Appendix 4.
Escape routes from Herdman Building
When leaving the Herdman Building or Annexe via one of the Annexe side doors, from the door on the Hunter Suite side the escape route continues through the rear yard out to the side street via the right hand gate which can be opened from the inside; from the door on the Tropical Medicine side, the key for the gate can be found in a box on the inside of the door. The first person to reach the door should smash the glass, remove the key, and unlock the outer gate.
The basement has four emergency exits:
(i)At the bottom of the stair-well leading to the coffee bar area, the exit continues via the steel gate;the key for the gate is on the inside of the exit door. If you are in the coffee bar area, door B.02 leads to this exit.
(ii) There is a non-standard size exit door situated in the passageway to the lift; from the coffee bar
area, B24 is the door that opens to the passage. The route out is via the metal staircase at the rear of the NOC. Proceed around the NOC building to the Herdman Assembly Point opposite the main entrance.
(ii) For occupants of the rooms situated off the B.09 corridor there is an emergency exitin room B.11.
(iv)For occupants of the rooms situated off the B.16 corridor there is an emergency exit in room B.17.
Escape routes from The Hunter Suite
If you are in the basementTeaching rooms EB1 2 3 4:
(i)Leave the building by the main front doors, and turn right via metal stairs to the Assembly Point on the path by NOC.
(ii)If the fire is in the stairwell leave via the Nicholson Building.
If you are in the ground floor:
(i)The main fire door is in the corridor EG3, at the back of the room.
(ii)If the fire is in Corridor EG3, leave the Building by the main front doors, and turn right to the Assembly Point on the path by NOC.
Escape routes from Geomagnetism Laboratory (Oliver Lodge)
The major escape route is by the main staircase leading to the front entrance. A secondary route from the Geomagnetism Laboratory is via the new staircase leading directly to an emergency exit in the courtyard. A flashing beacon lamp is installed (in theGeomagnetism Laboratory) over the doorway to warn that there is a fire on a lower level and the route is impossible. Two further routes exist from the third floor by the stairwell (located between rooms 310 and 311 and by the Colloquium Room), which leads directly to the ground floor.
Escape Routes from NicholsonBuilding
Assembly Point: On the path by NOC.
Lecture Theatre G04
The main escape route is through the double doors at the top of the lecture theatre or the fire exit in the back left corner and via the foyer, straight out through the main entrance to the Assembly Point. Alternative means of escape are through the double doors at the right hand bottom of the lecture theatre, then follow signs along the corridor, again to the foyer and main entrance or, if the fire is in the foyer area, through the double doors at the end of the corridor and through the NOC basement following signed escape routes to the fire door at the rear of NOC. This door is opened by pressing the button on the left side of the door. A further alternative route is past the SEM and out through the Hunter Suite following signed escape routes.
SEM area.
The means of escape is to follow signs into the foyer and out through the main entrance. If the fire is in the foyer there is an alternative means of escape through the Hunter Suite following signed escape routes.
2nd Floor.
The main escape route is by the staircase leading to the foyer and main entrance. An alternative means of escape is via the fire escape in Laboratory 216 which should be used by occupants of this room and if there is a fire in the main staircase, lower floors or foyer.
NB. The crash bar exit to the Greenhouse Roof on the 2nd floor staircase is not a fire escape.
1st Floor.
The main escape route is by the staircase leading to the foyer and main entrance. An alternative means of escape is via the fire escape in Laboratory 113, which should be used by occupants of this room and if there is a fire in the main staircase, lower floors or foyer.
Room 101
If facing the front of the room the main fire exit is in the top right hand corner. This leads to an external fire escape – from here proceed to the assembly point at the top of the path by the NOC building. In the event of fire in the room the evacuation route is by the double doors at the rear of the room and then follow signed routes as for the 1st floor.
The main escape route is by the staircase leading to the foyer and main entrance. An alternative means of escape is via the fire escape in Laboratory G20 which should be used by occupants of this room and if there is a fire in the foyer.
Escape routes from the Roxby Building
The assembly point is on the grassy area outside the front entrance (north side) of building.
There are 3 exit doors from the Roxby Bldg;
- the main entrance in the reception area.
- a side ‘accessible entrance’ which will open automatically when the fire alarm bells ring.
- a rear fire exit which is only opened by a push bar from the inside.
