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That the 1997 Annual Report for the Advisory Board on Services for Persons With Disabilities be received for information.

Issue Summary

The Terms of Reference require the Advisory Board on Services for Persons with Disabilities to submit an annual report of activities.

Justification of Recommendation

As written in the Terms of Reference, the Advisory Board on Services for Persons With Disabilities is required to submit an annual report to keep Council informed of the work of the Board.

Background Information Attached

1997 Annual Report of the Advisory Board on Services for Persons with Disabilities.

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March 2, 1998




2.1 Transportation5

2.2 Accessibility5

2.3 Board Communications and Networking5

2.4 Board Structure/Function6


3.1 Transportation7

3.2 Accessibility8

3.3 Board Communications and Networking10

3.4 Board Structure/Function11


4.1 Parks and Recreation11

4.2 Transportation12

4.3 Accessibility12

4.4 Edmonton Council Against Family Violence12

4.5 Plan Edmonton12







In 1997, the City of Edmonton Advisory Board on Services for Persons with Disabilities had fifteen (15) volunteer positions filled by members representing the community. The Advisory Board was established in 1988, by City Council, on the recommendation of the City of Edmonton Citizens Task Force for Physically Disabled Persons, which met during 1986 and 1987. Actions of the Advisory Board are directed by the Board's Terms of Reference, initially adopted by City Council September 21, 1988 and revised in March 1997. Duties and responsibilities assigned by Council include:

i)advise Council on the status of persons with disabilities;

ii)consult with City Departments to promote City services and facilities which meet the needs of persons with disabilities;

iii)monitor the Board’s progress with regard to recommendations of the Citizens Task Force for Physically Disabled Persons;

iv)provide assistance to citizens with concerns about services and facilities for persons with disabilities;

v)review and monitor accessibility of existing and proposed municipal facilities;

vi)receive referrals from Council and/or its committees for review and recommendation; and

vii)prepare an annual report of activities for Council.

The Board's mission, as defined by its members, is:

To promote recognition of the entitlements and service needs of Edmontonians with disabilities by facilitating changes in City policy and practice.

In 1997, the Board held nine (9) regular meetings, and two (2) strategy planning sessions.

The Chair of the Advisory Board contributed more than five hundred fifty (550) hours towards achieving the Board’s mandate.

Guest speakers at meetings of the full Board included representatives from:

  • the Premier's Council on the Status of Persons with Disabilities
  • Asset Management & Public Works
  • Transportation & Streets (presentations on DATS, Edmonton Transit Driver Training, Transportation Master Plan, Accessible Taxi Project).

The Board delegated responsibility for conducting research and making recommendations for approval of the Board to four (4) ad hoc committees: Accessibility, Transportation, Board Structure/Function, and Board Communications and Networking which met for approximately six hundred (600) hours. The various ad hoc committees worked with City staff from:

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  • the Accessibility Committee to City-owned and Occupied Buildings
  • DATS, Transportation & Streets
  • LRT, Transportation & Streets
  • Permitting Team, Planning and Development
  • Civic Buildings, Asset Management & Public Works
  • staff from Community Services, parks, recreation & social services
  • Edmonton Transit System Advisory Board
  • Employee Relations, Human Resources
  • City Solicitor’s Office, Corporate Services
  • Traffic Operations, Transportation & Streets

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Board members also worked with and/or exchanged correspondence with:

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  • the Cities of Ottawa, Hamilton, Calgary, Red Deer, Winnipeg, Anchorage, Montreal, Regina, Saskatchewan, Burlington & Denver
  • Downtown Business Association
  • R.D. Walker and Associates
  • Alberta Transportation and Utilities
  • Premier’s Council on the Status of Persons With Disabilities
  • architect Ron Wickman
  • Alberta Association of the Deaf
  • R. B. O. Architecture
  • Interpreter Referral Services
  • Alberta Labour
  • C.N.I.B.
  • Handicapped Housing
  • Canadian Hard of Hearing Association
  • BOMA
  • Myer Horowitz, U of A
  • Regional Airports Authority
  • Famous Players
  • Singleton Architects
  • Public & Separate School Boards
  • Alberta Justice
  • Services to Persons with Disabilities
  • Multiple Sclerosis Society
  • Alberta Hospital
  • Chamber of Commerce
  • Fringe Festival
  • Canadian Council of the Blind
  • Whitemud Breakfast Club
  • Barb Shipman, architect
  • Telus
  • Dalhousie University
  • S - & G - architects

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Facilitating changes in City policy and practice to allow equitable participation is a task requiring information gathering, collaboration and negotiation. This report contains a summary of projects which received attention from the Advisory Board and its committees in 1997.



The Chair of the Board continued to meet with staff from Transportation & Streets and a City Councillor to discuss strategies to maintain the accessible taxis in Edmonton. The Board’s Transportation Committee will continue to work on the Accessible Taxi Project into 1998.

The Board continued to assist the Winnifred Stewart Association, Cerwood Enterprizes Division, to obtain training passes which allow trainers to ride free on Edmonton Transit when they are training persons with developmental disabilities to use the Transit system.


