CV Softball Rules- Minors- 10 and Under League Rules
- The 10 and under league is for girls who are eight years of age before January 1st and still 10 years old on April 30st of the current year. Exceptional seven years olds may be used subject to the discretion of the manager. This is usually 3rd and 4th graders.
- It is recommended that the 10 and under league rosters be limited to 17 teams members.
- The 10 and under league rosters from each area are submitted with the 12 and under league rosters from the respective areas.
- The 10 and under league players who have the ability to play in the 12 and under league may do so of listed on the 12 and under team roster.
- The 10 and under league players may be used if the 12 and under team is short of players so long as the playing of the scheduled 10 and under league game is not affected. If a 10 and under player is used in more than two games for one 12 and under team, she may not play for any other 12 and under team for the remainder of the season. A violation of this rule is grounds for the second 12 and under team to forfeit the game.
- The home team provides an umpire for each game. The umpire provided by the team is someone other than a team member, manager, or coach.
- A game may be terminated if both managers agree. No inning will start after 8:00
- In 10 and under league games, stealing bases, running on a wild pitch or passed ball, or running on a dropped 3rd strike are not allowed.
- Bunting is allowed but not if there is a runner on 3rd.
- The 10 batter rule is observed. Each team may bat the entire roster up to ten batters.
- Any batter may withdraw from the game and re-enter, provided she occupies the same position in the batting order. The defensive position played has no bearing on this rule.
- Miscellaneous 10 and under league rules:
- Fly ball- The infield fly rule does not apply.
- Passed ball- Runners may not advance on a passed ball .
- Playing field- the official diamond shall have 45ft baselines and a 27ft pitching distance.
- Players and Substitutions- a team shall consist of 10 players. The 10th player shall be designated as an outfielder and may be stationed anywhere on the fair ground in the out field.
- The game shall be per the schedule.
- Batting- In 10 and under league games a 10 batter rule is observed. Each team may have a maximum of 10 batters in each inning. A teams turn at bat is complete either when 3 outs have been made or when the 10th batters turn at bat is complete.
- Softball- An 11 inch incrediball is required for all games and will be provided by the home team.
- Pitching- The 10 and under pitcher is allowed 6 pitches. If the batter does not reach base in these 6 pitches, the batters coach will now pitch. Keep the strike count from the 10 and under pitcher. Only 3 pitches are allowed by the coach. If the batter does not reach base after these 3 pitches, the batter is out. If there is a foul ball on 3rd pitch , the batter gets another pitch.
- No walking.