Blog Rules
- This blog is a place to reflect and learn. You are encouraged to ask questions, answer questions, share your learning, synthesize ideas, plan projects or assignments and reflect on the process of learning.
- Students will conduct themselves appropriately when participating on the blog.
- Students shall not use any profanity or inappropriate language on the blog, and will not make any obscene, profane, defamatory, libelous, threatening, harassing, abusive, hateful, embarrassing, disrespectful and/or discriminatory comments on the blog.
- Students will only use their first names.
- Participating in the blog site is a privilege, not a right.
- Participation in or access to the blog site shall not be considered a substitute for classroom participation. Students remain responsible for all assignments, course content, exam preparation included within the class curriculum.
- Respect the opinions of other commenters. Don’t be rude, be mean or bully others.
- Don’t add hyperlinks to other websites
- Stay Safe and SMART. Never give out personal details.
- Your comment won’t appear right away. It will be reviewed and edited before being posted.
- All school rules and our student and employee AUPs (Acceptable Use Policies) apply in this online environment.
- We will respect each other's right to voice their opinions.
- Don't link your blog posts to your personal online space/blog/etc.
- Be safe, don't post last names or photos of yourself.
- Before publishing, check your spelling and grammar - we want people to see that we know what we're doing.
- Please don't use traditional texting abbreviations (lol, bff, btw)
- Remember, all posts are moderated, they get checked before they go online, and won't be approved if they don't measure up!
- Write positively about appropriate things.
- Light debating and discussion is fine.
- We will not tolerate rudeness, insulting posts, personal attacks or purposeless inflammatory posts. The administration and teacher’s decision is final in these matters.
- Write about topics — not people.
- Use proper grammar and spelling when writing.
- Do not post personal information.
- Stick to the topic of the post you are writing about.
- When you comment on a blog, comment about the subject and not about the owner of the blog or other people.
- Be respectful in posting and/or commenting.
- No posting meaningless threads such as one word or short non-sense posts.
- We are polite, kind and appropriate at all times
I have read and understand the above rules and agree to abide by them.
Signature of Student: ______
Date: ______
Student’s Name (Please Print) ______
I have read the above rules, and give my permission for my child to participate in the blog sites generated by his/her classroom teachers, and agree to the terms set forth in this agreement as well as the Parent/Guardian Network Responsibility Contract.
Signature of Parent or Guardian ______Date______
Parent/Guardian Name
(Please Print)______