- A Housing Needs Survey was carried out in Belton Parish December 2016.
- Results obtained showed there was a need in the next 5 years for up to 7 affordable homes and 6 open market (sale) homes for local people enabling them to be suitably housed within the community.
- Local needs affordable homes could be developed on a ‘rural exception site’, if available, and subject to local support some open market sale homes could be used to cross-subsidise the affordable homes.
- The alternative to this is that the local homes that are needed are developed as part of a larger development if the opportunity arises and if the needs cannot be met by existing properties.
The Housing Needs Survey was conducted in order to obtain clear evidence of any local housing need for a range of housing tenures for Belton residents. The results will be used to inform Housing Strategy and Neighbourhood Plans; and provide clarity on what type and tenure of housing is required to meet local needs.
In addition, the information can be used positively in the planning process. It provides a foundation on which to negotiate ‘planning gain’ opportunities with developers. In short, it gives planners and parish organisations evidence that can be used to obtain an element of ‘local needs’ housing in negotiations with house builders, should such situations arise in the village.
A total of 363 survey forms were delivered to all residential (353) and business premises (10) based in the Parish during December 2016. Eighty three responses were received equating to a response rate of 23% which is an average return rate for postal surveys.
Of those who responded, 70 households did not have a need for alternative housing and 13 households identified themselves as requiring another home in the Parish within 5 years.
Whilst individual respondents may not be in housing need themselves they were asked if they felt that there was a shortage of any particular properties. All bar two respondents answered the question. Over half of those people who answered indicated that there was a need for specific types of properties in the Parish and these are shown below.
Property & tenure types / NumbersNo further homes needed / 35
No Response / 2
Homes for young people / 8
Small family homes (1-2 beds) / 24
Large family homes (3+) / 1
Properties suitable for the elderly or disabled / 14
All types / 1
Low cost properties for sale / 5
Social Rented / 1
(NB Respondents could indicate more than one type of property)
The survey also sought to find out whether residents of the Parish would support the development of a small number of homes to meet local people’s needs. Of the 83 responses received, 65 householdsindicated that they would support the building of a small number of homes in the Parish to meet the needs of local people.
Results from the survey indicated that 13 households require a home in the village within the next 5 years. The survey requested details of tenure required
The survey has identified a need for affordable and open market properties in need in the next 5 years for those with a connection to Belton.
Of the 13 respondents who indicated a housing need in the next 5 years:
- 6 were assessed as being in need of open market housing (for local people) to purchase
2 x 3 Bed Bungalows
1 x 2 Bed Bungalow
1 x 2 Bed House
2 x 3 Bed House
- 7 were assessed as being in need of affordable housing for rent and shared ownership
2 x 2 Bed bungalow – affordable rented
1 x 2 bed bungalow – shared ownership
1 x 2 bed house – shared ownership
1 x 3 bed house – affordable rented
2 x 4 bed house – affordable rented