Czech Foundrymen Society
Institute of Manufacturing Technology,
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
BrnoUniversity of Technology
would like to invite you to the
8thInternational PhD Foundry Conference
7th - 8th June 2011
taking place at the
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Technicka 2, Brno
Paper and oral presentation /20 min/
-instructions how to write the abstract and the paper are attached
-all papers will be published in Conference Proceedings /ISBN/
PhD conference language: English
Conference fee: €70 / CZK1700
Includes: Conference proceedings,2 lunches and refreshments, Get – Together Party
Student Hotel Palacky, Kolejni 2, Brno ( )
Single room€ 40 / CZK 870/ person/night
Double room € 50 / CZK 1130 / 2 persons / night
The binding application form: by 1st April 2011
(to be sent to: Prof. Milan Horacek)
- Either by e-mail:
- Or bypost to the following address:
Prof.Milan Horacek,Dept. of FoundryEng.,Technicka 2, 61669Brno, CzechRepublic
Abstract of the paper: by 1st April 2011
(to be sent to: Ing. Iveta Musilova)
- Either by e-mail:
- Or by post to the following address:
Ing. Iveta Musilova, Svaz slevaren, Technicka 2, 616 69 Brno, CzechRepublic
Full text of the paper: by 29th April 2011
(to be sent to:Ing.Iveta Musilova)
- If the size is smaller than 5 MB, send it by e-mail:
- If the size is bigger than 5 MB, post it on CD to the address:
Ing. Iveta Musilova, Svaz slevaren, Technicka 2, 616 69 Brno, CzechRepublic
Co-ordinator of the PhD conference:
Prof.Milan Horacek
Dept. of Foundry Engineering,BrnoUniversity of Technology
tel.: +420541142663 e-mail:
8thInternational PhD Foundry Conference
7th- 8th June 2011, BrnoUniversity of Technology
Name, surname, degree: …………………………………………………………………………..
Name of Institute: …………………………………………………………………………………..
Street: ………………………………… City: …………………………. ZIP code: ………………
Country: ………………………………VAT no: ……………………………………………………
Phone: ……………………………………… e-mail: …………………………………......
Title of the paper/poster: ………………………………………………………………………......
Authors: ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
Conference Fee:€ 70 / CZK 1700
Binding booking of accommodation – Student Hotel Palacky ():
Total amount:
Payment method(mark, please)
Payment by bank transfer
Beneficiary:Ceska Slevarenska Spolecnost, VUT, pobocka Odbor slevarenstvi
Beneficiary address:Technicka 2, 616 69 Brno
VAT no.:00210188
Bank:Komercni banka, a.s.
Bank address:Nam. Svobody 21, 602 00 Brno
(for international bank transfer only)
Account No.:68131-621/0100
(for domestic bank transfers only)
Details for payment:PhD Con +your name
Variable symbol:762011
Payment by cash (on arrival)
Date: …………………………………. Signature: ……………………………….…
This “Binding application form” should be sent:
Either by post to the following address:
Prof. Milan Horacek
Institute of Manufacturing Technology
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Technicka 2, 616 69 Brno
Or by e-mail:
Deadline: by April 1st 2011
Instructions for the preparation of the abstract
Send the abstract in MS Word Document (*.doc) or Rich Text File (*.rtf) format according to these instructions:
Size: / A4 (c. 2000 characters with spaces)Margins: / 25 mm for all (basic setting)
Type style: / Times New Roman / Arial
Spacing: / 1
Font size: / 12
Name of the abstract: / Left side justification, bold, capital letters
Author (authors): / Left side justification, underline the presenting author, mark workplaces of authors
Workplaces: / Left side justification, mark workplaces of authors
Body text: / Left side justification
Figures: / Good quality, standard formats (JPG, GIF, BMP,...)
Separate the title of the abstract, authors, workplaces and the body text by a blank line.
The abstract length – 1 page only!
The abstract to be sent by April 1st 2011 at the latest!
Instructions for the preparation of the full paper
The full paper should have the same format as the abstract.
- If the size is smaller than 5 MB, send it by e-mail to the address:
- If the size is bigger than 5 MB, send it by mail on CD to the address:
Iveta Musilova, Svaz slevaren, Technicka 2, 616 69Brno, CzechRepublic
The full paper length is not limited!
The full paper to be sent by April 29th 2011 at the latest!!