
note: latest additions accessible at

I was exposed to the Internet in late 1998 but didn't start "surfing" in earnest until I got my first home computer in January 2000. I began e-mailing different researchers and "authorities" on the UFO, Philadelphia Experiment, and advanced physics subjects. I stored most of these correspondences for later retrieval in the table below.

As one can tell, I quickly became a believer in the UNITEL cause. I didn't start out that way. I was alerted to UNITEL in a Marshall Barnes' chat on the Philadelphia Experiment. He said that if indeed the Eldridge behaved like a giant fuzzy electron and "quantum tunneled" in the real world (as opposed to the subatomic), there was a present-day company trying to exploit those very same physics. And that company was UNITEL.

Many of the experts I had contacted were skeptical of UNITEL. I myself didn't know what to believe and in those early days I was wavering. One can tell that by reading those e-mails. But as time went on, I found myself almost exclusively dwelling on the UNITEL project. The objective of trying to "fool" Mother Nature made sense to me. Although there were "theoretical holes" to be worked out, the conceptual physics made sense. Only the engineering was left to be done. Many times in the past has experimentation and development led science in the technology and medical fields.

If these appear a bit disjointed, it's because in the beginning I wasn't asking the proper questions. I wasn't "smart" enough to ask the proper ones. In time I got more educated and homed-in more appropriate inquiries. I suppose this collection reflects my education in these subjects as well.

The "Diary" is divided into files of 50 e-mails each. Many of these e-mails are very theoretically "deep" and quite lengthy. You might consider 'SAVE'ing these to your hard-drive or CD to minimize downloading time. Then you can study them at your own leisure (even printing some of them off) without having to rely on your Internet connection.

And lastly, I admit to sometimes changing my opinions in these e-mail debates as I learned more. After all, I'm only 'human' and I'm not too proud to say I haven't "eaten crow" many, many times. And likewise, many of the following authors have also been guilty of being 'human' at times in spite of their great academic prowess.

-- Mark McWilliams November 9, 2002

If you have difficulty opening a given file (below) by <clicking> its link (or you are not routed automatically to its "bookmark [#]"), they can be accessed individually at:

