“The book of the universe is written in the language of mathematics; without mathematics it is not possible to understand a word of it.” Galileo Galilei
Semester: Spring 2009 Course Number: Math 032 Course Title: Calculus III Instructor: Leslie Foster Office: MH 312 Telephone: 924-5123
Web page: Email:
Office hours (tentative): T Th 10:00-12:00 + 6:45-7:15, by appointment or (for questions related to the course) any time I’m not busy
Other Assistance: SJSU Learning Assistance Resource Center in the Student Service Center on Tenth Street and in MH221 (see
Prerequisites: Math 31 with a grade of C- or better.
Required Text: Calculus, Early Transcendentals, 6e by James Stewart, Thompson Brooks / Cole, 2008.
Suggested Supplements: Dan Clegg and Barbara Frank, Student Solutions Manual to Stewart’s Multivariable Calculus, 6th edition. Brooks / Cole 2007.
Calculators / Computers: I will expect all students to have a graphical calculator such as a TI 86 or TI 89. . There may be an occasional problem on a test or quiz where a modern calculator will be needed. Except for these problems, I will design tests and quizzes so that calculators are not needed. Also I will make one or more assignments that will require you to use Maple on a computer. Maple will be accessible to you in MH 221 and you should get an account for MH 221 (unless you have Maple at home).
Math 110L: I strongly encourage all students to sign up for one unit of Math 110L. Doing so will give you access to the Math Department computer lab in MH 221. Adding Math 110L costs nothing to full time, resident students. Part time students can, without adding Math 110L, also have access to the computer lab and tutoring lab by paying a fee in the Math department office.
Learning Objectives: Learn techniques for Multidimensional Calculus including material related to Parametric Curves (Sections 10.1 and 10.3), Vectors and the geometry of space (Chapter 12), Vector functions (Chapter 13), Partial Derivatives (Chapter 14), and Multiple Integrals (Chapter 15). This covers 29 sections. We will typically cover about a section a day or somewhat more. The material is often fun because it involves picturing things in three space!
Requirements and Points Points Each Basis of Grade Schedule
2 midterms 100 Curve within reason. The We will have a midterm
Final 150 curve for each individual after Chapter 12 and also
3-6 Quizzes 20 assignment will be after Chapter 14. There
1-2 Maple assignments 20 announced in class when the will be a quiz approximately
assignment is returned. If every two weeks. You
not announced the curve is will have at least a week’s
93/ 90/ 87/ 83/ 80/ 77/ 73/ 70/ 67/ 63/ 60 for notice for assignments.
A/ A-/ B+/ B/ B-/ C+/ C/ C-/ D+/ D/ D-.
Total ~450
Homework: Keep a collection of all assigned homework. The homework will be picked up from time to time during the semester. If your grade is in doubt homework and other signs of work will help your grade up to a maximum of 2-3% points in the final grade.
Make-up exams and quizzes: None except under very unusual circumstances and then only if you contact me (via phone, message, in person, note, ...) before the exam. Make-up exams will be more difficult.
Cheating: Don’t. Cheating on any quiz, exam, or program may result in an F in the course.
Additional information / requirements: see