flagellaris Willd. / northern dewberry
Malus coronaria / sweet crabapple / Rubus idaeus / American red raspberry
Morus rubra / red mulberry / Rubus idaeus ssp. strigosus (Michx.) Focke / grayleaf red raspberry
Nyssa sylvatica / Blackgum / Rubus occidentalis / black raspberry
Pinus strobes / white pine / Sambucus nigra ssp. canadensis* / common elderberry
Prunus americana / American plum / Vaccinium angustifolium / low bush blueberry
Prunus angustifolia / chickasaw plum / Vaccinium spp. / cranberries, blueberries, huckleberries
Prunus maritime / beach plum / Viburnum lentago / nannyberry, blackhaw
Prunus pensylvanica / pin cherry / Viburnum dentatum var. dentatum* / Northern arrowwood
Prunus serotina / black cherry / Viburnum edule (Michx.) Raf. / squashberry
Prunus virginiana / Chokecherry / Viburnum opulus var. americanum Aiton * / American cranberrybush
Quercus alba / white oak
Salix nigra / black willow
Sassafras albidum / Sassafras
Ulmus rubra / slippery elm
PA - E612133X1 Adding food-producing trees and shrubs to existing agroforestry plantings / February 2018 Page 1 of 2