Psychosociology of Oganizations

Prof. Cesare Kaneklin; Prof. Silvio Carlo Ripamonti


The organization produces goods and/or services and, at the same time, sources of identity for the people who work there or who make use of the goods or of the service.On the level of reality,for some aspects, it is visible and tangible; but many of its aspects remain hidden and partially unknown.

The organisation is, therefore, a complex system that in its actual function, as a social subject, oscillates between order and strong dimensions of disorder.

The aims of the course are linked to the development of the ability to gather together the complexity of the organization, distinguishing between the structural dimensions and the dimensions linked to less tangible aspects of its functioning, emerging from the interaction of individuals and groups to work.


The following topics will be studied in depth:

–how organizations have been changed and are changing in the historical, cultural, economic and current organizationalcontext;

–how the management of organizations and of the work personnel changes and why the aspect of change needs to be joined to that of learning;

–understanding a specific organization is not simple and can invalidate the attempts to plan, to change and to reorganise based on over-simplified knowledge of the reality from the moment that the organization is also made up of ties between the individual and the organization, and therefore there is also “attachment”, as the emotional aspect is also at play in it.


M.J. Hatch, Teoria dell’organizzazione, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2013(new ed.).

J. Barus Michel-E. Enriquez-A. Levy (ed. by), Dizionario di Psicolsociologia, Cortina, Milano, 2005 (following items: Organizzazione, Cambiamento, Complessità, Idealizzazione, Sublimazione, Identificazione, Identità, Interazione, Potere, Autorità, Approccio clinico, Coinvolgimento, Implicazione, Soggetto).


Starting from the cases used at lectures and the knowledge learnt during the three year degree, individual, group and class work will be targeted at the construction of models and conceptual references useful for understanding and operating in organizations.


Of process: continuous assessment. Of learning: oral exam.


Students coming from other curricula of the Faculty or from other University Campuses are required, at the beginning of the year, to read and study the texts listed below in order to integrate the preparation needed to study the course.

C. Kaneklin-F. Olivetti Manoukian, Conoscere l’organizzazione, Carocci, Roma, 2010 (first part).

C. Kaneklin,Il gruppo in teoria e in pratica, R. Cortina Editore, Milano, 2010 (new edition).

Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at or on the Faculty notice board.