British Military Contingent
Nijmegen Marches Registrations Officer (NMRO)
HQ 2 Gp C130 Cap Dev, FHQ,Royal Air Force Brize Norton, Carterton,
Oxfordshire, OX18 3LX
Email: /
See Distribution 2016/RAF/NIJMEGEN/NMRO/
21 May 16
A. NM16 Joint Service Entry Procedures and General Information Booklet.
B. 2015DIN07-167 dated November 2015.
C. NM16 BMC Standing Orders issue SO/16/01.
1. Registration. NM16 will take place from 16–23 Jul 16. Your team has been accepted and registered as part of the British Military Contingent (BMC), subject to the completion of stage 3 of the entry process outlined in Reference A, and within the deadlines published in Reference B.
2. BMC allocation. For NM16 the BMC have been allocated 800 places; split between Land and RAF-sponsored participants. Teams entering NM16 were selected on a first-come, first-served basis with surplus personnel being placed on a reserve list. These personnel will be called forward if and when places become available (through withdrawal of other teams/personnel).
3. JS Entry Procedures and General Information Booklet. Reference A is considered to be essential reading for all those involved in NM16, irrespective of whether they have participated before.
4. Orders, rules and regulations. All members of the BMC are on duty during, and whilst travelling to, the Nijmegen Marches and are therefore subject to the normal rules of Service discipline. All Team Leaders (TL) are required to familiarise themselves and their team with the contents of Reference C and are to ensure they comply with the dress regulations contained therein. A uniform and equipment list is at Annex A. Please note that this list is not exhaustive. Stichting De 4DAAGSE regulations can be found at
5. Medical treatment. Where possible participants are to arrange, through Unit medical staff, for the issue of an Operational Medical Record Card (F Med 965) prior to deployment to Nijmegen. When reporting to the Enhanced Treatment Facility (ETF) on Heumensoord Camp for treatment, all marchers are to have their F Med 965 with them. For those forces who cannot obtain such cards (UOTC, UAS and Cadet Forces), medical staff at Heumensoord Camp (HC) will issue a card when necessary. F Med 965s are to be returned to Unit medical staff or upon return to the UK.
6. Insurance. Costs for medical treatment abroad can be very expensive and TL are to ensure that participants have sufficient medical insurance for the period of the Marches. All personnel are to carry a valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) at all times. It should be noted that the cover provided by the EHIC may not meet the full costs of some medical treatment in Europe. Personnel are strongly advised to take out personal insurance to cover loss/damage to their own belongings and Service issued items. In addition, it is recommended that all personnel take out adequate travel insurance to cover accidents which may occur during off-duty periods.
7. Reserves/replacements. Due to entry restrictions, teams are not permitted to introduce new people to their team lists after 31 May 16. Only withdrawals and minor amendments (initials, date of birth etc) will be accepted beyond this date. The NMRO may continue to call previously declared personnel forward from the reserve list after 31 May 16. Personnel arriving at HC who have not been registered will be handed over to the Military Police and returned to unit. Note that there are no facilities for accommodation or messing for non-marching drivers at HC.
8. Amendments. Minor amendments to participant details will be accepted by the NMRO until 10 Jun 16. For NM16, the Stichting De 4DAAGSE have stipulated that NO late notice amendments can be made. This means that TL must be extremely vigilant when checking the details held by the NMRO. In particular, it is crucial to check dates of birth, 4DAAGSE Registration Numbers and previous Nijmegen awards for all participants. The BMC will not be held accountable for incorrect data not highlighted to the NMRO.
9. Outstanding paperwork. Cadet teams were required to submit consent forms, health certificates and proof of age documents during stage 2 of the entry process. TL are to ensure that any outstanding paperwork is forwarded to the NMRO immediately. Failure to comply will result in your personnel being moved onto the reserve list and their places being reallocated. Significant changes to forms already submitted should be highlighted to the NMRO at the earliest opportunity.
Stage 3: Final confirmation
10. Guidance notes. These instructions are given to Team Managers (TM) and/or TL as a guide to completing Stage 3 (Final confirmation) of the entry process. This information augments that provided at References A and B. Stage 3 consists of the following elements:
a. A check of the Stage 2 detail held by the NMRO for each team member followed by a declaration from the TL confirming that all details are correct (incorporated into the Notification of movements form).
b. Completion of the Stage 3 Notification of movements proforma.
c. Familiarisation with BMC Standing Orders.
d. Completion of a HC visitor proforma if a unit CO wishes to visit his/her team at any time between 17-21 Jul 16 (if applicable).
e. Completion of BMC ID cards (if applicable).
f. Payment of insurance and messing charges (ACO teams only).
g. Completion of a team media / publicity brief (optional).
11. Check of Stage 2 detail. A read-only copy of key information taken from the Stage 2: Team Member Declaration entry form is given at Enclosure 1. The detail contained on this form has been used to register your team members with the Stichting De 4DAAGSE. You are to carefully check ALL detail held on this form and notify the NMRO of any incorrect information before 10 Jun 16 (see para 7). DO NOT attempt to change the read-only form as this will not change the master document held by the NMRO and the new information will not be recorded.
