Bayer Technology Services (BTS) Award Rules

  1. The BTS Award is a distinction granted tothe author of the best doctoral thesisdefended at the Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Lodz during two academic years precedingannouncement of thecompetition.
  2. The BTS Award isbestowed in the form of a diplomaand reward of €1,000 funded by the BTS Company.
  3. The BTS Award can be bestowed only once on a person.
  4. At least two, but not more than five candidatesareput forward for theaward byVice-Dean for Science according to thesupervisors’ proposition.
  5. The nominees’ works should satisfy the following requirements:
  6. Results of the work have been publishedin a refereed journal (this condition is considered to be satisfied ifin the moment of application, the article is accepted for publication).
  7. The workcontains both theoretical aspects and their experimental verification.
  8. Results of the work have been presented at one national and one international scientific conference at least.
  9. The work presents a novelscientific method or provides a discussion of a new research topic.
  10. Practical aspects of the work are indicated.
  11. Supervisors ofthe theses put forward the names of candidates to the Faculty Dean’s Office. Their propositions must contain:
  • the candidate’s name and surname
  • the thesis title, dateof final examination and the name of supervisor of the PhD thesis
  • information thatthe requirements listed in paragraph 5have been satisfied and relevant certificates (e.g. a Xerox copy of the paper) have been enclosed
  • abstractof the thesis in Polish and English(not exceeding one A-4 page, Times New Roman 12, spacing 1.5 line)
  • evaluation ofthe PhD thesis,
  • presentation of the candidate’s scientific interests,
  • other activities of thecandidate,
  • other remarks (at the supervisor’s discretion).
  1. The BTS Award isbestowed to a candidate ofirreproachable moral and ethical conduct.
  2. The deadline for submission of proposals for the BTS Awards is specified every time by Dean of the Faculty in a circular sent to departments of the Faculty and in the information placed on the Dean’s Office website.
  3. The winner of the Award is selected by a jury. The jury will consistof the following members: Dean of the Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering and two members appointed by the Dean who are prominent scientists employed at the Faculty. Decisions taken by the jury are not affected by the sponsor of the Award. Decisions of the Jury will be final and not subject to any appeal.
  4. Dean sets up the date of the jury meeting. The meeting agenda is as follows:
  5. Dean presentscandidates put forward for the Award
  6. supervisorspresent detailed characteristics of thecandidates
  7. the candidatures are discussed and the Winner of the Award is selected in an open ballot.
  8. Once the Winner is selected, the Deanapplies to the BTS Company formaking a cheque for€1.000 to the Winner.
  9. The Dean notifies theWinner ofbestowing the Award as well as of the date and place where it will be handed
  10. The reward will be handed by a representative of the BTS Company on the Technical University of Lodz Commemoration Day.
  11. The Winner confirms the receipt of the BTS Awardwith his/her signature in the Award Book.
  12. The BTS Award is bestowed biennially.
  13. The Award procedure should be completed by the end of March.