Enrichment Cultures for phage isolation
1. Add 0.5 ml of a saturated M. smeg. culture to 5ml enrichment media in a large culture tube.
2. Add < 0.5 gm of environmental sample (typically dirt) to culture tube.
3. Let grow for 1-2 days with shaking at 37°C.
4. Remove tubes from incubator and let sit for a few minutes, allowing particulate material to settle out.
5. Sterile filter 0.5-1.0 ml of culture into a sterile, labeled eppendorf tube.
6. Plate filtrate to a lawn of M. smeg. to determine if phage are present.
1. dispose of remaining culture to biohazard waste.
2. After plating filtrate, store the remaining undiluted filtrate at 4°C—you will need this to purify your phage.