emails 001-049 →S_001_049.doc

emails 050-099 →S_050_099.doc

emails 100-049 →S_100_149.doc

emails 150-199 →S_150_199.doc

emails 200-249 →S_200_249.doc

emails 250-299 →S_250_299.doc

emails 300-349 →S_300_349.doc

emails 350-399 →S_350_399.doc

emails 400-449 →S_400_449.doc

emails 450-499 →S_450_499.doc

emails 500-549 →S_500_549.doc

emails 550-599 →S_550_599.doc

emails 600-649 →S_600_649.doc

emails 650-699 →S_650_699.doc

emails 700-749 →S_700_749.doc

emails 750-799 →S_750-799.doc

to read /


/ Sender (Author) /



/ 11/28/98 / Tom Mahood / anti-matter, remote-viewing, unannounced nuclear tests
/ 11/29/98 / Tom Mahood / gravity waves, “standing orders” regarding UFOs
S-003 / 03/19/00 / Tom Mahood / Nikola Tesla, Bob Lazar, Bill Uhouse, Stan Deyo
S-004 / 06/19/00 / Tom Mahood / Jack Sarfatti & Philip Corso
S-005 / 09/05/00 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / the UNITEL website & technological developments
S-006 / 06/06/00 / Dr. Richard Boylan / UNITEL
S-007 / 09/13/00 / United Nuclear (owned
by Bob Lazar) / UNITEL
S-008 / 10/09/00 / S. Miles Lewis / UNITEL
S-009 / 10/10/00 / S. Miles Lewis /
Jack Sarfatti, Hal Puthoff, Nick Herbert, Marshall Barnes
S-010 / 12/02/00 / Bob King / the Philadelphia Experiment
S-011 / 12/04/00 / Bob King / follow-up to e-mail S-010
S-012 / 12/05/00 / Bob King / follow-up to e-mail S-011
S-013 / 02/02/01 / "Time Enforcement Commission (TEC)”
(Argentina-based) / regarding their time travel circuit schematics
S-014 / 02/21/01 / Diego H. Fernandez del Prado (of the “TEC”) / arrived at the same time as email #S-013
S-015 / 02/21/01 / Dr. Richard Boylan / claims of the “Time Enforcement Commission”
S-016 / 03/22/01 / Dr. Arkadiusz Jadczyk / UNITEL
S-017 / 03/27/01 / Alexandra “Chica” Bruce / misc. information that was passed on to 'stealthskater'
S-018 / 03/30/01 / Laura Knight-Jadczyk / additional remarks that supplemented her husband's reply in e-mail S-016
S-019 / 04/02/01 / Alexandra “Chica” Bruce / regarding the e-mail (S-017) I received from Laura Knight-Jadczyk
S-020 / 04/17/01 / Dr. Richard Boylan / exotic pulse-wave weapons
S-021 / 05/07/01 / "Harla Quinn" / ‘Peter Moon’ and other Montauk stuff
S-022 / 05/05/01 / "Harla Quinn" / regarding the follow-up e-mail I sent in response to email S-021
S-023 / 05/08/01 / "Harla Quinn" / regarding the follow-up e-mail I sent in response to email S-022
S-024 / 05/12/01 / “Montauk Project Center” webmaster
(Marshall Barnes ?) / releasing information on the Internet
S-025 / 05/23/01 / Dr. Richard Boylan / Col. Dr. Tom Bearden and EM/scalar-weaponry
S-026 / 10/22/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / current status in constructing the HOLO-1 prototype
S-027 / 10/26/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / "Tdimension" company's anti-grav proposals
S-028 / 11/02/01 / Dr. Jack Sarfatti / UNITEL
S-029 / 11/02/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / Jack Sarfatti
S-030 / 11/02/01 / Dr. Jack Sarfatti / StealthSkater's response to Sarfatti's UNITEL criticsms
S-031 / 11/02/01 / Kathryn Sullivan (from
one of Sarfatti's e-lists) / UNITEL
S-032 / 11/03/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / all the sites where StealthSkater posted news of UNITEL offering more stock for sale
S-033 / 11/03/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / UNITEL's contacts with investment teams
S-034 / 11/03/01 / Gary Ford (from
One of Sarfatti's e-lists) / comments on StealthSkater's answers to his questions
S-035 / 11/03/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / StealthSkater's personal experience with skeptics
S-036 / 11/03/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / possible business venture with 'T.A.P.-T.E.N.' time research
S-037 / 11/04/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / Joe Firmage, Tom Bearden, unknown businesses
S-038 / 11/04/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / the "plasma" aspects of UNITEL's supercrystalline laser lens
S-039 / 11/05/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / "strange twists of fate"
S-040 / 11/06/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / his UFO sighting and its influence on the UNITEL design
S-041 / 11/06/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / follow-up to e-mail S-040
S-042 / 11/07/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / his UFO sighting report sent to U.S. UFO IRC
S-043 / 11/07/01 / Dr. Bruce Maccabee / UFO physics and "real physics"
S-044 / 11/07/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / a response he received from Bruce Maccabee
S-045 / 11/07/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / how UNITEL conceived the idea for its patent
S-046 / 11/07/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / a graphic he made of the cigar-shaped UFO
S-047 / 11/08/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / UNITEL's "Prototype 1-A"
S-048 / 11/08/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / using their "smartskin" to bend/absorb radar signals
S-049 / 11/08/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / kickbacks to secure government funding
S-050 / 11/08/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / forwarding an e-mail sent to UNITEL consultant Yoshinari Minami on "divided time" Hilbert spaces
S-051 / 11/09/01 / Bob King / additional testimony as to the teleportation aspect of the Philadelphia Experiment
S-052 / 11/10/01 / Bob King / follow-up to e-mail S-051
S-053 / 11/10/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / an experiment to create mini-black holes to prove-or-disprove superstring theory
S-054 / 11/10/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / forwarding an e-mail regarding help in a new Bose-Einstein condensate
S-055 / 11/10/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / background college courses in Riemannian geometry
S-056 / 11/10/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / forwarding an e-mail to NASA about UNITEL's projects
S-057 / 11/10/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / spaceship FiberBundle Connection
