ED-530 Utilizing Emerging Technologies to Improve Learning
Lesson Abstract: The purpose of this lesson is to serve as a method of giving students a closer look at the committee system that takes place in the United States Congress. Students will utilize House of Representatives and Senate websites to answer various questions about each house. In answering these questions students will become familiar with membership, control, and major issues that the committees are focusing on.
Subject:American Government
Educator(s):Jason Azarovich, Amy Miller, Joe Anderton, T.J. Murphy
Lesson Name:Examining the Committee and Sub-committee system in the House of Representatives and Senate
Lesson Objective:1.Students will be able to understand the role and operation of Congress as a National Political Institution. 2. Students will be able to analyze the congressional committee system in the United States.
Activity:Students will separate into groups of three. Each student will be given a worksheet that contains questions about committees and sun-committees in both houses of congress. Students will use laptop carts to find the answers to the questions on the sheet. Students go to: and choose a committee from both the house and the senate to examine. Students will be asked to illustrate who chairs the committees, party affiliation of the chairpersons, if there is a representative from Pennsylvania on that committee and if so to list the PA members. Once students answer these questions students will examine the key issue that both the house and senate committees are working on. The groups will make a PowerPoint summarizing each congressional issue.
Resources Needed:
- Worksheets.
- Group lists
- Laptop carts
- whiteboard
- computer
- LCD projector
Assessment: Each group will receive 40 group points if they successfully complete the assignment
Estimated Time:The lecture and introduction to the lesson takes about 20 to 30 minutes. The group aspect of the lesson takes about 40 to 50 minutes to complete.
PA & ISTE Academic Standards:
Communications1.1 (F), 1.2 (A), 1.4 (B), 1.5 (B), 1.6 (A), 1.8 (B)
Civics & Government 5.1 (A, C, E, H, I), 5.2 (D, E), 5.3 (A, K), 5.4 (A)
History8.1, 8.4
Career Education & Work13.1
Summary of Corresponding Materials: Students will receive worksheets that list the questions the students must address.The website address needed to find the research. Committee system guides found in the Congress Unit Packets.
Final Notes:This lesson is an interesting ay of helping students to gain a better understanding of the complex Unites States Congressional Committee system.
Name: American Govt.
Date: Mr. Azarovich
Unit III: Committee Structure Assignment
1. Go to:
2. Choose a committee in the House of Representatives and Senate to research
3. Answer the following Questions:(Answer for both House and Senate Committees)
A. Which Committees are you looking at?
B. Who is the Chairman of the Committee? What party is he or she from?
C. Who are the members of these committees from Pennsylvania?
D. Explain a major issue that the House Committee is working on:
E. Explain a major issue that the Senate Committee is working on: