The Constitution of the Candyland

“Land of the Sweet. Home of the Crav(ings)”


For the people of Candyland and in order to form a fair land of candy, a noble few have taken it upon themselves to establish justice, provide candy, and pledge their lives to candy in all of its sugary glory. In order to provide a fair opportunity for the candy industry and make this place a land of opporcandy, we will uphold fair judgement and justice to all civilians.


Article I: Branches of Governmint

The power of the governmint shall be divided into three divisions. The Vice Peppermint, who has the power to ratify or veto bills, will be representative of the executive branch. The power of veto is authoritative unless it is overruled by the people.

The judiciary power will be vested in three elected Judges. They have the authority to uphold or strike down laws depending on their constitutionality.

The People will have legislative powers comparable to the US Congress. Each proposal and bill will be voted upon by the people.

Article II: Term Length

The Vice Peppermint and the Judges, after a fair and constitutional election, will be appointed for indefinite years, with no term limits, unless convicted of unconstitutional actions. Both the Vice Peppermint and the Judges have the right to resign.

Article III: Voting Procedure

In the event of election for Vice Peppermint and Judges, the citizens will vote for candydates, and the candydate of the majority vote wins.

Article IV: Taxation and domestic issues

Every citizen brings a selection of candy as often as determined by the Sweetarian, who is selected by the People for an indefinite term.

Article V: Discipline

Whoever violates the Bill of Sweets or any amendment constitutionally added to this document must consume BeanBoozled and Hot Tamales without the luxury of water or milk. For lesser crimes as determined by the People, black licorice will be utilized. Whoever commits a minor infraction of the laws of Queen Skor will be able to choose between detention and BeanBoozled.

Bill of Sweets

  1. If there is a legal issue the People can make a petition and bring it to the Judges.
  2. Citizens can impeach any government official that goes against the Constitution
  3. Citizens, regardless of social class, can be elected to a government position.
  4. Citizens must treat each other respectfully and as they would want to be treated.
  5. All citizens must respect and use the candy names of others.
  6. Theft is not allowed in Candyland for any reason.
  7. Personal property cannot be taken for federal purposes.
  8. No littering.
  9. If anyone is caught framing anyone of littering, they will have their candy rights banned for a week.
  10. Citizens cannot violate the laws of Queen Skor.
  11. Citizens have the opportunity for bonus points if they complete vocabulary.
  12. Citizens who have not had a disciplinary infraction at the end of the semester will get bonus points on the final.
  13. Littering of candy property is not allowed in Queen Skor’s domain

Cities in Candyland

Mrs. Page - Queen Skor

Chelsea C. - Starburst

Taner D. - Dr. Halls

JUDGE Destinee B. - Sour Patch Kid

Vice PeppermintJulianna C. - Sugar Daddy

SweetarianJennifer S. - Pixie Dust

JUDGE Earl S. - Jolly Rancher

Alp S. - Turkish Delight

Grant H. - M&M

Jim Y. - Oreo (the immigrant)

JUDGE Julien H. - Milkyway