S-058 / 11/11/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / his bewilderment over lack of government funding
S-059 / 11/11/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / Jack Sarfatti's skepticism
S-060 / 11/12/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / an offer to view the engineering CAD drawing of the UNITEL lens
S-061 / 11/12/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / a smartskin contract award to a competitor
S-062 / 11/12/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / disclosing all projects to potential investors
S-063 / 11/13/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / Sarfatti takes on Witten & Hawking
S-064 / 11/13/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / a formal application by UNITEL
S-065 / 11/13/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / a potential new investor company
S-066 / 11/13/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / a possible debate challenge to Jack Sarfatti
S-067 / 11/13/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / the chances of Sarfatti accepting the debate
S-068 / 11/13/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / Science doesn't always understand why something works
S-069 / 10/31/01 / Alexander Beletsky / a Soviet UFO Research Institute
S-070 / 11/05/01 / Tom Mahood / Larry Maurer & UNITEL
S-071 / 11/14/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / other people who want to debate Jack Sarfatti
S-072 / 11/15/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / writing a book about the UNITEL experience
S-073 / 11/15/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / obtaining a National Institute of Health grant
S-074 / 11/16/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / setting UNITEL's stock prices
S-075 / 11/17/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / the UNITEL newsletter
S-076 / 11/17/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / P-R & promotional materials
S-077 / 11/18/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / a Spain-based business potential partner
S-078 / 11/17/01 / Dr. Jack Sarfatti / Zero-Point Energy technology
S-079 / 11/18/01 / Dr. Jack Sarfatti / forwarding a response to Stan Tenen to members on his e-lists
S-080 / 11/19/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / Re. Zero-Point Energy
S-081 / 11/19/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / making slow progress to success
S-082 / 11/19/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / a recent UFO case at Malstrom AFB
S-083 / 11/20/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / Stephen Greer and "Out-Of-Body" experiences
S-084 / 11/20/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / others "copying" Macroscopic quantum tunneling
S-085 / 11/23/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / another configuration for the UNITEL craft
S-086 / 11/24/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / correcting 'stealthskater's mis-conclusions about e-mail S-085
S-087 / 11/24/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / why do electrical charges collect on an aircraft's wing
S-088 / 11/25/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / UNITEL's "capped-cone" hull design
S-089 / 11/21/01 / Dr. Jack Sarfatti / (apparently regarding 'stealthskater's support for UNITEL
S-090 / 11/25/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / rebuking Jack Sarfatti
S-091 / 11/25/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / forwarding an e-mail from UNITEL's research director Mike Miller regarding "Solid Light
S-092 / 11/25/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / regarding "FiberBundles"
S-093 / 11/26/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / forming partnerships with companies intending to mine the Moon
S-094 / 11/26/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / Scientific American article on "fiberbundles"
S-095 / 11/26/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / a UNITEL-related post at a Yahoo! Quantum Time Travel club
S-096 / 11/26/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / UNITEL's newsletter
S-097 / 11/26/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / 'stealthskater's message posted at a Yahoo! "Quantum Time Travel" club
S-098 / 11/27/01 / "Nanna Visitor" / an invitation to join a "Theoretical Sciences" on-line club
S-099 / 11/28/01 / Bob King / a correction to the Pine Gap, Australia mystery
S-100 / 11/27/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / reported Soviet "plasma stealth" technology
S-101 / 11/27/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / a Lens Construction Proposal to industry
S-102 / 11/27/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / web sources on quantum "fiber bundles"
S-103 / 11/27/01 / Larry Maurer (UNTIEL) / some potentially good news concerning funding
S-104 / 11/27/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / Jack Saratti's refusing to challenge Einstein on other topics
S-105 / 11/27/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / ideas for improving the UNITEL newsletter
S-106 / 11/28/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / geometric "cones" with monopole interactions
S-107 / 11/28/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / accidental divulging of confidential information
S-108 / 11/28/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / UNITEL's ranking in the Aerospace Top-100
S-109 / 11/28/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / a quantum strings rule
S-110 / 11/28/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / uses of supercomputers
S-111 / 11/28/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / uses of compact power-plants
S-112 / 12/02/01 / Ken Myers / ORMES room-temperature superconductors
S-114 / 12/02/01 / Bob King / the Great Pyramid & strange happenings in Antarctica
S-115 / 12/05/01 / Bob King / ORMES room-temperature superconductors
S-116 / 12/06/01 / Bob King / an article about the Eldridge motor generators and stuff on the Pyramid mysteries
S-117 / 12/07/01 / Bob King / useful references on Pyramid-related issues
