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Brandice N. Evans

1019 S. Una Ave Tempe, AZ 85281 • (706)206-3790 •


2017-Present Arizona State University, Doctoral Student

2017 Georgia State University, Master of Arts Anthropology

2015 University of Georgia, Bachelor of Arts Anthropology

2011-2012 Georgia Perimeter College, Pre-Medical Studies

2009-2010 Gwinnett Technical College, Biotechnology studies

2010 AAS Allied Health Science, 2010

2008 Diploma Medical Assisting, 2008

Research Interests

Topics: developmental plasticity; epigenetics; weaning and lactation; child growth and development; ecology of social health disparities

Methodologies: ELISA, stable isotope analysis


Master’s Thesis: “Race Mediates Breastfeeding Outcomes in the American South: A Measure of Hair Cortisol Concentration” Georgia State University, 2016-2017

Project assesses psychosocial stress in mothers of children two years of age and younger through analysis of hair cortisol levels in conjunction with survey of participant nutritional habits, infant feeding habits, socioeconomic status, and community support participation. This project seeks to identify socio-economic disparities which affect psycho social stress among mothers in the American South in order to address mechanisms contributing to differential outcomes in infant feeding patterns, and how community support buffers against stress.

Grants Awarded

2016 Sigma Xi Grants-In-Aid of Research: $387

Conference Presentations

2018 Evans, Brandice N., Bethany L. Turner. Variability in Hair Cortisol Concentration in Breastfeeding Mothers in the Southeastern United States. Submitted to the 87th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropology, Austin Texas

2017 Evans, Brandice N., Bethany L. Turner. Social Support Systems and Maternal Stress in the American South. 42nd Annual Meeting of the Human Biology Association, New Orleans, Louisiana


2016  Instructor of Record, GSU 1010, Georgia State University

·  Teach two sections of Freshman Learning Community Course which covers foundations of academic and personal success for college studies based on discipline specific content within the natural and social sciences.

2016 Pedagogical Training

·  Completed pedagogical training in “Active Learning Strategies” and “Meeting the Diverse Needs of our Students” through the Center for Excellence in Teaching at Georgia State University

Field and Laboratory Experience

2015-2017 Georgia State University, Bioarchaeology Lab

•  Preparation of human skeletal samples for collagen and carbonate stable isotope analysis.

2016 Georgia State University, Research Assistant

•  Responsible for reading and organizing literature as background research on 21st century child nutrition recommendations and practices in the United States for faculty book project.

2015 University of Georgia, Bioarchaeology Lab, Athens Ga, Lab Assistant

•  Preparation of bone collagen samples from Medieval Poland and Italy for isotopic analysis.

2014 University of Georgia Archaeological Field School

•  Raccoon Ridge, Transitional Vinings/Woodland Site

•  Skills Acquired: shovel testing; excavation techniques; GIS; coordinate mapping; unit drawing; identifying, cleaning and processing artifacts in the field and lab; soil phosphate analysis; recording field notes, total station operation


2016-17 Grant Writer, International Community School, Development Committee, Decatur, Ga

2016-17 Trees Atlanta, Urban Forestry Organization, Atlanta, Georgia

2016-17 Paint Love, Outreach through Art Program for Homeless and Foster Children, Atlanta, Ga

2016 “Archaeology, Feasting, and Thanksgiving” International Community School, Decatur, Ga

•  Interactive presentation for Kindergartners on archaeology, indigenous peoples of the Americas, and cross cultural feasting.

2016 Department of Anthropology Graduate Research Symposium, Georgia State University

•  Served on organization committee for planning, promoting, and executing symposium showcasing current graduate research in the anthropology department

2015 “Archaeology, Feasting, and Thanksgiving” Decatur First Preschool, Decatur, Ga

•  Interactive presentation for preschoolers on archaeology, indigenous peoples of the Americas, and cross cultural feasting.

2015 Skidaway Island Collection, Georgia Museum of Natural History, Athens, Ga

2015 Cemetery Preservation, University of Georgia, Athens, Ga

2014 Georgia Archaeology Society Public Archaeology Day, Morgan County, Ga

2012 Lactation Counselor, La Leche League International

2008 Hands On Atlanta Disaster Preparedness, Atlanta, Ga

•  First responder for emergency biological pathogen exposure, health care professional participant in readiness drills.

Professional Experience

2008 Atlanta Rheumatological Associates, Bone Densitometry Technician

•  Performed bone densitometry screenings for osteoporosis in at risk patients.

2008 Fine and Associates Internal Medicine, Intern

•  Responsible for obtaining patient vitals, patient interviewing, phlebotomy, capillary punctures, glucose testing, vaccinating, bone density testing and analysis, electrocardiography, urinalysis and culture preparation, and assisting with physical examinations and in office surgeries, disease diagnostic procedures and treatments.

Relevant Skills
-Chemistry - Aseptic practice

-Phlebotomy - Mass Spectrometry Interpretation

-Certified in Advanced CPR - Grant Writing

-Certified in X-ray Safety - ELISA analysis

-Sample preparation - Lactation Counseling

for Isotopic Analysis - SPSS

Honors and Memberships

·  Member American Association of Physical Anthropologists

·  Member Human Biology Association

·  Deans List (2007, 2008, 2011, 2012, 2014,2015,2016)

·  Hope Scholarship recipient (2007-2011)

·  Member of Student Association of Archaeological Sciences at University of Georgia

·  Member of Anthropology Society at University of Georgia

·  Member of Phi Kappa Alpha Honor Society

·  Member of American Association of Medical Assistants

·  Certified Medical Assistant through the American Association of Medical Assistants


Katie Hinde (Current Advisor)

Arizona State University

Associate Professor, Director Comparative Lactation Laboratory

Bethany Turner-Livermore

Georgia State University

Associate Professor, Director Bioarchaeology Laboratory


Cassandra White

Georgia State University

Associate Professor