Shorted Idea Submission Form
The deadline for submission of ideas is 12pm on 15th July 2017.
Return your completed form to:
Working Title:Your Name:
Tel No.
Mobile No.
Email address:
The Team:(Please list here the names of the people who will be on your filmmaking team PLEASE NOTE You do not need to have a team in order to apply)
Biography of lead artist/filmmaker and collaboraters: (max 150 words)
Your Idea for a Random Acts Film (max 150 words)
Character/s: We can provide a professional actor for you to work with. Please provide a breakdown of 1 or 2 central roles, to include: sex, age, and character description. (Max 50 words per role) If you are successful we will provide at least 1 professional actor meeting as close to your brief as possible.
Declaration of Interest
Northern Film & Media are required to identify all relevant financial or personal interests that may exist between board members or employees of Northern Film & Media and applicants. This is to prevent any conflicts of interest arising during the assessment of applications.
I do not* have any financial and/or close personal relationship with any Board member or employee of Northern Film & Media.
*Please delete as applicable.
If you do have such a relationship please tell us:
Name of NFM employee or Board member:
Nature of relationship (e.g. spouse, relative, financial interest – please give details):
Data Protection Act 1998 : Important
Part or all of the information you give us will be held on databases at Northern Film & Media, Arts Council England and European Regional Development Fund and will be used for statistical purposes. It will also be used for the administration of applications and awards. Copies of the information may be provided to individuals or organisations that are helping Northern Film & Media to assess applications or monitor funding.
In returning your application you are consenting to Northern Film & Media using your information for this purpose.
Important Information:
- SHORTED is open to artists and filmmakers based in the North East region only (Northumberland, Tyne & Wear, County Durham and Tees Valley).
- Applicants must be over 25 years old and not in full-time or undergraduate education. If you are under 25 and interested in making a Random Act you can contact the Random Act Network Centre North
- Applicants must be available to take part in the SHORTED production day at Cobalt Studios, Newcastle on 28th July 2017, from 10.30am – 8pm. Filmmakers will have 6 hours (from 11am – 5pm) to shoot and edit a short filmed piece in support of their Random Acts idea. This will then be presented to Channel 4 at the live event 6pm – 8pm. Each filmmaker must bring their own equipment to shoot and edit. This does not need to be professional standard equipment. We are looking for rough and ready bold expressions of creativity. In the spirit of the spontaneous nature of the event we ask that no footage is shot in advance of day.
- Each shortlisted applicant will receive a bursary of £200 to take part in the day which will be awarded on completion of the day via invoice.
- We are happy to receive collaborative ideas, involving more than one filmmaker. Please note that the bursary will be per idea rather than per filmmaker.
- Deadline for submission of ideas is noon on 15h July 2017. Filmmakers will be notified by 18th July 2017.
- Submissions will be selected by Channel 4 and Northern Film & Media. The Random Act commission will be selected by Catherine Bray, Random Acts Commissioning Editor, Channel 4 at the event on the 28th July.
- If your film idea is commissioned you must be able to deliver your completed 3 minute film to television broadcast standards by 15th October 2017. NFM will support you to do this.
SHORTED is a Northern Film & Media initiative funded by Arts Council England, Channel 4 and European Regional Development Fund. SHORTED 2017 is based on original formats designed by Bev Fox and Ian McLaughlin of Improactive (creators of 'Shorted' and '4 Hour Film Challenge')
If you have any questions about SHORTED please contact Roxy Mckenna, Projects Manager, Northern Film & Media on