Minutes, PTSC meeting 11/18/14

6:00 p.m.

Called to order at 6:07 p.m. by Kellie Meyer.


Staff: Kellie Meyer, AngelaMinahan, Susan Kanarkowski, Michelle Sposito, Cherise Mann

Parents: Maria Graziani, Lisa Wolfe, Raymond Ackerman, Marny Bowman, , Sherilyn Saporito, Corey Lev, Lisa Timon, Tiffany Merriman-Preston, Dominic Odom, Mike Shanley, AudreyMarzulloKovack, Patrick Caroff, Jennifer Tober, Martha Riecks, Christina Howell, Liza Barbour, Janine Jones, Christopher Tracey, Carla Lukehart Miller, Marcela King, Tara Madoni, Dan Kubis, Andy Kubis, Jennifer Reitzell, Erika Fricke, Jen Petrus

Secretary’s report: a motion was made to approve minutes from the October meeting. The motion was seconded and the meeting minutes were approved.

Principal Kellie Meyer introduced PreK/K teacher Michelle Sposito. Ms. Sposito presented the moveable alphabet language lesson. She explained that the purpose of this lesson was to introduce letters and sounds to the students.All consonants in the moveable alphabet are red and vowels are blue. Students can begin using this work oncethey have mastered basic sounds. Once hand/eye coordination established word building can begin. Numerous lessons come from the moveable alphabet.

Angela Minahan explained that for parents interested in volunteering with students once clearances are obtained they are valid for three years. Ms. Lee has a list of who has valid clearances. The school has a large number of parents with current clearances. The parent resource room has Montessori books available for parents to check out to learn more about Montessoir education.

The school directory should be out shortly. It is being proofread at this time.

Ms. Minahan and Meyer are requesting feedback for the school’s parent engagement policy.

An early childhood literacy specialist visited the school today. The specialist visited all classrooms to give feedback as to the reading program and education. Montessori is hoping to roll out its new reading program, a café model. Currently one classroom at the school is graphing how long students are able to read independently. Right now the classroom’s record is 8 minutes. The classroom’s goal is to get students to read independently for 15 minutes. The school is working to teach students what it means to work and read independently.

On Monday, November 17 an early childhood professor at Duquesne visited and had compliments for the school’s teacher.

The next Montessori Morning will occur on December 19, which is the last Friday prior to winter break.

The school’s continent study presentation will occur on December 22 from 6-7:30. Dinner will not be served at this event.

Title 1 auditors will be visiting in December.

Kids of Steel presentation.

Montessori parent Jennifer Reitzell and Nick Fisher, a Pittsburgh Marathon dietician,spoke about the Pittsburgh Marathon’s Kids of Steel Program.

Reitzell has two children at the school and is interested in bringing Kids of Steel to Pittsburgh Montessori. The Program will kick off January 5. The program has both an exercise and a nutrition component. Any activity that gets heart pumping = miles earned for participants over 17 weeks. The goal is for students to earn 26.2 miles during the 17 week period. The culmination of the program is the optional 1.2 kids of Pittsburgh kids marathon on May 2, 2015. Participation in Kids of Steel program is free. There is a $20 fee to participate in the 1.2 milekids marathon. One adult may run in the race per registered student. The program is for grades K-5, but 3 and 4 year olds can participate as well. Additional information on the program can be found on the kids of steel link on pittsburghmarathon.org. Information will also be included in the Wednesday folder.

Wellness committee: Janine Jones shared information on the Wellness committee’s kickoff. Two meetings have occurred so far. 16 interested parents agreed to participate on the committee. The committee is splitting into task teams to assess what the school is doing wellness wise at this time. The teams will address social/physical health, environmental, nutrition and other wellness areas. The committee is also working with Ms. Mallingerto get door divider in the gym repaired to allow recess to occur in the gym during the winter months. Next meeting Wellness Committee meeting will take place on December 16 at 5 p.m.

President’s Report: Introduction from current acting president Mike Shanley.

Communication Committee report: Directory has a good response. A draft is complete and is currently being edited. The Directory will be out in early December.

Website report: Pghmontessori.com is live. The calendar is up-to-date for the next few months and will continue to be updated as event information becomes available. Information on events should be provided to Pam Israel.

Fundraising report: Audrey MarzulloKovack.

The Handmade Holiday Craft Faircraft sessions were discussed. Crafting sessions are occurring Tuesday and Wednesday mornings at the Presbyterian church across the street from the school. They begin after school drop off at approximately 9:15 and go until lunch time.

The Holiday Fair will be held December 10-12 during the school day. Volunteers will be needed from 9-3 each day of the fair. Need five volunteers each day to cover entire day. Shifts are in one-hour increments. This is the school’s biggest fundraiser. Held from drop off time until noon. Approximately 1,000 items are needed for the sale. At this point about 450 items have been created. More are needed. If anyone has materials or money to donate, please let Audrey know. All interested in getting involved can contact Lori Bower or Audrey Kovackfor more information. Prices for holiday fair $5 and under. If you are not able to attend crafting sessions, feel free to do crafting on your own and provide items to Audrey. All students at the school are able to shop at the store regardless of ability to shop.

Donations can be made via the pghmontessori.com website, both recurring and one-time donations are accepted. Donations can also be given to Maria Graziani, PTSC treasurer.

The election day bake sale was a success. Great number of volunteers and bakers for the events. People staffed the table all day.

The annual fundraising goal for the school is approximately $7,000 - $8,000. The goal is set in order for the PTSC to meet all projected expenses, such as the garden, Montessori materials, and school events.

Old business:

Elections will occur for PTSC for next meeting.

Introduction of current PTSC officers—Patrick Caroff, Audrey Kovac, Lisa Wolfe.

Discussion of interim Executive Committee appointments of Treasurer and Volunteer Coordinator.Explanation of bylaws. Maria Graziani was appointed as interim Treasurer and Martha Riecks and Marny Bowman were appointed to serve as co-Volunteer Coordinators.

Officer elections will be held next meeting. President, treasurer, vice president and volunteer coordinator are all up for election. Lisa Wolfe will be coordinating the elections. Information and position descriptions will be going out in the Wednesday folder and on the Facebook site and google groups. Those interested need to submit their name and desired position by December 1. A slate will be placed in the December 3 Wednesday folder and elections will be held on December 9 at the PTSC meeting.

Vice President:

Last date to provide nominations to Lisa Wolfe by Decembeer.Lots of interest in the positions. Will work to put a slate together.

Box/forms for membership needed. Will bring membership info to next meeting. Will send information home at membership meeting.

The email s active to contact executive committee members.


A question was posed regarding bus pickup. In nice weather the busses were not idling outside school at pickup. Now that the weather has gotten colder the busses have had their engines running. Is it possible to ask busses to not idle while they wait because fumes from the busses are entering the playground area.

Meeting adjourned7:10 p.m.

Next PTSC meeting 12/9/14.