Acis autumnalis - a delightful, hardy autumn snowflake2.00


drumondii - a dwarf with many mauve/white flowers to

the stem2.00

ex. Guernica - a dwarf with large creamy white flowers2.00

rivularis -a fine white flower with blue backs, for shade2.00

Anemonella thalictroides - a delicate beauty, pink or white2.50


atrata - darkest purple black with nicely marked leaves2.00

pyreniaca - soft pretty blue flowers.30cms.2.50

Arisaema consanguinea - dramatic foliage, large white-striped

brownish flowers2.00

Beesia calthifolia – a woodlander with beautiful foliage2.50


dubia - a fine garden plant with turquoise flowers2.00 pycnantha - striking blue black flowers 2.00


autumnale ex Turkey- small and pinkish purple 2.50

autumnale ex UK native population - large, strong colours 2.50

sp. ex Croatia - dainty small flowers and very small leaves 2.50

Crocus kotschyanus – the best of the autumn flowerers for

the garden 2.00


africanum - a lovely plant for a cold greenhouse 2.00

coum - deepest pinks 2.00 2.00 hildebrandii - very large flowers and leaves 2.50

hederifolia var. crassifolia - wonderful large dark flowers

and thickened fleshy leaves 2.50

hederifolia best darkest reds- fabulous colours on strong

plants 2.50

whitei-graecum x hederifolium - a very good garden plant 2.50


mezereum f. album - the stunning white form 2.00

pontica - useful evergreen with yellowy green flowers 2.00


ex ‘Orange Glow’ – a bright golden orange 2.00


revolutum - the trout lily with lilac pink flowers 2.50

citrinum - a beautiful delicate trout lily 2.50


acmopetala - a very good border plant 2.00

michaelovskyi - dwarf plant, purple and gold bells 2.00

pontica- green and purplish flowers. Very good in the garden 2.00


elwesii - ex ‘Long Drop’, ‘Paradise Giant’,’ Deer Slot’,

‘Fenstead End’, ‘Mr Blobby’ etc.3.00

Green tipped mix3.00

ex Heyrick Greatorex’s garden - an exciting mix2.50

mix from Rod and Jane Leeds garden. Contains many of the best snowdrops grown today. Green tips and

yellows in here3.00

nivalis mix - including ‘Clovis’ and poculiformis 3.00

plicatus – yellows – ex ‘Primrose Warburg’‘Wendy’s

Gold’, and ‘Spindlestone Surprise’3.50

plicatus - ex ‘Bowles Large Leaf’, ‘Yaffles’, ‘Diggory’,

‘The Pearl’ etc.3.00

reginae-olgae - the autumn flowering snowdrop2.50 very Best Mix – pot luck but good things in here! 2.50

woronowii 2.00

Glaucidium palmatum - a woodland classic, pink/lilac poppy-like



tristis - creamy white green tinged flowers2.00

Italicus - a dainty pink gladiolus for May2.00

palustris – delicate, soft lilac/pink flowers and lots of them 2.00


cyclophyllus - wild collected2.50

purpurascens - wild collected2.50

viridis - wild collected2.50 best apricot shades 2.50

best blacks2.00

best greens2.00

best slatey-greys 2.00

best yellows2.00 double blacks 2.50

double pinks2.50

double yellows2.50

double mix2.50

very best mix2.00


nobilis - LES strain large white flowers and fab leaves 2.50

nobilis ex Polish Tatra mountains very large fls & lvs.

V. beautiful and vigorous. A favourite2.00


aureus - amber coloured non-climbing perennial2.00

laxiflorus - a low growing perennial with blue/lilac and

cream flowers2.00

vernus- the indispensable Spring pea. Purple and blue2.00 vernus albo-roseus - large pink flowers 2.00

vernus - with very long narrow leaves2.00

Mertensia maritima – grey lvs, lovely blue fls. Spring2.50

Notholirion bulbiferum - desirable bulb to 1.5m pale lilac

trumpet flowers2.50

Pulsatilla georgica – cream with blue backs 2.50

halleri - large fls, pink to mauve2.00

montana - small purple nodding flowers, very beautiful2.50


bulbocodium ssp.leichtlinii - large, white with a yellow


requinii - violet flowers with darker veins2.00

Saruma henryi - a very good Chinese woodlander with clear

yellow flowers2.00


amoena - a dwarf with stunning blue flowers2.00

cilicica - early flowerer for shade, good soft blur2.00

Scopolia carniolica - a woodland edge plant with primrose bells in spring 2.00


albidum – lovely white, scented ‘wake robin’2.50

angustipetalum – large maroon upright fls. Vigorous.2.50

Tulipa kolpakowskiana - narrow glaucous leaves with yellow to olive-green flowers 2.00

Urospermum delechampii - a gorgeous lemon-yellow daisy with

a black centre.2.00


Witton Lane Seeds, 16 Witton Lane, Little Plumstead,

Norwich, Norfolk (UK) NR13 5DL



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Quantity / Variety / £ / p
Plus UK: £1.50 towards P & P
Europe: £3.50, Elsewhere £4.50 TOTAL
