Mrs. Jones7th Pre-AP and Standard Literature 2016-2017
Course Objectives: The goal of this course is to present traditional and contemporary literature for the student to read, comprehend, analyze, interpret, and enjoy. Students will learn and employ literary elements to make meaning from a wide variety of texts, including short stories, poetry, novels, plays, mythology, and nonfiction. Students will demonstrate knowledge by participating in class discussions, completing individual and group assignments, and passing exams.
Accelerated Reader Goals: All students are required to meet a minimum point goal each quarter. This is considered a long-term project.
Per Deer Creek School Board policy, “long term projects or assignments with two (2) or more weeks’ notice may be assigned a definite due date. Students shall turn in long term projects and assignments on time even if they are not in attendance on that day.”
Bonus Points: For every 5 points a student reads above his goal, he will earn 5 points with a maximum of 50 extra credit points.
Know what your child is choosing to read!Inside the cover of his/her library book should be a label with the grade level, number of AR points and a rating:
LG- Lower Grades (1st-4th grade)
MG- Middle Grades (4th-6th grade)
MG+- Middle Grades Plus (6th-9th grade)
UG- Upper Grades (Upper High School)
The rating is not about vocabulary, it is about content. I always tell the students to think about movie ratings. LG= G rating, MG= PG rating, MG+= PG 13 rating and UG= R. If you do not allow your child to watch R rated movies, you probably do not want them to read UG books. A book can have a 5.0 reading level (vocabulary) and a UG rating because of content. Be proactive about what your child is choosing to read.
- Exams count as 50%; daily work, homework, & quizzes count as 50% of the grade. Pop quizzes will be given.
- Language (usage and mechanics: grammar, sentence structure, spelling) is an area of concentration primarily emphasized in the composition class. However, for grading purposes, this section will apply in literature class.
- Semester exams are cumulative; semester grades are cumulative.
DCMS Late Work Policy
1. Work is turned in after it was due but within 24 hours: -20%.
2. Work is turned in any time after 24 hours: -50%.
**Students who do not turn in work after 24 hours may be sent to homework lunch to complete assignments.
- Make-up assignments: The student is responsible for obtaining make-up assignments after an absence. Assignments will be posted on the agenda board in the classroom, the class website, and available in the make-up folder. It is the student’s responsibility to get make-up work turned in within two days if they were absent one day. I will schedule times to help any student in any way possible.
- All daily work, homework, and exams will be completed in pencil unless the teacher tells you differently.
- All written and typed assignments will have a required heading in the upper right-hand corner of the paper. Students with no heading at all will have five points deducted from the assignment.
- Sloppy work will be returned to the student to be completed again. Assignments will be turned in the following day and the late assignment rule will apply.
- Talking during tests = zero
- Bring your novel to class every day!!
- Students have a right to learn and teachers have a right to teach. Any student who interferes with these rights is causing problems and will be disciplined according to the Deer Creek discipline plan. Depending on the nature of the problem, immediate action may be taken and a student may be sent to the assistant principal for discipline.
- Class disruptions will not be tolerated. Everyone needs to listen. When the teacher or another student is speaking, it is the student’s responsibility to give him/her their full attention. Put-downs or inappropriate comments will not be tolerated under any circumstance.
- Verbal warning will be given when appropriate and email or phone call home will be used. Sometimes the student will be calling home to report their offense. Otherwise, the discipline procedure set forth by the DCMS committee will be enforced.
Classroom Rules:
- Be prompt.
- Be polite.
- Be prepared.
Daily Supplies:
- Binder with dividers
- Pencil bag with highlighters, pencils, paper, etc.
- Novel
Electronic Devices (Cell phones, MP3’s, iPads, etc):
All electronic devices should only be used during designated times or with teacher permission. Cell phones should remain off or on silent at all times during class. Devices being used at inappropriate times will be taken away and turned into the office for a parent to pick up per the school policy. We will be using various forms of technology i.e. iPads, responders, computer labs, etc. Students are expected to use school property in a responsible manner and follow the Internet usage agreement at all times.
*For other rules regarding Deer Creek policies, please refer to your agenda and handbook.
To locate my website, go to the Middle School site and click on STAFF. Click on Titans and then my name.