Leonard Cheshire Disability is a UK registered charity working in the field of Disability and Inclusive Development. Leonard Cheshire Disability works in 13 countries across Africa and Asia; partnering with local Cheshire Services to implement programmes for Persons with Disabilities in the areas of inclusive livelihoods, inclusive Education, influencing, youth leadership and Research.
Leonard Cheshire Disability has received funding from Dubai cares to implement a three years`Inclusive Education project in Northern Uganda in the district of Amolator. The project will be implemented by Cheshire Services Uganda (CSU),a member of the Leonard Cheshire Disability – Global Alliance. CSU is a Ugandan NGO working in the disability and inclusive development arena. CSU comprises of 7 independently managed Cheshire services of Katalemwa, Nkokonjeru, Buluba, Budaka, Butiru, Pamba-Soroti and two schools for the blind in Soroti district. CSU implements programmes in five thematic areas of Education, livelihoods, health and rehabilitation, support for everyday living and campaign and advocacy.
1.1 Project Goal
The project`s goal is“improved life chances for children with disabilities through inclusive primary education”.
1.2 Project location
Five sub-counties of Amolator district of northern Uganda; Amolatar Town Council, Muntu, Awelo, Namasale and Aputi Sub counties
1.3Project Targets
This project is expected to;
- enrol500 children with disabilities in mainstream primary school education
- provide Inclusive Education training to 130 teachers from 10 primary schools
- make accessibility adaptations to 10 primary schools
- support 500 family members of children with disabilities to participate in parent groups
- support 250 disabled and non-disabled children to participate in child-to-child clubs
- engage 220 SMC and PTA members from 10 schools in sensitisation workshops,
- engage 20,000 members of the community through awareness raising activities to dispel myths and stigma about disabilities and breakdown attitudinal barriers
- engage 300 members of the district local government and other education actors from Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) through advocacy and awareness raising activities: 122 community leaders, 27 leaders and members of Disabled People’s Organisations, 85 Head Teachers, and 30 CSO staff and 36 district local government staff.
2. Purpose of the consultancy
Prior to implementation, there is need for a baseline assessmentto ascertain the existing conditions andtherefore set a standard to measure change within the 5 key outcome areas, as identified in the project`s theory of change and the log frame.
2.1 Objectives
This baseline evaluation will be guided by the following broad objectives:
- To establish the current (baseline) situation and targetsin relation to the 5 key project outcome areas.
- Review of the log frame indicators for relevance and appropriateness and recommend changes where applicable.
- Provide further understanding and insight into the reasons why the identified situations exists including; highlighting the opportunities and the barriers to the concept of inclusive education in Amalator.
- Assess the baseline findings against the assumptions of Theory of Change and propose recommendations where the project plan might need to be adapted to take the project forward.
It is expected that this external baseline evaluation will be participatory, using a mix of quantitative and qualitative methods and tools. It will explore Knowledge, Attitude and Practice at 4 levels: The individual level for the child with a disability, Household/ community level, school level and policy level. The process will include a desk top review, a household survey, focus group discussions and key informant interviews involving representatives from various interest groups, such as; children with disabilities ensuring a good representation of Girls With Disabilities, parents/carers, teachers, members of School Management Committees and Parent Teachers Associations, parents, Disabled Peoples Organisations, Civil Society Organisations, Councilors for PWDs, Parish chiefs, Local Council 1 officials, district and sub county education stakeholders among other duty bearers.
The project has five key expected outcomes with clearly defined outputs and indicators. The table below outlines the outcomes and associated outputs.
Goal: To improve life chances for children with disabilities through inclusive primary educationOutcome 1: The educational environment in mainstream primary schools is more welcoming and accessible for children for disabilities / Output 1.1: Supporting the provision of medical and personal resources to attend school
Output 1.2:Target schools are provided with infrastructureadaptations as per assessment
Output 1.3:Discrimination relating to gender and disability are reduced through sensitisation activities
Outcome 2: Teachers, SMC members and PTA members are applying and creating inclusive practices to foster an effective learning environment for children with disabilities / Output 2.1: Teachers have increased knowledge of IE and raised capacity to support and empower girls and boys with disabilities within the classroom
Output 2.2: SMC members, Head Teachers and PTA have the needed capacity to support Inclusive Education within their schools
Outcome 3: Family members are responsive to needs of children with disabilities and committed to principles of IE / Output 3.1: Parents and families have increased knowledge around IE and needs of Children with Disabilities
Output 3.2:Parents have the ability to diversify their household income as a result of livelihood training
Outcome 4: Key stakeholders demonstrate awareness and understanding of the diverse potential and needs of children with disabilities. / Output 4.1 Government officials have increased knowledge around principles of IE
Output 4.2: Local CSOs/NGOS/DPOs/ local leaders have increased capacity to promote disability issues and inclusive education
Output 4.3: The wider community is sensitised around issues relating to disability and IE
3. Scope of Work
To design, implement and report a baseline study within 5 sub-counties of the Amalator district of Uganda, within and around the selected 10 schools.Design a suitable methodology for collecting/analyzing data from a representative sample of key stakeholders;
a)design data collection tools
b)collect data using mixed method approaches and tools including; a desk top review, household survey, Focus group discussions and Key informant interviews with key stakeholders
c)analyze collected data and present a draft report to the key Leonard Cheshire Disability and CSU stakeholders for feedback
d)prepare a final report taking into account validation by Leonard Cheshire Disabilityand CSU stakeholders.