The floor layout within Roxby generally comprises a central corridor along the building with offices and/or labs off each side. There are 2 staircases accessible from each floor which lead directly to emergency exits on the ground floor.
The main staircase, most familiar to visitors, links from the small corridor outside the lift doors (on floors 1-8) and leads down directly to the west side accessible entrance which opens automatically when the fire alarms ring. Once outside turn right to reach the assembly point.
On each floor it is also possible to access a second staircase, on the south end of the building, which runs from the 9th floor down to the rear exit operated by a push bar. Outside the fire exit door there are a further 7 steps down to a garden area. Turn left to reach the front assembly point.
On most floors the second staircase is at the far end of the main office corridor but on the 6th floor is at the back of the GIC, on the 8th floor along the narrow PostGrad corridor or via a rear door from the Magnetics Lab, and on the 9th floor reached either through the Wet Chemistry Lab or a door at the rear of the SCR.
The lifts do not access the 9th floor and all users must use either of the staircases to access the labs and/or Senior Common Room (SCR) on the 9th floor. In an evacuation from the upper floors either staircase can be used although it is advised to use the rear staircase which is liable to be less busy and thus quicker to descend from the upper floors.
There are disabled Evac Chairs on each staircase, 4 on main staircase (on landing below each even floor) and 2 on the rear staircase (between floors 3/4 and 5/6).
From the Gents toilets on the lower ground floor the normal exit would be back to the front door in the reception area but if this is blocked for any reason then emergency exit may be made through the plant rooms by following the green emergency exit signs.
From the10th floor plant room (lift motors) or the roof (telecoms/extractor fans) the only exit is down the spiral stairs into the main lab and then either staircase described above to the ground floor.
Escape routes for the Gordon Stephenson
Assembly point- Primary – Grassy area across the road from main entrance (in between Rendall & Abercromby square)
Secondary assembly point - Large Grassy area in Abercromby square- people are to gather in this area and wait for further instruction of where to go from there.
The major escape route is by the main staircase which leads to the front entrance, there are other escape routes that don’t exit through the front entrance/ via the main staircase however the building does not adjoin onto another building, the only escapes available within the building are detailed below.The only escape route for a disabled person is located on the ground floor, there are no lifts within the building.
If you are in the Basement:
In any of the basement rooms/ corridor the first escape route would either be through the Post Graduate Student room (Room BO5) (signposted as fire exit door, overhead), if the door is locked smash the “break glass square” and inside there is a knob that can be turned to open the door, go through into the office and straight ahead there is fire door with a push bar on it, people can exit through this door which will take them to the back of the building ( Courtyard area). People are then to make their way to the primary assembly point. Alternatively there is another exit, Walk up the main stairwell to the ground floor and exit through the main building entrance and then on to the assembly point. There is also a disabled person access door next to the studio (Room G20) on the ground floor, this leads to the back of building (courtyard).
Ground floor
Student Experience office – the only exit is through Room G22 (student office) and then via the main exit or disabled access door to the right of the office.
- The main escape route is through the foyer to the main entrance and front of building.
- Disabled access door (next to studio on ground floor) - leads to the back of the building.
- Push bar fire exit on corridor opposite Room G03 – leads to back of the building (court yard area)
- Push bar fire exit in Lecture Theatre 2 ( Room G12)- leads to the back of the building ( court yard area)
First floor
- The main escape route is via the main staircase leading to the foyer and main entrance to the building.
- The secondary escape route is via the back stairwell in the building ( opposite Room 112) which leads to the ground floor and a choice of exits ( lecture theatre 2, fire exit opposite Room G03 and the main entrance of the building)
- The third escape route is a fire exit in (Room 109, PC Teaching Hub) on the first floor at the back of the building – there is an exterior stairwell that leads down to the back of the building ( courtyard area)
Second floor
- The main escape route is via the main staircase leading to the foyer and the main entrance to the building.
- There is another escape route via a stairwell near office 209 this leads down to the first floor, there are a choice of exits from here, the main stairwell which is to the right and through the corridor again this leads down to the foyer and out through the main entrance. Alternatively there is the stairwell at the back of the building which leads down to the ground floor at the side of the building, the nearest exit would be through lecture theatre 2 (G12)which leads to the back of the building ( courtyard area).