Freshman Humanities

Essay Organization

Name ______

Date ______

Here’s a prompt related to Animal Farm:

Prompt:It has become evident by chapter six that all of the animals are not equal, and life on the farm is settling into familiar hierarchies, and oppressions.

What do you think this says about Orwell's beliefs about human nature?

Thesis: Orwell has a bleak view of human nature. He believes that any human community that is governed by the few will eventually become corrupt. He also sees common people as all too willing to allow themselves to be pushed around by authority figures. In Orwell’s view, humans are destined to take advantage of one another.
Main Idea 1:The powerful will always rule over the less powerful. The pigs immediately seize power after the departure of Jones. / Main Idea 2:Those in power always become corrupt. The pigs, led by Napoleon, become corrupt, totalitarian rulers, using fear to coerce the animals. / Main Idea 3:People allow themselves to be coerced; they let it happen. Despite the warning signs, the animals let Napoleon take advantage of them.
21 pigs paint sign, write commandments
22 Napoleon says “hay the fields.”
27 pigs run meetings, set agenda / Evidence
31 milk and eggs go to pigs
31 rule with fear: “Jones will come back.”
46 Dogs chase Snowball
47 No more debates
48, 58, 63-65, 77 91 Demonization of Snowball
53, 63trade w/ humans
56 pigs stay in house, slept in beds
57 pigs get up an hour later
68 Nap executes animals
73 rules change again
87 retirement promised-never delivered (chp10)
89 pigs pass, other animals step aside
89 rations reduced but pigs get fatter
93 Boxer hurt “will be sent to vet”
94 knacker: Boxer’s death
104 some animals more equal
108 farm name changed back to Manor Farm
102 No one dares sing “Beasts of England” / Evidence
48 “Napoleon is always right”
54 animals let Napoleon trade w/ humans + Squealer
56 Squealer: beds
66 Squealer rewrites history of battle, animals believe.
70 after executions, Boxer believes Squealer
70 Clover sees what is happening, does nothing
77 Snowball’s metal revoked
84 Animals forget about banknotes after battle
92 sheep always bleat; “four legs good, two legs bad” whenever there is the hint of conflict
96 animals believe Squealer re: knacker’s truck and that Boxer died a peaceful death
96 Napoleon tells animals to use Boxer’s sayings
Main Idea 1:The powerful will always rule over the less powerful. The pigs immediately seize power after the departure of Jones.
21 Pigs paint sign, write commandments
22 Napoleon says “hay the fields.”
27 Pigs run meetings, set agenda

Building a Better Body…Paragraph

  • Restatement of Main Idea
  • Context
  • Paraphrase
  • Quote/example
  • Analysis
  • Conclusion

Those who are able to become powerful will always control the powerless. In Orwell’s Animal Farm, the pigs quickly seize power shortly after the revolution is won. While the other animals are celebrating and singing “Beasts of England,” the pigs lay out their plans for how Animalism will be administered. All of the other animals played a role in the defeat of Jones, yet once the farmer is gone, the pigs take charge as the leaders of the farm. They are the ones who are able to read and write, so they rename the farm and dictate the rules all of the other animals will live by.“The pigs had succeeded in reducing the principles of Animalism to Seven Commandments…they would form an unadulterable law by which all animals on Animal Farm must live for ever after” (Orwell 21). The fact that the pigs had already created the rules of Animal Farm before the revolution even took place indicates that they had always planned to take charge. Their literacy gave them an advantage. They were better educated, hence, more powerful. With this power, the pigs began to run the Sunday meetings with the other animals, even setting the agenda, despite the fact that, “All animals are equal.” While the other animals could vote, “It was always the pigs who put forward the resolutions” (Orwell 27). Yes, the animals could vote, but the pigs decided on the agenda. The pigs identified the issues and offered solutions to be voted on. The authority to make decisions on meeting agenda put the lion’s share of the power in the pig’s hands. By establishing themselves as the leaders so early in the revolution, the pigs secured their role. The other animals were at their mercy.