The Committee continued to meet with representatives from Planning and Development to discuss the idea of producing exterior signs on the outside of buildings indicating what accessible features are available inside buildings. This initiative will continue to be worked on in 1998.

2.3Board Communications and Networking

The Board continued the tradition of producing two editions of the “Barrier-Free Press.” The newsletter is distributed on a semi-annual basis to approximately four hundred (400) City staff, agencies and citizens of Edmonton.

The annual Christmas Coffee Function was held for City Council and City staff on November 28, 1997. The event allows for informal discussions to take place among Advisory Board members, Council, and City staff on how to increase accessibility to City services for persons with disabilities. The event was attended by approximately fifty (50) City staff.

The Board continued its annual June forum for staff and volunteers from community agencies. Forty-one (41) representatives from seventeen (17) different agencies attended to exchange information. Questions and concerns raised with respect to access to City services were either addressed at the time by Board members, or were forwarded to the appropriate department for additional information, which was then transmitted to the respective agencies.

The Board continued to give out Certificates of Recognition acknowledging civic employees, departments, or members from other City boards whose exemplary contributions have enhanced the mission of the Advisory Board. Five initiatives were recognized and awards were presented to various City employees at the Board’s annual Christmas Coffee Function.

Board members continued to participate in various conferences and seminars such as the Vitalize ‘97 conference, Outcome Measures course presented by Burt Perrin, and ACRAT ’97 “Accessing Technology.” This participation in conferences and seminars served to generate information and facilitate its flow, and created greater public awareness of the Advisory Board and its mandate.

The Board continued to purchase information space in the Support Network’s 1997 Community Services Directory. The Directory is a comprehensive guide to services available in and around the City of Edmonton.

The Advisory Board continued its liaison with the provincial government’ s Premier’s Council on the Status of Persons With Disabilities through written correspondence and meetings.

2.4Board Structure/Function

Committee members continued to require that the ad hoc committees of the Board submit a budget proposal for review and allocation of funds.

Members ensured the yearly meetings between Board members and City Council continued to take place in 1997.

Members facilitated the selection of officers for the July 1997 Board meeting.



The Committee met with representatives from the LRT section, Transportation and Streets, to review plans and provide comments on the new Belvedere Station being constructed.

Members produced a survey to be distributed to various winter cities regarding issues of snow, snow removal and various transportation issues. Twelve (12) of the sixteen (16) surveys distributed were returned. The results of the surveys were reviewed and the information obtained was distributed to participants.

As a result of a citizens’ complaint regarding the inability to use an uncertified guide dog on Edmonton Transit, the Committee investigated issues and gave recommendations to Edmonton Transit that uncertified dogs should not be allowed on City buses.

Letters were sent to Councillors informing them of the rise in the number of complaints about the DATS service specifically not being able to secure a trip and reduction in service hours.

The Committee was asked to review options and provide recommendations on future budget strategies for DATS.

The Committee was consulted and gave input to Dennis Nowicki, DATS, regarding a Council inquiry to look at arranging transit service for persons with disabilities to/from St. Albert and Sherwood Park. The Committee agreed with the concept of the service but felt a more detailed study was required before proceeding.

The Chair of the Board reviewed the draft copy of the “Fair Fares” paper produced by the Edmonton Transit System Advisory Board and gave input that much of the information in the paper regarding concession fares for persons with disabilities was incorrect.

The Chair of the Board submitted a proposal to the organizers of the 1998 Snow Conference to make a presentation on snow and the problems encountered by persons with disabilities in the winter months.

Commendation letters were sent to organizations and agencies that offer preventative safety programs for children.

Members reviewed the Transportation Master Plan, Possible Plan Directions, and gave input about the document to Transportation and Streets’ staff.

Committee members reviewed and gave recommendations to Transportation and Streets on proposed regulations for the installation of disabled parking signs. The Committee agreed that zones for private residences would be installed at no charge and zones for businesses, schools, apartments etc. be installed at the owner’s expense to help cover the cost of the signs and installation.

Members gathered data on the number and locations of disabled parking stalls available downtown. There was some concern that not enough stalls would be available during special events at the Winspear Centre and Citadel Theatre. The Committee discussed the problem with Asset Management and Public Works and temporary disabled parking signs were installed for when events take place at the Citadel Theatre and the Francis Winspear Centre for Music.

Members met with LRT staff from Transportation and Streets to discuss installation of new signs in the LRT stations and various accessibility concerns regarding the stations and trains.

The Chair of the Board participated in the Transit public consultation process regarding the rescheduling of Edmonton Transit routes.


The Committee was asked by representatives from the Fringe Festival to meet and discuss accessibility for persons with disabilities at the Fringe event. Various accessibility options were discussed and the Committee will continue to work with Fringe representatives in 1998.

