This section contains guidance on the following procedures:

Actions taken by Oxfordshire County Council, Environment and Economy, Property

& Facilities to manage asbestos materials that remain in-situ in County buildings.

Actions to be taken by establishments toensure that asbestos materials that remain in-situ are part of their management plan and are maintained in a safe condition.

Actions to be taken by establishments toensure that asbestos materials that remain in-situ are not disturbed during any major refurbishment (including rewiring, cabling etc) or demolition works including those generated by Self FinancedSchemes.



Issue Date: APRIL 2011

Attention is drawn to the fact that in thepasttheCountyCouncilhas usedasbestos products in the construction and insulation of its buildings.

An Asbestos Register is maintained, bytheCountyCouncil'sPropertyConsultant,and includes details of all asbestos materials discovered by at least a management survey (Type“2”asbestossurvey).Theregisteris updatedasnewinformationisreceivedbutwill not include details of all asbestos materials that are likely to be present in County Council buildings.

The Risk:

Inhalationofasbestosfibercanleadtoasbestosrelateddiseases.Thediseasesare mainly cancers of the chest and lungs andthey kill more people than any other work- related cause. There is usuallya long delay between first exposure and the onsetof disease.

There is no cure for asbestos related diseases.


The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974.

The Management of Health and Safety atWork Regulations 1999 (as amended).Control of Asbestos Regulations 2006.

The Hazardous Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2005

Carriage of Dangerous Goods (etc) Regulations 2004


Asbestoshasbeenusedinmany forms withdifferentsurfacefinishesthatcanhide thefactthatasbestosispresent.Itisnotasimpleprocessto determinewhether asbestosmaterials arepresentanditissafertoassumethatmaterialscontain asbestosunlessyouknowforsureor it is proven otherwisethattheydonot.Your Property ConsultantMaintenanceSurveyorcangiveadviceandhelp withthis identification:

"Asbestos materialsin a good condition do not represent a risk tobuildingusers.Always besuretoreportanydamageto materials you knowor suspectcould contain asbestos to PropertyConsultant [Carillion] immediately. If anywork to be carried out, even of a simple nature, will affect the fabric or structure of the building alwaysbe sure that checks have been made to determine whether anyasbestos is present"


OXFORDSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL MANAGEMENTPROCEDURES: The following actions are carriedout byPropertyFacilities :

Property & Facilitieshave introduced the following actions and procedures to ensure that personsworkinginorusingCountybuildings are not put at risk from the hazards associated with asbestos materials and that the risk of exposure to airborne asbestos fibre is reduced to as low a level as is reasonably practicable:-

Materials containing asbestos fibre are notused for anywork in County Buildings;

ArrangementsforaManagement(formerlyType“2” )asbestossurveyofthisproperty inaccordancewithHSG264–Surveying, samplingand assessment of asbestos- containing materials;

Issue of an Asbestos Management Folder to all establishment/setting.

Asbestos materials which are vulnerable to damage are removed or protected;

Asbestos materials left in-situ are maintained in a safe condition;

Hazardwarningnoticesarepostedatlocationswhereaccessibleasbestoscoatings and asbestos insulation are presentand their condition inspected annually;

ThegeneralconditionofCountybuildingsismonitoredduringtheinspectionsforthe assessed need surveys;

Checks are made of existing records and where necessary Demolition and Refurbishment (Formerly Type 3) surveys are undertaken to determine the location of any asbestos materials before any planned work starts;

TermContractorswhoundertakeemergencyorurgentworksaremadeawarethat County buildings may contain asbestos andthat checks are made to ensure their operatives have received asbestos awareness training;

Anyworkaffectingasbestosmaterialsiscarriedoutstrictlyinaccordancewithcurrent legislation:


The following actions are to becarriedoutbyHeadsofEstablishment/Setting:

To assistPropertyFacilities and the Property Consultant [Carillion] in maintaining asbestosmaterialsthathavebeenleftin-situinasafeconditionHeadsofEstablishment

/settingarerequiredtoarrangefortheprocedureslistedbelowtobefollowedtoensure that persons using County buildings are not put at risk:-

Ensure that the “Notice to all contractors working at this site” site notice is clearly displayed and brought to the attention ofall persons carrying out work at the establishment/setting;