S-118 / 12/06/01 / Ken Myers / comments on an ORMEs document
S-119 / 12/09/01 / Bob King / finding related web-sites
S-120 / 12/10/01 / Dr. Arkadiusz Jadczyk / his opinion of a site that proposes an additional universal "repulsive" force
S-121 / 12/10/01 / Dr. Arkadiusz Jadczyk / recommending that 'stealthskater' shouldn't have e-mailed Jack Saratti with the same question
S-122 / 12/10/01 / Dr. Jack Sarfatti / his acidically-cynical opinion on the site that suggested a universal "repulsive" force
S-123 / 12/10/01 / Dr. Arkadiusz Jadczyk / Tom Bearden
S-124 / 12/10/01 / Matt (aka "Madtz" at 'The Black Vault' / regarding Sarfatti's remarks to 'stealthskater'
S-125 / 12/10/01 / Dr. Arkadiusz Jadczyk / UNITEL's physics expert Mike Miller
S-126 / 12/12/01 / Dr. Arkadiusz Jadczyk / black-hole physics
S-127 / 12/16/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / selling more stock and proposed book sales
S-128 / 12/24/01 / Dr. Jack Sarfatti / his personal religious beliefs and quantum theory & human consciousness
S-129 / 12/21/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / adapting the UNITEL prototype for mass transit
S-130 / 12/20/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / forwarding a message from Joe Firmage and
S-131 / 12/21/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / the personal trials encountered when you're out-of-money
S-132 / 12/24/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / an Israeli "pseudo- quantum computer"
S-133 / 12/24/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / past communications with experts in various fields
S-134 / 12/24/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / more info about the Israeli "QC" project
S-135 / 12/28/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / the search for the Higgs particle
S-136 / 12/28/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / a camping encounter with a "Big Foot" type creature
S-137 / 12/29/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / physics and meta-physics
S-138 / 12/29/01 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / UNITEL and TAP-TEN
S-139 / 12/28/01 / Tom Mahood (UNITEL) / requesting to receive no more e-mails from 'stealthskater'
S-140 / 12/29/01 / Ken Myers / more references to ORMEs and ORMUS substances
S-141 / 02/01/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / contacting members of the Senate and Congress
S-142 / 01/01/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / preparing for questions by funding committees
S-143 / 01/01/02 / Bryan Willoughby / his personal goals and how they relate to UNITEL
S-144 / 01/01/02 / Bryan Willoughby / funding research for advanced physics projects
S-145 / 01/02/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / the list of Senators & Congressmen contacted
S-146 / 01/01/02 / Bob King / "lost" science
S-147 / 01/03/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / commenting on another e-mail from Jack Sarfatti
S-148 / 01/01/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / an upcoming T.A.P.-T.E.N. conference in Las Vegas
S-149 / 01/01/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / recruiting Dr. Fred Wolf as a UNITEL consultant
S-150 / 01/01/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / UNITEL's proposed laser plasma
S-151 / 01/03/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / more plasma-related articles
S-152 / 01/03/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / actual working hardware and UFO theories
S-153 / 01/03/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / Magnetized Plasmas
S-154 / 01/03/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / skeptics and lack-of-funding
S-155 / 01/03/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / 'stealthskater's tactics of alerting Congress
S-156 / 01/04/02 / Bryan Willoughby / building a demo prototype
S-157 / 01/05/02 / Bryan Willoughby / his "Master Plan" for UNITEL
S-158 / 01/05/02 / Bryan Willoughby / promoting these new technologies on a Global scale
S-159 / 01/05/02 / Bryan Willoughby / strategies on forging successful ventures
S-160 / 01/05/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / Forwarding a theoretical explanation of UNITEL's laser plasma
S-161 / 01/06/02 / Dr. Arkadiusz Jadczyk / ORMEs
S-162 / 01/06/02 / Bryan Willoughby / superstrings, Philip Taylor Kramer, Tesla
S-163 / 01/06/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / others who may be exploring similar technologies
S-164 / 01/06/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / search for a protégé student of UCLA's Dr. John Dawson
S-165 / 01/06/02 / Ken Myers / skeptical/cynical comments of others concerning ORMEs
S-166 / 01/07/02 / Bryan Willoughby / another Unification theory posted on KeelyNet
S-167 / 01/07/02 / Bryan Willoughby / an Australian inventor who's being sued by investors
S-168 / 01/10/02 / Bob King / other Montauk whistle-blowers besides the 4 most commonly known
S-169 / 01/10/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / an e-mail sent to a business associate of Dr. Stephen Greer
S-170 / 01/10/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / last-minute touches to UNITEL's newsletters
S-171 / 01/12/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / another abrupt shift of support from another camp
S-172 / 01/12/02 / Dr. Jack Sarfatti / Dr. Steven Greer
S-173 / 01/13/02 / Dr. Jack Sarfatti / Dr. Eugene Mallove
S-174 / 01/14/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / Regarding Sarfatti's comments in e-mail S-173
S-175 / 01/15/02 / Bob King / regarding e-mail S- 174 that included references to "Reichian" technology
S-176 / 01/15/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / new ideas to generate income
S-177 / 01/15/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / Foreward to the UNITEL book "Flying Colors"
S-178 / 01/16/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / UCLA wave collapse research in laser plasmas
S-179 / 01/19/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / response from NASA's Breakthrough Propulsion Project
