Curriculum Vitae

Eric R. Schuler, M.S.



University of North Texas, enrolled in the Ph.D. Experimental Psychology program

Dissertation Title: When the levee breaks: An SEM approach to understanding the narrative and the anxiety-buffer disruption on PTSD symptoms

Masters of Science: Psychology

University of North Texas, Denton

December 2013

Thesis Title: The glass is neither half full nor empty, it is shattered: A prospective study of shattered assumptions theory and psychological flexibility

Bachelor of Arts, English (Concentration in Irish Literature), and Psychology

University of Connecticut, Storrs

May 2008

Graduated Cum Laude


UNT Department of Psychology Award: Outstanding Scholarly Publication (Spring 2016)

Teaching Commendation (Spring 2014, Fall 2015, Spring 2015)

Dean’s List (Spring 2006, Fall 2006, Spring 2008)

Psi Chi Nation Honors Psychology Fraternity

Graduated Cum Laude from the University of Connecticut

Phi Kappa Phi National Honors Society (Spring 2013)

Scholarships and Grants:

APAGS Basic Psychological Sciences Research Grant: Assessing latent class trajectories of meaning making after a traumatic event. Not funded

UNT Raupe Travel Grant $600.00 Spring 2016

College of Arts and Sciences Travel Grant $300.00 Spring 2016

College of Arts and Sciences Travel Grant $400.00 Spring 2015

UNT Raupe Travel Grant $750.00 Spring 2015

Association for Psychological Sciences Travel Assistantship

-$200 and registration waiver Summer, 2015

College of Arts and Sciences Travel Grant $100.00 Spring 2014

College of Arts and Science Travel Grant $150.00 Spring 2012

Graduate Assistants Tuition Scholarship: $13,000/tuition waiver Fall 2011-Spring 2015

Academic Achievement Scholarship: $500.00 per semester Fall 2011-Spring 2013


Microsoft Office, LISREL, MediaLab, NVivo, R, SPSS, MPlus, and online research tools. Familiarity with GIT Bash, Python, SAS, and AMOS.

Excellent organizational skills

Research Experience:

Research Assistant (Fall 2011- Spring 2012, Spring 2013)

University of North Texas, Experimental Psychology Doctorate Program

Supervisor: Dr. Adriel Boals

Work Experience:

UNT College of Information’s Information Research and Analysis (IRA) Lab

Research Consultant (June 2015 – Present) Supervisor: Dr. Jeonghyun Kim

-Consulting on qualitative and quantitative analyses (univariate, multivariate, and SEM).

-Creating best practice tips and tutorials on research designs and statistical analyses.

-Leading workshops on how to use statistical software packages

UNT College of Information, Department of Information and Library Sciences - RA

Research Assistant (May 2016 – August 2016) Supervisor: Dr. Jeonghyun Kim

-Assisting with the development on an online data visualization course.


Schuler, E. R. & Boals, A. (2016). Shattering world assumptions: A prospective view of the impact of stressful events on world assumptions. Schuler, E. R., & Boals, A. (2016). Shattering world assumptions: A prospective view of the impact of adverse events on world assumptions. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 8(3), 259-266. doi:10.1037/tra0000073

Hayslip, B., Schuler, E. R., Page, K. S. & Carver, K. S. (2014). Probabilistic thinking and death anxiety: A terror management based investigation. Omega, 69, 249-270. doi: 10.2190/om.69.3.b

González, D.A., Boals, A., Jenkins, S.R., Schuler, E. R., Taylor, D.J. (2013), Psychometrics and latent structure of the IDS and QIDS with young adult students. Journal of Affective Disorders, 149, 217-220. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2013.01.027i

Conference Presentations:

Schuler, E.R., Mlynski, C., & Wright, R.A. (May, 2016). Influence of mortality salience on effort-related cardiovascular response to an identity-relevant challenge. Symposium presentation at the 28th annual convention of the Association for Psychological Science, Chicago, IL.

Mlynski, C., Schuler, E.R., & Wright, R.A. (May 2016). Influence of mortality salience on effort-related cardiovascular response to an identity-relevant challenge. Poster presentation at the 9th annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Motivation, Chicago, IL.

Schuler, E. R. & Liu, K. (April, 2016). Conducting Research beyond the Textbook: Tips on Mentoring Undergraduates with Research. Symposium presentation for presentation at the 62nd annual convention of the Southwest Psychological Association, Dallas, TX.

Kim, J. & Schuler, E. R. (January, 2016). The implementation of experimental designs in interactive information retrieval. Symposium presentation at the University of North Texas: College of Information’s Multi-Disciplinary Research Exchange Conference, Denton, Texas.

