67 Portland Place, LondonW1B 1AR

Telephone: 0800 169 2942; Fax: 0207 636 7005; Email:



For guidance on completing this application and supporting paperwork required, please refer to the RAFBF Casework Handbook, available on the Community Support website

1. Applicant's Service Particulars
Surname: / NI Number:
First Names: / Maiden name if applicable:
Phone No: Email:
Date of birth: / Personal Category (Single/Married/Widowed/Separated/Divorced):
Date of Marriage/Civil Partnership:
RAF Service Number: / Rank: / RAF Branch/Trade:
RAF Service from: / To: / (Expected Termination Date)
Expected terminal benefit or gratuity: £
Previous Military Service from: / To: / (Service)
Conditions of tenure (SLA/SFA/SSFA/owner occupier, or private tenancy etc):
If owner occupier, please complete the following additional boxes
Date purchased: / Description (Leasehold / Freehold):
Present value: £ / Outstanding mortgage: £
Type of mortgage (endowment / repayment):
2. Spouse
Surname: / First Names:
Date of birth: / NI Number:
Details of spouse's service, if any, in Armed Forces:
Number: / Rank: / From: / To:
Service: / Maiden name if applicable:
3. Particulars of Children and Other Dependants
Names / Date of Birth / Living at home or away / Relationship to applicant / Employment or school / Income / Payment to household

Note: If addition to family is expected, give anticipated month of arrival

4. Monthly Income & Expenditure of Applicant (to nearest £)
Earned Income (net of tax & NI) / £ / Expenditure / £ / Arrears
RAF Pay / Rent (less housing benefit)
Wages/Salary of Spouse/Partner / Mortgage
Second Mortgage / Secured Loan
Mortgage Endowment Policy
Pensions - applicant / Ground Rent / Service Charge
Service Invalidity Pension / % / Council Tax (less council tax benefit)
War Disablement Pension / AFCS payments / % / House Maintenance
State Widow’s Pension/Bereavement Allowance / Water Rates / Sewerage Charges
War Widow’s Pension/AFFP Pension / Gas
Other / Electricity
Other Fuel
Buildings/Contents Insurance
Pensions – spouse/partner / Life Insurance
Service Invalidity Pension / % / TV/Video/Satellite/Cable
War Disablement Pension / AFCS payments / % / Telephone Landline / Internet
Service Retirement Pension / Mobile Telephone
Other / Car Costs (incl. insurance, MOT, running costs)
Travel Costs
Prescription/Health Costs
State Benefits / Carer/Childcare Costs
JSA/Income Support (applicant) / Maintenance/CSA Payments
JSA/Income Support (spouse/partner) / Housekeeping
DLA / PIP – Care / Daily Living / Clothing
- Mobility / Liabilities/Debts (from Section 7)
Incapacity Benefit / ESA / Other Expenditure (please specify)
Carer's Allowance
Child Benefit
Child Tax/Working Tax Credits
Universal Credit
Other Benefits
All other Income
Family Contributions
Interest on Savings
Rental Income
Maintenance/CSA Receipts
Other (please specify)
Total Income / Total Expenditure
5. Capital/Savings / £
Total disposable capital & savings (bank & building society account)
Total investments e.g. bonds, shares
Investment properties
Redundancy payments (if applicable)
6. Benefits
Is the household, to the best of your knowledge, in receipt of all applicable state benefits, rebates and allowances?
State Yes/No / If No, please state what action is being taken
7. Liabilities/Debts(includes secured loans, unsecured loans, HP, Trading agreements, loans from family members)
Creditors / Date of Purchase / Contract Amount / Monthly Instalments / Amount of Arrears / Amount
Has applicant received debt advice/counselling from a professional adviser? State Yes/No
Contact details:
Provide evidence of advice and proposed debt repayment plan
8. Details of Employment of Spouse
Name/Address of present employer
If unemployed name/address of last employer
Nature of Spouse's employment
If employment ceased, give date and reason
Other previous types of employment
Gross earnings when working per week/month/year
If temporarily employed, length of current contract
If temporarily unemployed is job open to return?YES/NO
9. Statement by Applicant in Support of his/her Request
See Guidance Notes for information required.
If the application is consequent on recent death, give details of sums received (or due to be received) from:
(a) Personal Insurance £ / (b) Any other lump sums
Has an approach been made, or will an approach be made to any other fund in respect of this application? YES/NO
If so, state which:

  • I declare that the information I have given in Sections 1 – 9 is, to the best of my knowledge, correct.
  • I understand that the information I have provided will be used to process this application for assistance.
  • I agree that the details on this form may be passed in confidence to other agencies for the purpose of processing this application, including the Department for Work & Pensions, Veterans UK and other charities.

Signature of applicant: / Date of signature:
Signature of applicant’s spouse/partner: / Date of signature:
11. Station Commander’s comments and recommendation
See Guidance Notes for information required.
Amount and form of assistance recommended: / Grant: £ / Loan: £
Please note that the RAFBF places considerable weight on the view of the Station, and this section should be signed personally by the Station Commander or, if unavailable, OC Base Support Wing.
I confirm that the information provided within Sections 1 – 8 is, to the best of my knowledge, correct and has been verified as far as possible. / Print Name:
Date: / Station Commander
Contact details for the RAF Station in case of queries on the application
Name: / Rank:
Phone: / Email: