Campus Ministry Director Assessment

(appointed clergy only)

To be completed by the board,

if the board functions as the S/PPRC,

or by the S/PPRC of the board

(July 2016)

Oklahoma Conference of The United Methodist Church

Extension Ministry: ______City: ______

Date: ______

(It is recommended the clergy person leave the room while the S/PPRC discusses and answers this Assessment. Then the clergy person shall return to the room to hear the assessment and to sign the document stating that he/she has seen it and reviewed it with the Board or S/PPRC. This document is to be submitted directly to the District Superintendent. It is not to be presented to the Charge/Yearly Conference nor to the Board (unless the Board duly functions as the S/PPRC). All discussions are to be held in confidence by the S/PPRC and the clergy person/director.)

Par. 350.2. Clergy serving in appointments to extension ministries will undergo annual evaluation by their immediate supervisors, engage in annual self-evaluation, and include copies of these evaluations in the annual report submitted to their bishop, district superintendent, and the Board of Ordained Ministry (¶ 344.2a). When possible, they shall have a conversation with their district superintendent about their ministry (BOD 2012).

Assessment for ______(name of clergy person/director)

1.  Describe your pastor’s/director’s leadership style.

2.  How is conflict handled?

3.  Are administrative details and tasks completed in a timely manner?

4.  Is your director leading the ministry effectively?

5.  Where do you see area for growth in leadership?

6.  What steps are you taking to help the director achieve growth?

7.  Describe your pastor’s/director’s teaching ministry?

8.  What studies does he/she lead?

9.  For what teaching components does he/she provide oversight for other leaders?

10. Describe the ways that the director engages with your students?

11. Describe your director’s worship leadership, such as preaching, celebrating the sacraments and worship planning.

12. Describe how your pastor/director engages the board of directors.

13. What leadership for the board/board members does he/she provide?

14. How is he/she raising funds and developing future board members?

15. Describe how your director involves other churches and clergy of the district and conference in the extension ministry.

16. How do you provide continuing education for your pastor/director?

17. Is your director involved in conference and district leadership and/or activities?

18. Have you encouraged your director to practice self-care? How do you encourage your director in other ways?

19. What are the performance or effectiveness goals, objectives, and expectations of the board of directors?

20. What goals were set with the director this past year?

21. Were these goals met?

22. What goals have been set for the coming year?

23. Conclusion: Is there anything else you would like to share with the District Superintendent?

Board Chairperson’s Signature (if the board serves as the S/PPRC), or S/PPRC Chairperson’s Signature: ______

Signature of Board (if the board serves as the S/PPRC) or S/PPRC members present for completion of profile:




The Board or S/PPRC has shared and discussed with me this document prior to the profile being submitted to the District Superintendent.

Director’s Signature: ______