May 19-21, 2006

Spokane Convention Center • Spokane, Washington

Grand and Gold

Usages of the U.S. Battleship Revenues of 1898, J. Wilson Palmer

American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors Creativity Pin; American Philatelic Society Research Medal; American Revenue Association Award for Best Exhibit; United States Stamp Society Presidents Award

Reserve Grand and Gold

Nuremberg-Tale of a City, Ingeburg L. Fisher

American Topical Association First

Court of Honor

Provocative Prexie Postal History, Dickson H. Preston

Purple Horrors: U.S. 3 Cent Commemoratives 1893-1945, Dickson H. Preston


Canada - Cameo Definitive Issues, John D. Arn

American Philatelic Society 1940-1980 Medal of Excellence; British North America Philatelic Society Best; British North America Philatelic Society Best Research Exhibit; Best Exhibit by a Member of Pacific Northwest Regional Group of BNAPS; Elizabethan Study Group of BNAPS White Queen Pin

U. S. Internment Camp Mail in World War II, Louis O. Fiset

Japanese Americans and World War II, 1942-1946, Louis O. Fiset

Postal Development in Berlin 1945-1950, Ingeburg L. Fisher

Germany 1934 Airmail Issue, James W. Graue

American Philatelic Society 1900-1940 Medal of Excellence

Zeppelin South America Flights, 1930-1937, James W. Graue

South Australia, Ronald G. Rhodes

American Philatelic Society Pre 1900 Medal of Excellence


The Development of Airmail Over the Orient 1935-1941, Leonard G. Lukens

4-Cent 1959 Oregon Statehood Issue, Ralph H. Nafziger

American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors Award of Honor

A Research Study of U.S. Stationary Bidder Samples to 1903, Howard Ness

U.S. Stationary Advertising and Promotional Envelopes of the 20th Century, Howard Ness

World War II Era U.S. First Day Covers with Civil Censor Markings, Marjory J. Sente

American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors Award of Honor


The Horse Era, Anne Harris

Spokane Postal History: Years of Growth 1881 – Date, Larry Mann

The National Wildlife Week Issues of Canada, David Oldfield

Elizabethan Study Group of BNAPS White Queen Pin


Canada Celebrates the Scouts and Guides, J. Alex Hadden

Japanese Field Post Mail - Sino - Japanese War of 1903-WWII, Howard Ness

Single Frame


The Potato from Plow to Plate, Jim Bryan

1953 Commemorative Postage Due Stamps of Hungary, Lyman R. Caswell

U.S. Advertising Covers for Book Publishers and Sellers, 1855-1910, Ruth Caswell


A Century of Patriotic Postal Stationery, Allen Mintz


Children With Equines, Anne Harris

Lovely Ladies With Beautiful Horses, Anne Harris



Farming in America, Chris Jerue

Northwest Regional Group of the British North American Philatelic Society Special Youth Award


Moving the Mail, Tim Boardman

Storytelling Through the Mail: Tall Tale Postcards, Corliss Clay

A Historical Review of the Precancels of Montana, Jim Hirstein

An Invitation to Join the Ships On Stamps Unit of the American Topical Association (ATA), Myron Molnau