Electric Power System Reliability -2015
First Edition
William H. Smith, P.E.
Powersmiths International is recognized by the North American Electric Reliability
Corporation as a continuing education provider that adheres to NERC Continuing
Education Program Criteria.
Cover design and creation by Rondee Mikolajczak, Milwaukee, WI
Cover Photo by Linda K. Smith, Marietta, GA
Preface v
Introduction 1
Standards Development and Monetary Penalties10
Chapter 1. Resource and Demand Balancing19
NERC Standards BAL-001, 003, 004, 005, 006
Chapter 2. Voltage Control and Reactive Power45
NERC Standard VAR-001, 002
Chapter 3. Power System Disturbance and Contingency Response61
NERC Standard BAL-002
Chapter 4.Reliability Operating Limits and Reliability Coordination71
NERC Standards IRO-004, 005, TOP-004, 007, 008
IRO-001, 002, 003 ,008, 009, 010, 014, 015, 016, FAC-011,014
Chapter 5.Transmission Congestion93
NERC Standards IRO-006,
FAC- 008, 013, MOD-001, 004, 008
Chapter 6.Emergency Operations 121
NERC Standards EOP-001 thru 004, 008, 010
Chapter 7.Power System Restoration 149
NERC Standards EOP-005, 006, 007, 009
Chapter 8.Transmission System Operations 191
NERC Standards TOP-001, 002, 003, 005, 006
PRC-001, 004 thru 011, 015 thru 018, 021 thru 023
Chapter 9.Interchange 233
NERC Standards INT-004, 006, 009, 010, 011
Chapter 10.Transmission Planning 253
NERC Standards MOD-010, 012,016-021,
TPL-001 thru 004, FAC-010
Chapter 11.Cyber Infrastructure 269
NERC Standards CIP-002 thru 009
Chapter 12.Communications 285
NERC Standards COM-001, 002
Chapter 13.Personnel Performance, Training and Qualifications 289
NERC Standards PER-001 thru 004
Chapter 14.Facilities Design, Connections and Maintenance 297
NERC Standards FAC-001, 002, 003
Chapter 15.Nuclear Plant Interface Coordination-NUC-001 305
Chapter 16.Power System Stability 307
Chapter 17.Power System Simulation 313
Answers to Questions 319
About the Author 320
Electric Power System Reliability-2015 is designed to serve as an aid for those preparing for the NERC System Operator Certification exams and those seeking to familiarize themselves with the power system fundamentals necessary to fully understand and properly implement the NERC Reliability Standards. It is the most up to date written material for those preparing for the new 2015 NERC System Operator Certification Exams.
“Electric Power System Reliability-2006” was first offered in July, 2006. It was popular and served its purpose. “EPSR-2007” was an updated version of the 2006 book including the new and revised NERC Standards on which the July, 2007 NERC exams were to be based and some new questions to promote understanding. The new NERC exams were delayed and ultimately implemented in July, 2008.
NERC implemented new System Operator Certification Exams in 2012. Theexams went live in February, 2012. The exams were based on the NERC Reliability
Standards effective October 1, 2011.
New NERC System Operator Certification Exams were implemented in January, 2015 and test on the NERC Standards which were effective on January 1, 2014; particularly the NERC Glossary of Terms and the BAL, COM, EOP, INT, IRO, TOP, VAR Standards.
This 2015 First Edition is an update to the 2014 First Edition. It includes lessons learned from recently taking the NERC RC exam. It is revised to include Standards approved by FERC that become effective during 2015. It emphasizes the Standards in effect as of January 1, 2014 on which the current (2015) exam is based. The presentation of the Standards highlights those considered to be most important in preparing for the NERC exam and those which have the greatest impact on system reliability.
As always, we will present the Standards in the context of power system fundamentals, the understanding of which is required to properly implement those Standards.
The NERC Approved Reliability Standards are organized into fourteen topical blocks on the NERC website:
BAL—Resource and Demand Balancing
CIP—Critical Infrastructure Protection
EOP—Emergency Preparedness and Operations
FAC—Facilities Design, Connections and Maintenance
INT—Interchange Scheduling and Coordination
IRO—Interconnection Reliability Operations and Coordination
MOD—Modeling, Data, and Analysis
PER—Personnel Performance, Training and Qualifications
PRC—Protection and Control
TOP—Transmission Operations
TPL—Transmission Planning
VAR—Voltage and Reactive
This book is organized in seventeen chapters each addressing a fundamental of Power System Reliability. Rather than present the Reliability Standards strictly in the NERC alphabetic Standards blocks, the Standards are presented in the context of the appropriate power system fundamentals. This organization is designed to provide the technical information required to understand the Standards and provide relevance and perspective to highlight the purpose of each Standard or group of Standards. This presentation format is designed to frame each group of standards so that information can be more easily assimilated and retained by electric power system operating personnel.
Each chapter is designed around a fundamental of Power System Reliability and its associated NERC Standards. Background information is presented to explain the purpose, intent and technical relevance of the Standards in that group. Key requirements of the Standards are summarized. Finally, any remaining requirements from the Standards group are presented for completeness.
This book is not intended as a complete and comprehensive representation of the NERC Reliability Standards. Power system professionals should continue to consult the NERC web site and other NERC publications for a comprehensive and current statement of the NERC Reliability Standards and their requirements, measures and compliance levels.
Chapter 13 contains a description of the details of the NERC System Operator exams and the process for registering for those exams. Those individuals preparing for the exam may want to turn there first.