Armstrong Equine Services

175 Esslinger Road

La Mesa, New Mexico 88044

Phone: (505) 233-2208

Fax: (505) 233-2228


  1. I hereby agree to breed my mare______

Age______Registration No.______Color______



To the Stallion______standing at Armstrong Equine Services

La Mesa, New Mexico in 20___and to pay a total service fee of $______

of which $______is tendered herewith as a booking fee and balance will be

paid prior to picking up the mare. My mare will not be bred unless booking fee is paid.

My mare is a maiden______My mare is barren______

Foal at side was foaled on ______and sired by ______

My mare is in foal to ______and was last bred on ______.

2. It is agreeable to check my mare for normal breeding condition, and to render

any treatment or immunization which may be necessary; the expense of this

service to be to my account.

3. It is my understanding that you and your representative will not be responsible

for accident, sickness or death to my mare or foal ,and that you and your represent

active will exercise your best judgment in supervising and caring for her. I will

likewise not be responsible for any accident or injury to your stallions or mares.

  1. Mare’s registration papers or photocopy must be returned with this contract.
  1. It is also agreed that you guarantee a live foal. For this purpose, a live foal defined as one that stands and nurses after foaling. This guarantee will apply only if notified within forty-eight hours from death. This notice must be accompanied by a statement from a licensed veterinarian.

6. If the mare proves not to be in foal in the year bred, or loses her foal, as stated in paragraph 5 above, or if the mare should die or become unfit to breed, then Armstrong Equine Services has the following options:

(a)Rebreed the mare the following year.

(b) Request a substitute mare the following year.

  1. It is further agreed that should the above named stallion die or become unfit for service then the Service fee paid, less the booking fee, shall be refunded.
  1. Live foal guarantee becomes null and void if mare is returned torace training.
  1. Board of mares: Dry mare $14.00 per day_____, Wet mare $16 per day____. All fees must be paid in full before the mare leaves the farm.
  1. A $150 ultrasound fee will be charged and includes all ultra sounding for this breeding season.
  1. Cooled, shipped Semen: cost is $250 for the each shipment.
  1. Should fees owed become delinquent by 90 days ownership of the mare will be properly transferred into the ownership of Joe B. Armstrong /Armstrong Equine Services as payment for fees owed.
  1. If insured, insurance company______and

Telephone number:______


Address ______


Telephone No. ______Fax No. ______


Mare Owner Joe B Armstrong