Pinnacle Gymnastics
September 19, 2012
Meeting called to order at 8:05pm by Morgan Kuchynka
Members in attendance: Jennifer Wood, Tammy Rowse, Elizabeth Manivong, Heather VanDyke
Old business:
Pinnacle is hosting the State USAG Meet which is March 15-17, 2013 on the campus of BakerUniversity in BaldwinKS
Location Rental: report by Morgan Kuchynka
BakerUniversity will rent us the facility for $250 per day + $500 for the weekend
for custodial fees for a total of $1250 for the weekend. No deposits due at this
time. Morgan states she believes fees will be due after the meet. We can not have access to the facility until noon on Friday the 15th, 2013 Morgan has asked if we would like to go with her staff to tour the facility. She will look into weekends in November.
Equipment for State: report by Morgan Kuchynka
Equipment cost is $6500 + hotel costs for person coming to bring the equipment.
Company is from Arkansas. Morgan reports that she needs a deposit for
$1000 to reserve the equipment and would like to get this reserved as
soon as possible. – Paperwork signed by Jennifer Wood on 9/6/12 and given to Pinnacle to send to equipment vendor
Scoring system: Morgan reports has selected to use Beyond the Scores which is a free system. We will need 8-10 iPAD or laptops to use for the weekend that have wireless capacity. Discussed how this company profits and Morgan shared that they sell a mobile app that people can download for $1.99 (?). This will allow the people who purchase to see the scores as they are put into the system. Baker has 2 TV’s we can use but we will need to get a projector and screen to flash the scores onto. We will also need to take a printer so that scores can be printed and hung up after each session.
Registrations: report by Morgan Kuchynka
At this point in time we do not have deadlines set for registration but
Morgan reports that she believes it is generally 2-3 weeks prior to the meet. She
states that there is generally an early bird discount and late entry fees. Registration
fees have not been revealed by the state USAG committee yet but in the past they
have run between $75-$90 depending on level. Morgan shares that a rough invite will be done by the end of this month. She does not expect any registrations to come in before the end of January.
Awards/Goodie Bags: report by Morgan Kuchynka
Awards will be ordered once schedules are finalized. Funds for these come from registration fees. Ideally item to cost around $5.00. Ideas were discussed such as a picture frame or custom flip flops. Heather Van Dyke agreed to look into the flip flop option for costs.
Proshop: report by Morgan Kuchynka
All profits to Pinnacle per Morgan. Morgan reports Kirsten will be in charge of this area. She is looking into meet packs with options to preorder t-shirts, leotards, etc. She is going to check with Volt to see if they would be willing to come do screen printing.
Concessions: report by Morgan Kuchynka
Pinnacle will be running concessions and receive 100% of the profits. We will
likely do this the same way as we did for judges cup where different levels will be
responsible for donating specific items.
Entry fees: report by Morgan Kuchynka
No set fees determined at this time.
Required work schedules: report by Morgan Kuchynka
Morgan reports each family will likely be required to work 2 sessions. Both parents can work the same session to fulfill their 2 time slots. Hannah to set up “Sign Up Genius” again for families to sign up for their specific time slots. Will likely have a cut off 2 weeks prior to the meet with only the administrator being able to make any changes after that date.
Committes to be formed: report by Morgan Kuchynka & Tammy Rowse
Awards & Judges Table : Hannah Thomas & Rachel Zade
Set Up & Tear Down : Hannah Thomas & Brett Barnhart
Entry & Accomodations : Traci Manganiello & Elizabeth Manivong
Concessions & Hospitality : Kirsten Conrad & Elaine Ellenz
Proshop & Goodie Bags : Kirsten Conrad & Tammy Rowse
Scoring & Softwear : Traci Manganiello & Jessica Gooch
Traci - Scoring and Software, Entry and Accommodations
Kirsten - Concessions and Hospitality, Proshop and Goodie Bags
New Business:
Mock Meet: Morgan Kuchynka
Will be on November 21st at the Shawnee gym location. Morgan has asked that those involved with the scoring to come help at the meet so there is a practice opportunity.
Information box/folder: Morgan Kuchynka
Morgan has requested that we get some sort of file folder system that would have each gymnasts name on it to put all information into. This way her staff was not having to hand out, receive fundraising information. Tammy Rowse said she would look into getting a system for us to use. Morgan to look into location for us to keep it so that gymnasts and their families have access to it without being in her staff’s way. Also discussed was that the booster club is in process of getting a new lock box for escrow payments to be placed in. This will hopefully be in place by early October.
Meet Registration for gymnasts: Jennifer Wood
Jennifer brought up that we need to make sure gymnasts have sufficient funds in their escrow accounts prior to registering them for meets. Last year we had one gymnast who was registered for several meets, yet she never paid and consequently the booster club was out over $200 in fees. Morgan shared that Hannah will turn her registration list into Elizabeth so that a check can be cut. Elizabeth to make sure fees are in gymnasts accounts prior to registering them. If insufficient funds are in their account and Elizabeth is unsuccessful attaining payment she will notify Morgan so that a conversation can be initiated with gymnast parents.
Booster Club information: Tammy Rowse
Tammy asked if there was a way to get our booster club information onto the Pinnacle website. Morgan suggested that we have a blog that we could post information onto. She could put a link on her website.
Next meeting: November 7th at 8pm at Pinnacle
Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm
Jennifer Wood, Secretary