Minutes from St. Lawrence Parish Council Meeting
February 5, 2103
Present: Fr. Gary, Laurinda Pribyl, Ellen McCulloch, Diana Snaza, Samuel Fonder, Mike Trapp, Terri Weber, Cheryl Radermacher, Karen Holscher, Megan Thomas
Absent: Brad Nelson, Darin Snaza
Fr. Gary opened with a prayer.
Minutes from previous meeting were read, and approved by Samuel Fonder, second by Mike Trapp. Motion carried.
Old Business: Parish Directory
Diana stated that the complimentary 8 x 10 photos will be handed out the weekend of February 15-16. She said that Darby and Terri have been wonderful to work with: Darby especially with computer help, Terri with shut-ins and nursing home residents. Darby and Ann Tuscherer are taking care of the layout. Revillo (Annunciation Parish) will have five pages. Teresa Wollschlager is the contact person for them. Diana expected that there will be about 10 activity pages in the St. Lawrence portion of the directory. It was mentioned again that there will be two covers; one for St. Lawrence and one for Annunciation. Since it is a spiral bound directory, people can choose which cover they’d like to have. We are on schedule to have the finished directories by May 1.
Old Business: Technology
Ellen asked about the email list for sending out the bulletin/ministry list. Fr. Gary advised that we do not have a count on the number of email addresses collected. Diana stated that many people chose to give their email information when the signed in for the directory picture.
New Business: Religious Education (See attached sheet)
Update on RCIA: One Catholic is being confirmed, three people are being received into the Church, 1 person will receive full sacraments, and the son of one will be receiving his First Communion at the Easter Vigil when parent receives.
Laurinda questioned whether or not the names of candidates would be in the bulletin. Fr. Gary stated that Darby would handle that.
New Business: Finance
CFSA: Father reminded us that CFSA letters will be arriving this week. They contain a letter as well as a brochure explaining what the CFSA money is used for. He then explained the entire brochure to us.
Laurinda wanted to know how money that is sent to the diocese in a seminarian’s name is handled. Father explained it all goes into one big pot. Laurinda said that’s not what the diocese told her, that it went into that particular seminarian’s account. Father said, yes, but since the money is all pooled and used as needed for the seminarians, it all essentially goes into one big pot. Father then went on to explain how the seminarians receive the money, based on which level of schooling they are at (Major, Minor, Pre-Theology, Study Abroad.)
He then explained what the responsibility of the seminarian is, should he not complete his studies or leave the priesthood shortly after being ordained. Father gave examples on how this is handled, stating it’s different from one diocese to another.
Father then went over financial information as it appeared in the bulletin this past week. He pointed out that the school is moving closer to the 50% mark, rather than the 70% mark it was at three years ago.
New Business: Parish Growth
Terri asked for permission for Tim Weber to continue leading the congregation in praying the rosary at 4:30, prior to the 5:00 PM Saturday Mass. Father said this would be fine. She then mentioned that in regard to the rosary prior to the 8:00 AM Sunday Mass, which she would like to lead, and Father had said it would be fine, what to do about music practice. Laurinda had concerns over whether the mystery meditations would be said, because if it gets too close to Mass time, that wouldn’t be good. Terri stated that the rosary would be ended by 7:50. Father then stated that he’d changed his mind and didn’t think a rosary prior to the 8:00 Mass would be ok. He suggested doing it between the two Sunday morning Masses. Terri stated there would not be enough time.
Laurinda wants to know what is being done to welcome new parishioners. She said she met with a group of woman and they unanimously agreed that we are not welcoming enough. Father advised that there are not a lot of new people coming into the community. Laurinda wants to know how we register and how we welcome. In the old days, we gave a loaf of homemade bread, a basket, a cloth, a rosary and a pamphlet. She stated that Cheryl’s office isn’t accessible enough. Terri stated that when new people come into the administration part of the building the will first see the school office and can stop there for directions. Then a discussion of the building layout and courtyard, along with other items ensued.
Cheryl stated that she welcomes people when they call to register, and sends out cards to new parishioners. Father Gary said he goes to a lot of sporting events and so is highly visible to the people. Karen thought that the priest should be making drop-in home visits. Father said he is never invited. Terri said drop in-home visits would be senseless in this day and age since no one is ever home anymore anyway. Father said there are also legal implications.
Terri suggested that she could work with Darby and the youth to send out invitations to upcoming social events, such as the soup supper.
New Business: Buildings and Grounds
We repeated discussion from last month regarding the fact that the tuck pointing money is all in the bank, how much interest we are earning at the diocese and such.
New Business: Cemetery
Fr. Gary stated that Mr. Kelly came to him at a ball game wanting to know if he has the cemetery mowing contract. Father said he had neglected to pass on this information to Mr. Kelly.
Father stated that someone has cut trees at the cemetery without our permission and it looks terrible. In clarifying, someone has cut branches of trees, which hang over their fields without discussing with us first. Terri stated that while disrespectful, a land owner is within his legal rights cutting branches from a neighboring tree that hang into their property area. Father felt is was wrong of the people who cut the branches to do so and not clean them up immediately. It looked terrible when they were out there for a burial.
New Business: Youth
Megan and Samuel shared that it looks like about 60 youth from Milbank, Pierre, Highmore, Wilmot and Sisseton will be going to the Steubenville Conference near St. Louis MO this July. Twenty of the youth are from Milbank. Father commended the youth for the evangelization efforts they put forth in speaking to the youth from Wilmot and Sisseton. Father Gary stated that the goal is to build up a “regional” youth group so that the bishop will have good reason to come to our area. He wants to keep confirmation in Milbank, not have to take our students to Sioux Falls. He again mentioned that students from other parishes will be confirmed with the St. Lawrence group. (See last month’s minutes.)
March 9 the students will hold a soup supper after the 5:00 PM Mass. Megan and Samuel were not sure if this was a generic youth group fundraiser or if the money would be going to the youth going to Steubenville. Father would like to see cards and games played at this event, to turn it into a social event, not just a fundraiser.
March 17 the youth are holding a talent show and dinner to raise money for the Steubenville trip.
Laurinda wanted to know how the money is disbursed to the youth going to Steubenville. Samuel explained that they are required to sign in and sign out and then those youth that help work get money for the amount of time worked. It was also explained that each youth has a “bank account” and money is deposited into that account. When they have enough raised for their trip, they can continue to bank the money for other events or they can give it to someone else to help them.
New Business: TV Mass
ITC will begin airing the Sunday Mass on their channel each Wednesday at 10:00 AM and 7:00 PM. Father said this should begin on Wednesday, February 13. The plan is to record the 8:00 AM Mass each Sunday. He said that testing has been done and all is ready to go.
Ellen moved to adjourn the meeting. Laurinda seconded. Motion carried.
Closed with Prayer
Terri Weber,