Schuler, E.R., Boals, A., Southard-Dobbs, S., Liu, K., Bedford, L., Ekwulugo, O., & Cruz, R. (May 2015). Disrupting the life story: Event centrality and death anxiety as unique and interactive predictors of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Poster presentation at the 27th annual Association for Psychological Sciences, New York, New York.

Schuler, E.R. & Boals, A. (2014, April). The glass is neither half full nor empty, it is shattered. Poster presentation at the annual Southwestern Psychological Association Conference, San Antonio, Texas.

Southard-Dobbs, Schuler, E.R., Kraha, A., & S. F., Jenkins, E. (2014, April). Building your teaching toolbox: Strategies for graduate student instructors. Symposium presentation at the annual Southwestern Psychological Association Conference, San Antonio, Texas.

Schuler, E. R. (2014, March). Resist the siren’s call: Flaws and alternatives to stepwise regression. Roundtable presentation at the 2nd meeting of the Texas Universities’ Educational Statistics and Psychometrics (TUESAP).

Kraha, A., Southard-Dobbs, S., Johnson, S. F., Jenkins, E., Schuler, E. R., & Agtarap, S. (2013, April). Academic Publishing: The What, Why, and How of Scientific Publication. Symposium presentation at the annual Southwestern Psychological Association Conference, Fort Worth, Texas.

Schuler, E. R. & Johnson, S. F. (2013, April). The relationship between posttraumatic growth and shattered assumptions in central life events. Poster presentation at the annual Southwestern Psychological Association Conference, Fort Worth, Texas.

Johnson, S.F.; Schuler, E.R.; Miller, M.E.; Lane, F.G.; Meyers, J.M.; Boals, A. (2012, April). The Impact of Event Centrality on Posttraumatic Growth and Actual Growth. Poster presented at the annual Southwestern Psychological Association Conference, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Edmondson, D., Chaudoir, S. C., Bartkowiak, J., Bestrom, P., & Schuler, E. R. (2009, February). Terror management and PTSD: Shattered assumptions or damaged worldview?. Poster presented at the annual Society for Personality and Social Psychology Convention, Tampa, FL.

Presentations and Invited Talks:

Schuler, E.R. (March, 2016). An introduction to NVivo. UNT College of Information’s Office of Research Consultation’s (ORC) Brown Bag Series.

Schuler, E.R. (February 2016). An introduction to Amazon’s Mechanical Turk and TurkPrime for psychological research. Symposium at the University of North Texas’ Department of Psychology’s Friday Research Group.

Schuler, E.R. (November, 2015). Organizing and Analyzing Qualitative Data with NVivo Workshop. UNT College of Information’s Information Research and Analysis (IRA) lab’s workshop.

Schuler, E.R. (October 2014). Experimental existential psychology: Theory, measures and applications. Symposium at the University of North Texas Health Psychology Research Group.

Courses Taught:

PSYC 2950: Experimental Methods Lecturer Spring 2015

PSYC 4600: History and Systems of Psychology Lecturer Spring 2015

PSYC 2950: Experimental Methods Lecturer Fall 2014

PSYC 4600: History and Systems of Psychology Lecturer Fall 2014

PSYC 2950: Experimental Methods Lab Instructor Spring 2014

PSYC 2317: Quantitative Methods Lab Instructor Spring 2014

PSYC 2950: Experimental Methods Lecturer Fall 2013

PSYC 2950: Experimental Methods Lecturer Spring 2013

PSYC 2950: Experimental Methods Lecturer (learning community portion, Spring 2013)


Statistical Theories, Analyses, and Measurement in Psychology (STAMP)

-Founder and organizer: Spring 2015 – present

APA student affiliate: January 2012 – December 2014, December 2015-present

Health Research Group Member: Spring 2013 – Spring 2015

Psychology and Quantitative Research Symposium: Fall 2015 – present

APS graduate student affiliate: January 2015 – present

GASP Experimental Program Representative: Fall 2012 – Spring 2014

GASP Member: Fall 2011 – Spring 2014

SWPA Member: Fall 2011 – Fall 2014


GASP Experimental Program Representative Fall 2012 – Spring 2014

Conferences Attended:

The Advances in Research Design Symposium September, 2016

UNT Software Carpentry Workshop August, 2016

Association for Psychological Sciences (APS) May, 2016

Southwestern Psychological Association (SWPA) Annual Convention April, 2016

The Advances in Research Designs Symposium September, 2015

Association for Psychological Sciences (APS) May, 2015

The Advances in Research Designs Symposium November, 2014

Southwestern Psychological Association (SWPA) Annual Convention April, 2014

Texas Universities’ Educational Statistics and Psychometrics (TUESAP) March, 2014

Southwestern Psychological Association (SWPA) Annual Convention April, 2013

Southwestern Psychological Association (SWPA) Annual Convention April, 2012

American Psychological Association’s Annual National Convention August, 2008