- Methodology
The methodology design will be part of the technical proposal for the tendering process. To provide a detailed evaluation framework-clarifying methodologies: sample size and tools to be used,how each evaluation question will be assessed, information sources used and judgment criteria to be applied will be presented in an inception plan.
4. 1 Baseline users
The main users of this evaluation are:
- Cheshire services Uganda and Leonard Cheshire Disability international department,
- Dubai Cares
- Other Leonard Cheshire Disability regional offices and implementing partners in Africa
- Local government officials and policy makers and partners.
- Deliverables. The evaluator will deliver 5 items
a)Inception plan. Submittedin electronic form together with 3 bound hard copies. The Inception planshall include: Consultant’s understanding of the TOR and comments, proposed methodology, Data collection instruments, field visit plan and report outline, detailed evaluation framework and implementation plan.
b)Pretest of the evaluation tools/instruments report
c)Draft report. The draft report shall have the following contents: Methodology, presentation of Findings,conclusions and recommendations particularly analysis of the Theory of Change, impact on the planned project design and the way forward for CSU and Leonard Cheshire Disabilityamong others. The consultant shall submit the draft report in soft copy for feedback from CSU and Leonard Cheshire Disability.
d)Final report
A final report, in addition to the above contents, shall incorporate comments from the key CSU and Leonard Cheshire Disabilitystakeholders who will be consulted for validating the draft report. The consultant shall submit a soft copy in PDF and Word format together with 1 bound colour hard copies.
e)Completed and accurate base-line data sets
6. Qualification of Evaluation Consultant
Leonard Cheshire Disability is open to tenders from single applicants or joint proposals and from evaluators with disabilities.
A key goal for Leonard Cheshire Disability is to minimise its overhead and operating expenses so that the maximum amount of funding can be allocated to the provision of services to the disabled. We are therefore very interested in working with those suppliers that are willing to share in this goal, through providing the charity with exceptional and innovative commercial terms, whilst also meeting our expectations in terms of quality and service. In developing this proposal we ask you to give careful consideration to Leonard Cheshire Disability and how you might structure your proposal to support us in delivering the best possible services and support to the disabled individuals and communities that we serve.
Applicants are required to clearly identify and provide CVs for themselves and others proposed in the Evaluation Team, (clearly stating their roles and responsibilities for this evaluation).
The key qualifications required for the lead consultant include at least Masters in Development Studies, Economics and Social Sciences.
The proposed evaluation consultant/team should include the technical expertise required to deliver the scope of work and assessment outputs, in particular, with regards to:
•Baseline design: design and plan the baseline approaches and research methodologies, including quantitative and qualitative research methods such as interviews, group processes, participant observation, surveys, electronic data files, or other methods.
•Relevant subject matter knowledge and demonstrable experience of research in international development (particularly in Africa), disability, inclusive education and gender would be an advantage to ensure that the baseline design and research methods are as relevant and meaningful as possible given the aims and objectives of the project and the context in which it is being delivered;
•Evaluation management: Demonstrable experience managing evaluation projects within budget and on time.
•Ability to manage databases, construct data files, conduct and supervise data entry, and perform data edits/cleaning.
•Statistical analysis: a range of statistical modelling and analysis of impact data; highly proficient user of: SPSS or STATA; and qualitative data analysis software e.g. ATLAS.ti, NVivo or equivalent
•Knowledge of methods for protecting confidential data.
•Experience with synthesizing information generated through an evaluation to produce findings that are clearly linked to the data collected.
•Skill in working with stakeholders to develop feasible recommendations.
•Ability to prepare and present evaluation results in a manner that increases the likelihood that they will be used and accepted by a diverse group of stakeholders.
The consultant will need to present evidence of tax compliance in accordance with the Uganda`s tax laws.
7. Payment
Milestone payments will be linked to successful and adequate responses to the main products as follows:
- 50%Upon submission of an inception report
- 50% on acceptance of the final report.
