Ardersier and Petty Community Council
c/o 20 High Street, Ardersier, Inverness, IV2 7QB
Community Council Meeting Minute
Wednesday 3th December 2015, Old School Hall
PresentCommunity Councillors
Trish Robertson (Chairperson)
Margaret Cochrane (Treasurer)
Debbie Wartnaby
Kevin Reid
John Ross
Sarah Douglas
Amy Lawson
Shane Spence (Secretary)
Kate Steven / Highland Councillors
Roddy Balfour
Members of the Community
Jon Wartnaby
Paul Henderson
Christine Wood
Other Attendees
PC Jason Hasson
No / Item / Action
1 / Welcome. The Chairperson welcomed members of the public and Councillors to the meeting.
2 / Appointment of Co-Opted Members
It was proposed by Debbie and seconded by Kevin that Sarah Douglas be appointed as a co-opted member of the Community Council.
It was proposed by John and seconded by Margaret that Amy Lawson be appointed as a co-opted member of the Community Council.
Decision. It was unanimously agreed that Sarah and Amy be appointed as co-opted members. / Secretary
4 / Apologies. As above.
5 / Corrections and Ratification of Previous Minutes. Proposed - Debbie, Seconded – John.
6 / Matters Arising
Star In Licensing. No objections had been received in reference to the proposed changes to the Star Inns licensing.
7 / Police Report.
An extensive police report was given for the Ward Area. There was no significant incidents to report within the Community Council Area. The meeting was informed that as of the 1st October there was a right for individuals to request background checks on partners. It was reiterated that bogus callers continued to operate in the area. A letter was read from Police Scotland with reference to the Paris Attacks and the current level of terrorist threat within Scotland.
The issue of speeding through Ardersier village was raised again. Individuals were encouraged to report any suspected speeding to Police Scotland through the 101 number. It was also reported that children had been observed ‘playing chicken’ on Station Road. Again anyone observing a pedestrian / road safety issue were encouraged to report it.
8 / Local Clubs
JAPES / SAPES. There was a very enjoyable JAPES and SAPES Christmas quiz on the 10th December.
Ardersier Boat Club. The annual Loony Dook fund raising event was planned for New Years Day at 11.30am. All were welcome to attend.
9 / Treasurers Report. As at the 3rd December 2015 the Ardersier and Petty Community Council balance stood at £2153.71. This included an additional grant of £112.80. The Community Council was still awaiting a cheque for £48 to War Memorial Hall Committee to be presented to the bank. Last year the Community Council spent £1043.69. Whilst the Community Council funds were healthy it was acknowledged that the Council needed to ensure that there were sufficient funds available throughout the year.
Ardersier Ladies Choir. A request had been made to the Community Council by the Ardersier Ladies Choir for £300 to assist with hiring a choir mistress and to purchase music. The Community Council was very supportive of the Choir but felt that it could not fund the full amount requested. It was suggested that the Choir might consider approaching the Ward Discretionary Budget for matched funding.
Decision. It was unanimously agreed to donate £100 to the Ardersier Ladies Choir. / Treasurer
10 / Village Infrastructure / Issues.
Road Safety. There was concern that during the recent cold spell that the gritting had been insufficient on the B9039, B9006 and the B9092. The significant amount of standing water on the roads had exacerbated the problem. It was recommended that individuals should take photos of any road safety issues and forward them to the Highland Council.
Coastal Path. Some parts of the Coastal Path within the village were becoming worn which was causing significant standing water. It was suggested that the community council re-engage with Cllr Steven with reference to the possibility of securing some assistance from Community Payback to conduct simple repairs to the path.
Decision. The Secretary was to contact Cllr Steven with reference to using the Community Payback Scheme.
Ardersier to Nairn Bus Link. Work was continuing to secure an operating license for the Ardersier, Petty, Croy Transport Association to operate a limited service between Ardersier and Nairn.
11 / Planning/ Licensing
12 / Highland Councillors / Council Update.
Housing Capital Investment. The Capital Investment in Council owned housing for Financial Year 16/17 was due to be discussed in the Inverness Area Committee on the 3rd December.
13 / AOCB
Retiring Community Councillors. An expression of thanks was made to both Jessie Duncanson and Donnie Macleod for their significant contribution to the Community Council.
Community Support Group. A number of individuals from the community were looking at the possibility of setting up a Community Support Group.
NORBORD. It was agreed that John would continue as the Community Council NORBORD representative.
Fort George. It was agreed that Kevin would continue as the Community Council Fort George representatives.
Airport. An Airport visit was planned for December (date to be confirmed).
The Secretary was to request that Molly Witts (Community Council Airport Representative) provide a verbal update to the Community Council after each airport liaison meeting. / John
14 / Date of Next Meeting. The next meeting will take place on Wednesday6th January 2016 at 7.30pm in the Old School Hall. / All