S-180 / 01/28/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / forwarding an e-mail to Tom Bearden explaining 'quantum tunneling' for space travel
S-181 / 01/28/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / technical details of UNITEL's back-engineering
S-182 / 01/28/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / response to Bob Drake (associate of Michio Kaku's)
S-183 / 01/29/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / regarding the Irish inventor claims of tapping the ZPE
S-184 / 01/29/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / contacting Ann Drunyan (Mrs. Carl Sagan)
S-185 / 01/29/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / past corporate pitfalls and human nature in general
S-186 / 01/30/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / article on FTL and "tunneling"
S-187 / 01/30/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / more technical discussion on FTL, ZPE, anti-grav
S-188 / 01/30/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / latest e-mail correspondences
S-189 / 01/31/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / misc. Scientific American articles
S-190 / 01/31/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / His comments on Michio Kaku's reponses to questions
S-191 / 02/01/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / reflecting on attitudes and motivations of others
S-192 / 02/01/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / responding to Bob Drake's memo
S-193 / 02/01/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / MQT and Josephson's Junction mechanisms
S-194 / 02/02/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / a past letter sent to Carl Sagan
S-195 / 02/02/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / future discussions with Dr. Michio Kaku
S-196 / 02/08/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / postings of breakthroughs at the Los Alamos website
S-197 / 02/10/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / writing UNITEL's book
S-198 / 02/10/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / writing specifics on UNITEL's book
S-199 / 02/11/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / another corporation interested in UNITEL
S-200 / 02/11/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / forwarding correspondence with Aerocopter
S-201 / 02/14/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / forwarding correspondence on UNITEL'sMedical applications
S-202 / 02/20/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / forwarding correspondence on possible investors
S-203 / 02/21/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / forwarding correspondence to Tom Bearden concerning design influences from the 1981 Eugene UFO encounter
S-204 / 02/23/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / forwarding correspondence on business & research climate in Oregon
S-205 / 02/26/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / forwarding correspondence "Ponderomotive Force"
S-206 / 02/28/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / more technical detail on MQT
S-207 / 03/01/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / misc & posed messages
S-208 / 03/02/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / The UNITEL computer game
S-209 / 02/03/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / contact with a Soviet UFO research organization
S-210 / 03/04/02 / Dr. Arkadiusz Jadczyk / Tom Bearden's theories of mind-body quantum interactions
S-211 / 03/04/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / forwarding a Soviet magazine article on the Tunguska incident
S-212 / 03/04/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / forwarding more correspondence with a Soviet UFO research organization
S-213 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / forwarding published magazine interview with UNITEL's Mike Miller
S-214 / 03/12/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / alternative propulsion technologies
S-215 / 03/12/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / Russia's family of Flanker Fighter Aircraft
S-216 / 03/12/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / forwarding correspondence to Dave Froning of Boeing Aerospace
S-217 / 03/12/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / forwarding correspondence to seek production for UNITEL's film
S-218 / 03/12/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / 1979 Oregon UFO sighting
S-219 / 03/13/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / lack of domestic press coverage
S-220 / 03/13/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / What are the reasons behind physicists' skepticism towards UNITEL
S-221 / 03/13/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / background info on UNITEL consultant Yoshsinari Minami
S-222 / 03/13/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / similar tunneling BEC experiments by other researchers
S-223 / 03/14/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / problems facing all entrepreneurial ventures
S-224 / 03/14/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / dealing with mainstream skepticism
S-225 / 03/15/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / Bob Lazar's claims
S-226 / 03/19/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / corporate financial pitfalls
S-227 / 03/19/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / finding a Television Producer
S-228 / 03/19/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / forwarding corresondence on a quantum computer business firm
S-229 / 03/20/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / forwarding corresondence on requesting a prototype construction quote
S-230 / 03/20/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / forwarding follow-up correspondence to Cincinnati Machine
S-231 / 03/20/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / forwarding alert to a new book on Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling
S-232 / 03/20/02 / Larry Maurer (UNITEL) / regarding new Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling book
S-233 / 03/26/02 / Andrew Potter / regarding UNITEL and his own website