The tentative implementation timeline will be as follows
Proposed roadmap for GEC End line Evaluation
Activity / TimelineAdvertise TOR / 23 March
Deadline for submissions / 31 March
Identify, Recruit and deploy consultants / By 7 April 2017
Development and agreement on data tools as well as Inception Report / 10 -14 April 2017
Testing of tools / 17-21April
Data Collection / 24-28 April
Data processing and Analysis / From 1-5 May
Preparation and submission of draft report / By 19May 2017
Leonard Cheshire Disability provide feedback / By 26May
Submission of Final Report / 31 May 2017
- Management and Reporting
CSU shall oversee the baseline evaluation. Therefore, the Consultant will work closely with CSU: in many cases represented by the Monitoring and Evaluation Manager. The Consultant will need to also nominate a contact person as part of the inception report who will always be contacted by CSU throughout the evaluation.
Invitation to tender submission
To enable Leonard Cheshire Disability to evaluate replies fairly and consistently please ensure that your invitation to tender is completed fully in line with the instructions below.
Invitation to tender guidelines
Interested Consultants are invited to submit an Expression of Interest along with a Curriculum Vitae and,a service specification document detailing a clear demonstration and understanding and interpretation of this Terms of reference including how your evaluation design will meet the outcomes that are described in the terms of reference Including; evaluation framework, methodology with examples of key informant interview questions, FGD questions and house hold survey questions, how you propose to analyse and report on the data and a work plan within the given time frames. Provide a detailed break-down of the budget.
You will be required to submit a written proposal as part of the invitation to tender in the form set out. You should submit an electronic copy of the document, which should be labelled clearly. Invitation to tender should be on A4 paper, with sequential page numbering. The invitation to tender format should be as specified below and must specifically address all sections.
Leonard Cheshire Disability reserves the right to disregard any response submitted after the timetable deadline.
You are expected to supply all required information, or clearly state the reason for being unable to do so.
Any assumptions used in preparing responses should be clearly stated. Any appropriate supporting documents e.g. plans, drawings, brochures, organisation charts, etc. should be included.
Leonard Cheshire Disability reserves the right to modify the provisions of this invitation to tender at any time prior to the scheduled date for written responses. Additional scope and requirements can be added. Notification of such changes will be provided to all vendors.
You should avoid deviating from the detailed requirements and specifications provided. Where this is completely unavoidable please contact Leonard Cheshire Disability immediately to discuss and ensure that you clearly identify and highlight these deviations in your response.
By submitting a response, you are confirming that you understand the requirements and have sufficiently addressed all aspects of the invitation to tender and that you have checked all stated details to be correct and as intended
10.1 Format for the invitation to tender response
Your response should be structured as indicated below:
Cover pageContents
Part 1 /
- CV or company background
- Vision, mission and objectives
- Brief history
- Product/service portfolio
- Key differentiators and unique selling points that make your organisation the supplier of choice
- Relevant experience with organisations of comparable size and geographical spread within the not for profit sector
- Relevant experience of delivering evaluation services in Uganda or similar environments
- Key supplier relationships already established for the provision of services, particularly in Africa
- Detailed implementation methodology & how this will be applied to the roll-out with Leonard Cheshire Disability
- Risk management methodology and how it will be applied to this account
- Portfolio of projects successfully delivered and current projects being undertaken and the expected outcomes
Part 2 / Three relevant references
Part 3 / Financial reports for previous three years (not necessary for individuals)
Part 4 / Fully completed supplier questionnaire provided below
Part 5 / Develop a service specification document detailing how your evaluation design will meet the outcomes that are described in the terms of reference Including; evaluation framework, methodology with examples of key informant interview questions, focus group discussion questions and house hold survey questions, how you propose to analyse and report on the data and a work plan
Part 6 / Develop an evaluation budget within the time and evaluation budget
11. Supplier Questionnaire
Question / ResponseName (company name)
Parent company
Personal (company) address
Name of person responsible for the information contained in this invitation to tender
Telephone number
Facsimile number
Email address
Web page
Initial year of operations
Company location:
Corporate office
Other offices
Number of employees:
Type of company ownership structure i.e. Partnership, Ltd, PLC etc.
Have you or are you currently delivering evaluation services to customers in the not for profit sector?
Would these customers be willing to act as a reference for you?
If yes then please provide contact name, company address, telephone number and e mail address
Please provide details of any special/advantageous commercial terms that you are willing to provide or have provided to not for profit/charitable organisations
(Company only) Please provide details of your corporate and social responsibility policy including projects completed or currently underway
(Company only) Please provide details of any formal quality standards achieved e.g. ISO 9000
(Company only) Please provide details of any environmental standards achieved e.g. ISO 14001
Please provide details of any outstanding legal action against you, your company or any directors or partners
Please provide details of how you measure the company’s quality performance and how often
Please provide details of how you measure the company’s customer service performance and how often
12 Submission of proposals
Interested consultants are invited to submit a proposal by 5pm (UK time) nd copy to