Ensure that materials containing asbestos fibre are not used for any work in County

Buildings. This is now a legal requirement;

Reportdetailsofanydamagetomaterialsthattheyknoworsuspectcouldpossibly contain asbestos, by phoning the PropertyConsultant [Carillion] telephone number at thefrontofthisfolder. Ifindoubtevacuatethearea.Donotclean(particularlyusing brushes or normal vacuum cleaners) oruse the area until checks can be made. The Property Consultant [Carillion] will implement any actions necessary;

Ensurechecksaremadeattheplanningstageofanydelegatedworkundertheir control, including repair andmaintenance work, to identifyany asbestos materials that may be affected by the work. A check mustbe made of the Asbestos Register in Section 2 of this folderbefore undertaking any work;

Submissionsundertheselffinancedimprovementprojects,building,engineeringand groundsschemesmustincludedetailsofanyasbestosmaterialslikelytobeaffected by the work. A check of the Asbestos Register in Section 2 of this folder must be made when planning the work. If the work involves major refurbishment or demolition a Demolition and Refurbishment (Formerly Type3)surveymustbecarriedoutbya competent person who is either suitablyqualified or experienced. The Property Consultant [Carillion] can give advice;

Details of any additional asbestos materials discovered during surveys must be forwarded to Property Consultant [Carillion] for inclusion on the Asbestos Register;

Asitisnotalwayspossibletocheckrecordspriortoemergencyandurgentworksitis required that any work of this nature organised by the Establishment/setting is only carried out by contractors who can provide evidence that their operatives have received asbestos awareness training;

Aswellasthedaytodayrequirementtoreportanydamagetoasbestosmaterialsitis strongly recommended that annualinspectionsofallknownasbestosmaterialsare carried outand recorded at the same time asbuilding surveys. Any damage must be reportedtothePropertyConsultant[Carillion] Arecordsheetforrecordingdetailsof the annual inspectionsis included in Section 5;

This folder must be made available toemployeesandanyoneelseworkingonthesite.

Work in CountyBuildings:

Heads of Establishments/settings have a duty under Regulation 12 ofthe Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 to include in their managementsystems the means to inform contractors, engaged by them to carry out workon a site, of all relevant informationregardingtheworkwhichthe contractor is to undertake. The presence or possibility of the presence of asbestos containing materials must therefore be broughtto the attention of contractors carrying out workon the site. Where the work is non-delegated the Property Consultant [Carillion], will, onbehalf ofthe CountyCouncilandHeadof Establishment/setting advise contractors.

However for delegated work, not arranged by or through the Property Consultant [Carillion], the Head of Establishment/settingmustensurethat,beforecommencementof any work, the location of all asbestos materials which may be affected by the proposed work is identified and the Property Consultant informed.


Thefollowingprocedures will be carried outby Property Consultant [Carillion] when details of suspect materials are reported orwhere work affecting asbestos materials is planned:-

1. Wherenecessaryarrangeforsamplesofsuspectorpresumedasbestosmaterialsto be analysed to determine whetherasbestos fibre is present;

2. Giveadviceastoanyactionnecessaryincludingguidanceonspecifications,theway in which the work should be undertaken and by whom:

The following wordingis for inclusion in specificationsforworkinexistingbuildingsevenif asbestos has not been identified by a checkof the Asbestos Register or a visual surveyas it may stillbe encountered duringthe work:-

“Attention is drawn to the fact that in the past Oxfordshire County Council has used asbestos products in the construction and insulation of its buildings.

Whereverpossiblethesematerialswillbeidentifiedto thecontractortogetherwiththe minimum safety requirements necessary for work affecting such materials. The contractor should carry out his own inspections to identify such materials.

Initial inspections, however, may not reveal all asbestos materials present so it is important that during the course of the works that the contractor is vigilant. If any previouslyunknownasbestosisdiscoveredworkintheimmediateareamuststopand the Project Manager and Head of Establishment/setting informed so that the correct action can be taken.”

Change ofUse of Building:

Where a change of use of building is planned a risk assessment must be carried out to determine whether any identifiedasbestosmaterialswouldbe morevulnerabletodamage from the new activity.


