Officer Petition

On behalf of the 2008 IAAE-Purdue officers, we would all like to thank-you for choosing to apply for an office in IAAE-Purdue. The future success of our organization will soon depend on a new group of leaders to guide and direct our organization into the future. In just a little over a month there will be a new group of IAAE-Purdue officers elected at our annual Christmas party. In order that the best applicants are chosen to lead this organization, the senior nominating committee along with the executive committee has developed an officer petition to evaluate and decide which applicants are the most qualified. Below is the explanation of how the selection process will be conducted.

The officer petition will consist of three parts. The first part of the petition is to fill out the information sheet attached below along with answering the two questions provided. Please keep the answers to the two questions to a maximum of one separate page. The next part is to provide the nominating committee with a completed resume. The last part of running for an office is to go through an interview with the nominating committee. All three parts of the application process is required. If an applicant fails to complete one of the above three mentioned parts, then they will forfeit the opportunity to serve as an IAAE officer. For instance if the applicant fails to complete an interview and is not slated for office, they cannot be nominated from the floor if the slate is not passed.

The interview process will consist of each applicant going through three different interview stations. The seniors who wish to do so will serve on the nominating committee, so to make things a little less stressful during the interview process the nominating committee will divide into three groups of three to four instead of one group of eleven. The applicant will move to each station and will be asked questions in each group spending about five minutes in each group. There will be no more than ten questions in fifteen minutes. By doing the interviews this way it allows for each member of the nominating committee is able to talk with each applicant and learn more about them. In order to schedule the best times for interviews, please attach a schedule of classes along with the application so we can schedule everyone in the best times. Tentative interview date is set for December 3rd. An interview time sign up sheet will be posted outside Dan’s office Friday morning November 24th until 5:00pm. Each applicant must sign up sometime Friday or contact Dan with the time desired.

We hope that this application process will be a positive experience for everyone. We want to find the best and most qualified applicants to serve our organization, which is why we are taking this process seriously. We look forward to talking to you during the interviews and learning more about each one of you. Applications are due in Dan’s office by 5:00pm on Monday November 24th. Be sure to check the checklist on the last page to make sure you have completed all three parts of the application. If there are any questions that you may have feel free to contact Dan @ 765-494-8423 or myself @ 317-626-1810. Again, thank you for choosing to apply for office and good luck to each of you.

Best of Luck,

Joseph G. Dunn

IAAE President


Officer Petition

Name: ______GPA: (please check one)

4.0 – 3.5 __

Grade Classification: ______3.49 – 3.0 __

2.99 – 2.5 __

2.49 – 2.0 __

1.99 – 1.5 __

(Freshman) N/A___

Please Circle & Rank the top three office(s) you desire:


First Vice PresidentChaplain

Second Vice PresidentReporter

Treasurer Assistant Treasurer

Historian Ag. Council Rep.

I am willing to be slated for any position other than the one(s) to which I have applied. Yes ______No______

If no, then please explain.



How are you qualified to hold the office(s) you desire?

What are your goals as an officer of IAAE-PURDUE?

Officer Duties

President: shall preside at all meetings, fill all vacancies by appointment otherwise not provided for and perform all delegated duties and responsibilities of the office.

Vice Presidents: shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the president. They shall assist the standing and special committee chairpersons to help those committees function. They are the ex-officio members of all standing committees and special committees. The second Vice President will be in charge of the Sandwich-making fundraiser activity. They will organize it and be in charge of keeping our clients from year to year.

Secretary: shall keep the roll of membership. The secretary shall attend all correspondence of the organization. Shall keep minutes and inscribe all amendments to the constitution. Also, the secretary shall serve on the Program and Career Development Events Committee.

Treasurer: shall understand that this is a position of trust through receiving, recording, and depositing funds and issuing receipts. The treasurer should make transactions in a manner approved by the Business Office for Student Organizations (BOSO). Dues and other special assessments need to be collected to complete a yearly budget. Treasurer’s reports should be presented at all meetings to be included in the minutes. Also, the treasurer shall serve on the Awards, Membership, and Finance Committee.

Assistant Treasurer: shall help the treasurer with all the duties. The assistant treasurer should learn sound financial practices by working along side the treasurer. The assistant treasurer should take the treasurer’s position in the absence of the treasurer. It is also necessary to help collect dues and other funds. Also, the assistant treasurer shall serve on the Awards, Membership, and Finance Committee.

Reporter: Shall be responsible for publishing a monthly newsletter and for submitting news releases to the appropriate publications. The reporter shall distribute posters and announcements of meetings and is responsible for taking pictures and compiling a slide-sound presentation of the IAAE-Purdue activities. Also, the reporter shall serve on the Newsletter Committee.

Chaplain: Shall be responsible for the devotional and/or inspirational caretaking of the organization. The chaplain will see that appropriate actions are taken in the celebration or mourning of a fellow member and his/her family. Also, the chaplain shall serve on the Campus and Community Committee.

Historian: shall be responsible for the development of an IAAE-Purdue scrapbook. The historian shall also aid the reporter in the preparation of the slide-sound presentation for the annual banquet. Also, the historian shall serve on the Publicity Committee.

Ag Council Representative: shall represent IAAE-Purdue and its interest on the Agricultural Council. The representative shall submit articles for the Ag Council Newsletter(s) attend all meetings and report pertinent information from Agricultural Council at Chapter and Executive meetings. Also, the Ag Council representative shall serve on the Campus and Community Committee.


Officer Petition


Information sheet ______

Resume _____

Class schedule ______

Completed and turned into

Dan by 5:00 pm Monday November 24 _____