January, 2011 - Grace Hills Baptist Church Calendar
* Happy January birthday to…
Sun / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / SatJanuary Nursery Schedule: (Not determined at press time)
Jan. 2 – Misty & Thomas Nolen
Jan. 9 – Barbara Williams & Marty Moore
Jan. 16 – Amy Peterson & Ramona Whitehurst
Jan. 23 – Lara & Tim Peterson
Jan. 30 – Gloria Daulton & Sara Slagle / Children’s Worship
Jan. 2 – Greer Harris – “Jesus Boy at the Temple”
Jan 9 – Jamie Davis & Lauren Moore – “Jesus is Baptized”
Jan 16 – Lara Peterson – “Jesus Begins His Work at Cana”
Jan 23 – Reneé & Katie Wingfield – “Jesus Feeds 5,000”
Jan 30 – Mary Dickerson – The Lost Coin / 1
New Year’s Day
* Chad Davis
GHBC Office Closed
GHELC Closed
2 * David Harris
Communion / 3
Walking Group, 8:45am
Cub Scouts, 6:30pm / 4 * Lloyd Walton
Exercise, 10am
Relay for Life, 6:30pm
Church Council, 7pm / 5
Walking Group, 8:45am
Prayer & Bible Study, 7pm
Bulletin Info Deadline, 5pm / 6 * Lois Foxwell
Exercise, 10am
AH&R Birthday Party, 10:30am
Personnel, 4pm
Handbell Choir, 5:45pm
Adult Choir, 7pm
Open Gym, 7-8:30pm / 7 * Amy Peterson
Walking Group, 8:45am / 8 * Pam Franklin
* Palmer Goff
* Niki Scott
9 Business Session
(After Worship)
/ 10
Walking Group, 8:45a
GH Seniors Luncheon, 11:30am
Supper Reservations Due, 5pm
Roots ‘n Shoots Huddle, 5:30pk
Cub Scouts, 6:30pm / 11 * Susan Merlo
* Donald Ferguson
POPs Huddle, 4:45pm
ELC Children’s Chapel, 9am
Exercise, 10am
ELC Council, 4pm / 12
Walking Group, 8:45am
Quilting, 10am
Church Supper, 6pm
Sparks, 6:45pm
Children’s Choir, 7pm
Prayer & Bible Study, 7pm
Deacons, 8pm
Bulletin Info Deadline, 5pm / 13 * Martha Vesterlund
Exercise, 10am
Handbell Choir, 5:45pm
Adult Choir, 7pm
Open Gym, 7-8:30pm / 14 * Rick Darden
Walking Group, 8:45am / 15 * Kyle Davis
* Linda Jo Mays
16 * Charles Merlo
* Thomas Nolen
* Barbara Amick
Guest Speaker:
Phillip Watkins / 17 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
* Linda Peters
Walking Group, 8:45am
ELC Council, 4pm
Cub Scouts, 6:30pm / 18
Exercise, 10am
/ 19
Walking Group, 8:45am
33rd Prayer Walk, 6:30pm
Prayer & Bible Study, 7pm
Bulletin Info Deadline, 5pm / 20 * Shirley Walton
Exercise, 10am
Handbell Choir, 5:45pm
Adult Choir, 7pm
Open Gym, 7-8:30pm / 21 * Kyle Coleman
Walking Group, 8:45am / 22 * Bill Slagle
Guest Speaker:
Dr. Gary Chapman
??Leland Lunch
30 / 24 * Elizabeth Lankford
Walking Group, 8:45am
Supper Reservations Due, 5pm\\
Roots ‘n Shoots Huddle, 5:30pm
Cub Scouts, 6:30pm
Vol. @ Gleaning for the World,10am
31 / 25
ELC Children’s Chapel, 9am
Exercise, 10am / 26 * Winnie Diser
Walking Group, 8:45am
Quilting, 10am
Church Supper, 6pm
Sparks, 6:45pm
Children’s Choir, 7pm
Prayer & Bible Study, 7pm
Bulletin Info Deadline, 5pm
Calendar/Newsletter Info. Deadline / 27 * Terry Jamerson
* Noah White
Exercise, 10am
Handbell Choir, 5:45pm
Adult Choir, 7pm
Open Gym, 7-8:30pm / 28 * Richard Carter
Walking Group, 8:45am
Exercise, 10am / 29
Bulletin information deadlines are 5pm Wednesdays before – PLEASE MAKE ALL SUBMISSIONS IN WRITTEN FORM, EITHER EMAIL OR HANDWRITTEN OR TYPED.
Please submit all information separately for Bulletin, Calendar, Newsletter and/or Newspapers. (ie, please do not combine items. A separate email is preferred for each item.)
GHBC Calendar/Newsletter deadline is 5pm the Wednesday before the last Sunday of the month, except when the last Sunday is a holiday—then the deadline is the next to last Wednesday of the month.
If necessary, the ELC Bus kids may be in the Fellowship Hall from about 4pm until their parents pick them up on Appo. school days. ABA Newsletter article deadline is the fifteenth of every month.
Times VA article deadline is 12pm every Friday for the next week’s paper.
Printed: 1/6/2011 3:43 PM Happy New Year to everyone!