Sections 302 and section 317

EESAT Room 390

Lab Instructor: Chaitanya Kumar Mandava (C.K)

Office: EESAT 377 (I just moved here) I will announce in the next class.

Office Telephone: (940) 565-4292


Office Hours: Tuesday 3:00 to 4:00PM or by appointment


Attendance is mandatory as part of your lab grade, and is recorded each week. If you miss a class you are still required to make-up the material and take the quiz over that material during the next lab period. It is your responsibility to contact me for help with the material you missed. The best way to reach me is by e-mail or by visiting during my office hours. Please e-mail me the day you are absent. If you wait till the night before, or the day of class I probably will not respond in time.


Earth Science Laboratory Manual, 12th edition, 2003, will be required. Your lecture text will also be used to supplement the Lab Manual. You will be supplied with some materials for labs, such as barometers, maps, etc. You will need a calculator, ruler, eraser and pencil.


Each week there will be a quiz over the material from the previous week. The quiz will be given at the beginning of the lab period (BE SURE YOU ARRIVE ON TIME), and will usually consist of short answer, multiple choice and true/false questions. Anyone arriving late will have only the remaining time to complete the quiz. The lowest quiz score of the semester (1 only) will be dropped. Quizzes will be returned one week after being assigned. Students that are absent must make up a quiz before graded versions of the quiz are returned, else the student will be given a different “make-up” version of the quiz. Quizzes also must be made up within one week of a student’s return to lab or a grade of zero will be given.


Two exams will be given: one at midterm and one the week before final lecture exams. The final is non-cumulative and will include only the material covered after the mid-term. Both exams are multiple-choice/fill-in-the-blank, true/false and closed book.

You must do your own work on the lab quizzes and Exams. Cheating will result in a “0” and possible expulsion.


You must pass the lab to pass the course, regardless of your lecture grade. No exceptions! Only one grade is given for the course (lab and lecture combined). Lab counts 30% of course grade. Lab is graded:

Attendance/completeness 20%

Weekly quizzes: 30%

Midterm exam: 25%

Final exam: 25%

You must attain a composite lab score of 60% or higher to pass the lab. All grades for the course will be final unless there was a computational error. There is no extra credit.


The Department of Geography, in cooperation with the Office of Disability Accommodations, complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act in making reasonable accommodations for qualified students with disabilities. Please present your written accommodation request by the 2nd lab class day.