12. Notification of movements. To ensure that the BMC and the relevant National and Host Nation Security Authorities are aware of the movements of Foreign Military Personnel and to ease congestion during team arrivals, TL are to complete the Notification of Movements form given at Enclosure 2. The Notification of Movements form is divided into 3 parts:
a. Part 1: Team details. Enter your team name and BMC Ref (4 digit number issued to you by the NMRO). Enter 2 mobile telephone numbers which can be used by BMC staff to contact your team during the period 16-23 Jul 16 inclusive. TL should choose these numbers carefully and must ensure that the telephones are kept charged and switched on for the duration of the period specified (including on the marches themselves). Please include the country dialling codes for both numbers (i.e. 0044 for UK registered telephones, 0049 for German registered telephones and 0031 for Dutch registered telephones) and ensure that the telephones will operate on the European networks.
b. Part 2: Travel to HC. Part 2 asks for information relating to the team’s travel TO HC.
(1) ETA. An ETA for HC is to be entered in cell B11. As outlined in Reference A, the ETA for ALL members of the team must be between 12:00 and 17:00 on Sat 16 Jul 16.
(2) Transport combination. Select the combination that best describes your travel plans i.e. travelling by coach to Dover then catching the ferry to Calais before continuing the coach journey would warrant the “Vehicle/Ferry” selection.
(3) Number of vehicles. Please select the number of vehicles (coaches, minibuses, cars etc) your team will arrive at HC with. If you will arrive with no vehicles select N/A.
(4) Parking. Please state whether you will require parking for your vehicles for the period of the marches. No parking is available at HC. Once unloaded, all vehicles are to be driven to Grave Camp, where they will be parked under the control of the BMC staff. Once parked, no access to these vehicles will be permitted until the day of departure. Transport will be provided to ferry the drivers of these vehicles to and from HC on arrival/departure days only. Directions to Heumensoord and Grave Camps are given at Annex B.
(5) Additional information. Please enter as much additional information regarding your travel plans as possible. In particular, please provide coach company details (i.e. travelling on the Derwent Travel or 600 Sqn Northolt coaches), ferry crossing points (i.e. Dover-Calais, Harwich-Hook etc), flight numbers and routes, vehicle registration numbers (if known) names of other teams sharing your transport, amplification of arrival times (NI based teams) and details of any personnel travelling independently.
c. Part 3: Travel from HC. Part 3 asks for information on the team’s departure FROM HC on Sat 23 Jul 16. The ETD must be between 07:00 and 10:30; select a combination which best matches your travel plans and include additional information. No team transport will be allowed onto camp on Fri 22 Jul 16.
d. Part 4: Certificate of Stage 2 detail. Part 4 is a declaration by the TL that the detail held by the NMRO is 100% correct. The TL is stating that he/she has carefully checked the information shown in Enclosure 2 and has notified the NMRO of any discrepancies before 10 Jun 16 (see para 8).
e. Formatting. All fields shown in yellow are to be completed. Once data is entered into these cells the shading will disappear. Do not attempt to change/alter any of the formatting within the form. Submission of altered spreadsheets will result in the form being returned by the NMRO and may jeopardise your entry.
13. HC visitor proforma (if applicable). Only unit Commanding Officers are permitted access to visit their personnel at HC. No other visitors are permitted. All prospective visits to HC by unit Commanding Officers are to be notified to the BMC (by completion of Enclosure 4) so that the visit request can be submitted to the Dutch Military Authorities for approval. Although unlikely, TL must be prepared to have their request denied. Visits are not permitted on Sat 16 Jul 16 or Friday 22 Jul 16. All visitors are required to leave HC by 2300 on the same day as their visit; no overnight stays are permitted. Visitors must be in possession of their Service Identity Card and cannot bring vehicles onto HC.
14. BMC identity cards (if applicable). Teams who requested BMC identity cards on their Stage 2 entry form have been sent the required number of cards through the post by the NMRO. The cards are serialised to your team (though they may be allocated to team members at the discretion of the TL) and TL must complete the participant’s details and attach a passport-sized photograph before laminating the cards. This process must be completed BEFORE deployment to HC as no laminating facilities will be available at the BMC admin centre. TL should acknowledge receipt of the BMC ID cards by email to the NMRO at the earliest opportunity.
15. Insurance and messing charges (ACO teams only). All ATC teams are required to pay top-up insurance and messing charges. Details of these payments will be provided by HQAC. All queries relating to payment of these charges should be directed to Mr Alex Maddison at .
16. Media / publicity brief (optional). TL are encouraged to prepare a publicity brief on their team in order for media coverage to be collected in a controlled manner. Suggested contents could include youngest/oldest marchers, family ties within the team, birthdays during the marches or any information that may be of interest to the BMC/CVM. The publicity brief may include any announcements you wish the nominated guest to announce by loud speaker at the start of the march on a particular day. A blank template for the media / publicity brief is given at Enclosure 6. TL should return the brief electronically to the NMRO before 10 Jun 16. Please note that the BMC Protocol and Media Officer will prepare formal media statements as required.
17. Checklist. The checklist shown below is provided to assist TL with Stage 3 of the entry process. Before emailing your completed forms please check that:
a. You have carefully checked all details shown at Enclosure 1. DO NOT attempt to make amendments to the form, instead notify the NMRO who will make the changes and re-issue the updated form.
b. On the Notification of movements proforma, you have entered 2 mobile telephone numbers (including country code) on which the team may be contacted during the marches.
c. You have completed all fields in parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the Notification of movements proforma. The completed form should contain no yellow shaded cells. The form should be returned to the NMRO electronically by 10 Jun 16.
d. You have no outstanding Stage 2 paperwork. Check your team status at Outstanding paperwork is to be submitted to the NMRO immediately.