European Bridges Consulting (Finland)

Erasmus+ In-service Courses organised by European Bridges Consulting (Finland)

Pre-Registration Form

Please mark which course you are interested in:

 / Date / Course / Country
28.1.-3.2.2018 / Drama in Prevention of Violence / Finland
25.2.-3.3.2018 / Group Dynamics and Social Skills in the Classroom / Italy
29.4.-5.5.2018 / Action Methods Improving Quality in the Learning Environment and 14.-21.7.2018 / Portugal
13.-19.5.2018 / Seeking Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Studying Practices / Finland
15.-21.7.2018 / Action Methods Improving Quality in the Learning Environment / Portugal
29.7.-4.8.2018 / Group Dynamics and Social Skills in the Classroom / Ireland
26.8.-1.9.2018 / Group Dynamics and Social Skills in the Classroom / Italy
16.-22.9.2018 / Drama in Prevention of Violence / Cyprus
14.-20.10.2018 / Action Methods Improving Quality in the Learning Environment / Croatia
4.-10.11.2018 / Seeking Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Studying Practices / Finland
18.-24.11.2018 / Group Dynamics and Social Skills in the Classroom / Italy
 / Date / Course / Country
3-9-2.2019 / Drama in Prevention of Violence / Finland
24.2.-2.3.2019 / Group Dynamics and Social Skills in the Classroom / Italy
12.-18.5.2019 / Seeking Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Studying Practices / Finland
28.4.-4.5.2019 / Action Methods Improving Quality in the Learning Environment and 14.-21.7.2018 / Portugal
14.-20.7.2019 / Action Methods Improving Quality in the Learning Environment / Portugal
28.7.-3.8.2019 / Group Dynamics and Social Skills in the Classroom / Ireland
25.-31.8.2019 / Group Dynamics and Social Skills in the Classroom / Italy
22-28.9.2019 / Drama in Prevention of Violence / Cyprus
20-26.10.2019 / Action Methods Improving Quality in the Learning Environment / Croatia
10.-16.11.2019 / Seeking Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Studying Practices / Finland
24.-30.11.2019 / Group Dynamics and Social Skills in the Classroom / Italy
Have you already received the grant
Are you applying the grant this year
First Name:
Last Name:
Sex: / Female / Male
Name of Institution:
Type of
Date of Birth
Home Address:
Job Address:
Where do you prefer to receive your correspondence send by us?
Email: /
Special diet, allergies:
Is it possible for you to disseminate the ideas of this course? / Yes No
If yes, in which level (classroom, school, in teacher training, National Policy etc.) /