Safe Grad PartyMeeting Minutes
Thursday, March 10, 2016
6:15 PM, Carman Collegiate Library
Attendance: Jourdan Bilodeau, Marc Bilodeau, Nicole Bilodeau, Sandi Waddell, Kelly Waddell, Shaylin Olson, Rob Olson, Jeremy McLellan, Ethan Hamm, Bryce Neff, Andi Neff, Kelly Main, Brett Richardson, Bailey Gitzel, Brenda Reimer, Jack Phillips
- Introductions – Everyone introduced themselves.
- School’s role –Mr. Phillips explained that the school would help to organize the first two to three meetings, and then the Safe Grad Committee would be expected to go on their own. The school can assist the Safe Grad Committee by forwarding communications to the parents, and by selling tickets for the event at the school.
- Location – A Side of the Carman Arena
- Establishment of Committees
- Chairs of the committee – Kate Petrie and Andi Neff – the “How to Plan your Safe Grad” book was given out. Access also at
- “How to Plan Your Safe Grad” booklet recommends the following committees. Describe roles and determine chairs:
- Set up / Clean up – Needs to be filled
- Entertainment / Prize and Fundraising– Kelly Main – Kelly given contact information for Al at Superb Entertainment. They have done the last couple of years with DJ, photobooth and mechanical bull (about $3800). Discussion also about whether grads want door prizes. Last year did not have door prizes, and therefore did not have to fundraise as much.
- Security – Needs to be filled
- Bar / Ticket Sellers– Rob Olson
- Food – Brenda Reimer and Sandi Waddell
- Transportation – Needs to be filled
- Medical – Robyn Gitzel (emailed after to state she would lead this committee)
Fundraising – The Safe Grad Committee was part of making the Chili dinner at BlizzardFest and will be receiving money (excess of $1000) for that event. There was also discussion and agreement for the group to sell Carman Co-op gift cards. The group could make up to a maximum of $3000 for selling those. Group would have to sell $60 000 worth as they will make 5% profit on this. Talked about conducting this fundraiser from April 1 to April 30. Talk about having posters made, then people could go into Coop and get their prepaid card. Jourdan B was volunteered to make a poster promoting this.
- Establishment of rules – reviewed updated 2015 grad rules. No changes were suggested at this time.
- Needs to be done in the next month:
- Application for Safe Grad Liability Insurance Coverage Form
- Manitoba Liquor Control Commission Form
- Safe Grad Wristbands Order Form – see what is available from last year
- DJ – in conjunction with Prom committee
Next meeting– Thursday, March 24 at 6:15 pm in the library