Members of the Committee, in conjunction with various City staff, hosted an awareness workshop for City staff on accessibility criteria for persons with disabilities. The Chair of the Advisory Board on Services for Persons with Disabilities moderated the meeting. Presenters included: Canadian Hard of Hearing Association, Canadian National Institute for the Blind, Canadian Paraplegic Association, Ron Wickman, architect, and Chris Bellchamber on behalf of seniors. The event was attended by fifty-six (56) City staff.

Representatives from Famous Player’s Theatre and Singleton Architects consulted with members of the Committee on accessibility for persons with disabilities in the new twelve-theatre complex being constructed on top of West Edmonton Mall in 1999. Famous Player’s have committed to making the theatre one of the most accessible theatres available in Edmonton. The Committee will continue to be consulted about the theatre complex in 1998.

Correspondence was sent to the CRTC, ITV, CFRN and CBC about providing real-time captioning for the Deaf and the Hard of Hearing. Reply letters from the CRTC stated that real-time captioning will be available for all programming in September 1998.

The Committee co-ordinated and presented the first annual Mayor’s Award for Accessible Architecture to Encore Homes in May 1997. The purpose of the award is to encourage architects and planners to exceed the accessibility criteria set out in the Alberta Building Code to make facilities more accessible. The event was attended by approximately thirty (30) guests. This initiative will continue in 1998.

Members gathered information from various architectural schools across Canada to come up with a strategy to demonstrate cost savings in making facilities accessible during construction rather than retrofitting at a later date. This information will continue to be used in 1998.

Letters from the Board were sent to members of Council informing them that policies and procedures need to be established as to when interpreters, captioning or FM systems must be provided when attending City events or public forums. A Task Force will be formed in March 1998 to review the issues and make recommendations to the City’s Senior Management Team.

Members of the Committee helped to co-ordinate a workshop for the Alberta Association of Architects for 1998 regarding access for persons with disabilities.

The Committee initiated the installation of a TTY pay phone in City Hall for the Deaf and the Hard of Hearing to use.

The Committee was consulted and asked to provide input on the River Valley Strategy proposed by Community Services.

The Chair of the Board was consulted and gave recommendations on the accessible carousel being installed at the zoo.

The Committee reviewed various plans from Asset Management and Public Works and provided suggestions to various project managers on accessible features in buildings for persons with disabilities.

Members were consulted by Ron Wickman, architect, on the feasibility studies done for Fort Edmonton Park and the Stanley A. Milner Library.

A member was consulted by Community Services on the installation of TTY phones in various City recreation facilities.

3.3Board Communications and Networking

The Committee held Roundtable Discussions with various agencies and organizations representing persons with disabilities to seek knowledge and information on issues affecting persons with disabilities. Thirty-three (33) representatives from twenty-three (23) different organizations attended the meetings. A report of the findings from the meetings will be produced and distributed to members of Council in March 1998.

Members of the Committee produced a new Board brochure to allow for easier comprehension of the work of the Board.

The Committee published a Calendar of Events for the Advisory Board and distributed it to Council, City staff and agencies representing persons with disabilities.

The Committee produced a pictorial history of the Board and a new Speaker’s Package to be used in conjunction with the Advisory Board’s display board at conferences and workshops.

The Committee sent out media releases to all forms of media regarding the Mayor’s Award for Accessible Architecture. The award winner, Encore Homes, was featured in the Edmonton Sun and “City Link.”

A member of the Committee met with representatives from Edmonton Public Schools, Edmonton Catholic School Board, University of Alberta and the Alberta School for the Deaf to discuss issues arising from the Board’s workshop held in 1996, specifically regarding issues around access for the Deaf and the Hard of Hearing.

The Chair of the Board provided input on the renovations being undertaken in 1998/1999 at the Stanley A. Milner Library.

The Committee contacted the Edmonton Chamber of Commerce and Alberta Tourism to investigate what information is available for tourists with disabilities coming into Edmonton. In 1998, the Committee will be working on a strategy to make Edmonton more tourist-friendly to persons with disabilities.

3.4Board Structure/Function

Members of the Committee met with City staff from Planning and Evaluation, Community Services, to come up with a strategy to develop outcome measures to evaluate the work of the Board.

Members completed the review of the sixty-two (62) recommendations from the Citizens Task Force for Physically Disabled Persons.

The Chair of the Board attended a workshop sponsored by Community Services to develop a comprehensive plan for the Department.

The Committee came up with a method to gather information on hours spent volunteering by Board members.

Members of the Committee met with Joyce Tustian, General Manager, Community Services to discuss budget strategies for the Advisory Board for 1998 and 1999.

The Chair of the Board made a presentation to Council on the options to eliminate non-core program/services (column Y) from City ’97, specifically around the issue of support to City Council Advisory Committees.

The Committee sent letters to all General Managers offering assistance to review the possible implications of reduced or decreased service for persons with disabilities as a result of the City’s restructuring plans. The Board was consulted by Community Services, Asset Management and Public Works and Transportation and Streets.

The Chair of the Board was asked by Community Services to provide input into Bill 5 - Persons With Developmental Disabilities - Community Governance Act. The comments on the legislation made by the Chair of the Board were forwarded to the Law Branch of Corporate Services.