Anypersonwhosuspectsthepresenceofpreviouslyunknownasbestosmaterialsorof damage to or work that may affect existingasbestos materials should report it to:

Carillion“Helpdesk”08081 566659

The following actions will beinitiated by the report:-




IsthematerialNO damagedorlikelytobe disturbedbyanywork.

CarillioninformsHeadof Establishment/settingand personwhoreported. Carillionenterdetailsin AsbestosRegister.

CarillioninformsHeadof Establishment/settingand personwhoreported.


Carillionarrangeforinspectionandwherenecessaryforsamplestobetaken.Carillioninforms HeadofEstablishment/settingandpersonwhoreportedoftheactionstobetaken.Itmaybe necessaryforCarilliontoclosetheareawhileinvestigationsareongoing.



Carillionadviseonactionsnecessaryincludingguidanceon specifications,thewayinwhichtheworkshouldbe undertakenandbywhom.CarillioninformsHeadof Establishment/settingandpersonwhoreportedofthework.

CarillioninformsHeadof Establishment/settingandperson who reportedplusupdatingAsbestos Register

Followingworkbylicensedasbestoscontractors,thatislikelytoexceedthecontrollimits,itwillbe necessarytoemployanindependentUKASaccreditedlaboratorytotakeclearance,backgroundor reassuranceairsamples.ClearancecertificationmustmeettherequirementsofcurrentHealthand SafetyExecutiveGuidanceHSG248anda‘CertificateofRe-occupation’ issuedbeforetheareais returnedtonormaloccupation. WherePSCmanagetheworktheHeadofEstablishment/settingwillbe informedthatworkhasbeencompletedsatisfactorily andsuppliedwithcopiesofanyclearance certificatesandairtestreportsandtheupdatedAsbestosRegister.WheretheEstablishment/setting hasorganisedtheworkcopiesofallsuchpaperworkmustbesenttoCarillionsothattheinformation canbeenteredontheregister.


Health and SafetyHelpline: (01865) 797222


Listedbelowaresomeofthevarioustypesandlocationofasbestosmaterialsthathavebeen discoveredintheconstructionandinsulationofOxfordshireCountyCouncilbuildings:-

SprayedCoatings -Usedforthermalandacousticinsulationandforfireandcondensation protection.Eitherexposedorwithinsuspendedceilingvoids.

Appliedtotheundersideof Appliedtosteelwork. concreteroofs/floors.

AsbestosInsulation-Usedforthermalinsulationandcondensationprotection.Found mainlywithinboilerhouses,storecupboards,ducts,roofspacesandequipment.

/ Appliedtoboilers,hotwater / / Fanassistedheaters.
cylinders,pipeworketc. / / Kilns
/ Electricstorageheaters. / / Gasfiredsterilizingsinks.


/ Caulkingtobrickwork. / / Ovendoorseals.
/ Boilerandfluesealing. / / Eleccableinsulationtocookers.


/ Ceilingtiles/panelling / / Fireproofingofducts.
/ Walltiles/panelling. / / Fireproofingofroofspaces.
/ Panellingtobrazinghearths / / Sacrificeshutteringtoducts.
/ Fasciaandsoffitboards / / Liningstowindowreveals



/ Corrugatedroofsheeting, / / Ceilingandwallpanelling.
gutteringanddownpipes. / / Fireproofingofducts/roofs.
/ Rooftiles,fasciasandsoffitboards. / / Waterpipesandtanks.
/ Sacrificeshutteringtofloorducts.


/ PVC/thermoplasticfloortiles. / / Texturedcoatings.
/ Bitumenfelts. / / Paints,masticsetc.






•Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974.

•Management of Health and Safety atWork Regulations (as amended) 1999.

•Control of Asbestos Regulations 2006.

•The Hazardous Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2005.

•Carriage of Dangerous Goods (etc) Regulations 2004..

•The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007.

•L143 Work with materials containing asbestos (ACOP)

•L127Themanagementofasbestos in non domestic-premises.

•HSG247 Asbestos: The licensed contractors’ guide.

•HSG248 Asbestos: The analysts’ guide for sampling, analysis and clearance procedures.

•HSG210 Asbestos Essentials

•HSG227Acomprehensiveguideto managing asbestos in premises.

•DETR publication - Asbestos and man-made mineral fibres in buildings