*Can insert school logo here
School Name
ResourceSmart Schools is a Victorian Government initiative that will help your school benefit from embedding sustainability in everything it does. Your school will take action to minimise waste, save energy and water, promote biodiversity and reduce your greenhouse gas emissions.
Sustainability Victoria (and other funding bodies, such as council, Catholic Education Office, etc.) have funded your school to participate in ResourceSmart Schools and receive facilitation support from CERES.
There are five modules in ResourceSmart Schools: Core, Biodiversity, Energy, Waste, Water. Along the way, there are also stars with the ultimate aim to become a 5Star Leadership school.
Your school has achieved the following modules:
Your school has achieved the following stars:
*Delete modules and stars which the school has not achieved yet.
Resource / Cost(annual total) / Cost
(per student) / Savings Year - Year
Year / Year / Year / Year
Natural Gas
*For graph comparison between Year and Year, please refer to appendix.
In 2016, your school made a cost savings of $xx in comparison to the previous year of 2015 – mainly from its resource usage. There was a slight increase of cost for resource usage.
Since baseline year xx, your school has saved $xx averaging $xx per year.
Resource Usage
Resource / Benchmark(per student) / Usage
(per student) / Achieving Benchmark in Year?
Baseline Year (Year) / Year / Year
Electricity / Secondary - 400kWh
Primary - 250kWh
Natural Gas / Secondary -
Primary - 0.9GJ
Water / 4kL
Landfill / 0.3 m3
Recycling / n/a
Paper / n/a
Biodiversity* / Increase from baseline year
*Habitat Quality Assessment Score is not per student but an overall score out of 100.
In 2016, your school was achieving benchmark for resources
Resources the school is currently not achieving benchmark.
We recommend your school’s 2016 savings to be reinvested back to sustainability, such as additional time release for Sustainability Coordinator and/or Sustainability Members to continue working on sustainability initiatives, students to go an on Excursion or have an Incursion come to your students focusing on sustainability, Professional Development for staff on sustainability topics and/or improving sustainability infrastructure at your school – all which is likely to result in even further savings in both cost and resource usage for your school.
A cost saving or increase may be attributed to many factors, including, but not limited to, rising utility rates, change of retail provider, missing bills, resource usage at the school, construction, etc. We recommend your school consider green purchasing to make informed decisions when selecting a provider for the benefit of the environment. Additionally, please encourage your school’s Business Manager / Bursar to work with the Sustainability Team to ensure all bills are being entered. A regular review of your school’s resource usage - using a data monitoring system such as Reports in ResourceSmart Online, Building Management System, SWEP, or other - is also recommended to identify and act on any abnormal resource usage in a timely manner.
If you have any questions regarding this Annual Report or would like to discuss sustainability initiatives, please contact your ResourceSmart Schools facilitator.
Randy Mendez
ResourceSmart Schools Coordinator, Northern Metropolitan Region
Natural Gas:
Paper Purchased:
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