Advisory Council on Aging

August 13, 2009

Oakley Town Hall

960 West Center Street

Oakley, UT

CONDUCTING:Neil Anderton

ATTENDING:Sharon BowersLyndia Carter Marianne Christensen Heidi DeMarco Doug Hardy Melanie Haws

Ralph HorneLois Kelson Stephen Mahoney

Anita LewisScott McBeth Claudia McMullin

Ted StrongEarl Williams

GUESTS:Erin DyrengLinda Morrison Dusty France

Sandra France

EXCUSED:Judy SeegmillerDorothy Sprague

Neil Anderton welcomed the members of the Advisory Council to the meeting. Earl Williams offered the opening prayer/remarks. Neil Anderton led the Council in the Pledge of Allegiance.


The Council reviewed the minutes from the June 11, 2009 meeting. Ralph Horne motioned to accept the minutes as they were presented. Doug Hardy seconded the motion. The motion carried.

Donation from Park City Elks Lodge – Neil Anderton

Neil Anderton introduced Sandra and Dusty France from the Park City Elks Lodge. He reported that the Elks Lodge recently donated $1700 to the Meals-on-Wheels program in Summit County. Sandra France said the Park City Elks Lodge applied for a grant from the National Elks Foundation and received $500 and raised $1200 in February from their annual Crab Crack dinner. She stated that the Park City Elks Lodge sponsors similar events for various charities. Neil Anderton presented Sandra and Dusty France with a plaque, thanking them for their donation. The donation will go directly to the Meals-on-Wheels program in Summit County.


Advisory Council Member Changes – Scott McBeth

Scott McBeth stated that Mel Provostwill no longer be serving on the Advisory Council on Aging due to health issues. Carol Morrow recently retired and will also no longer be serving on the Advisory Council. Scott entertained a motion to have Ted Strong, American Fork Senior Center Director, replace Mel Provost and have Marianne Christensen, Senior Companion Program Coordinator, replace Carol Morrow. Lois Kelson made a motion to accept Ted Strong and Marianne Christensen as new members of the Advisory Council on Aging. Claudia McMullin seconded the motion. The motion carried. The recommendation will be presented to the MAG Executive Council for their approval.

Advisory Council on Aging

August 13, 2009

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Service Levels – Heidi DeMarco

Heidi DeMarco gave the Council the handout entitled “Service Levels and Client Profile Summary for FY08-09” and reviewed the summary of each program. She stated that the Home Delivered Meals has seen a decline in unduplicated individuals receiving meals. The Home Delivered Meal Program and Senior Center Meal Program are utilizing a database to keep a more accurate count of unduplicated seniors receiving meals. Neil Anderton asked how an unduplicated individual is determined. Heidi explained that an individual can attend several senior centers and will only be accounted for once, opposed to being a separate count from each location. In the past the calculation wasestimated, now it is actual numbers.

Heidi stated that due to reductions in funding, MAG recently reduced its staff level. Scott McBeth stated that the legislature cut funding for in-home programs statewide and that funding programs needs to be a priority. Neil Anderton stated that the legislature has not dipped into the rainy day funds, and may need to consider it to keep service levels up. Heidi said there has been a freeze on funding for the Aging Medicaid Waiver Program, reducing the budget by 25%. Scott said the decision to reduce services was not a legislative decision. The State over estimated federal money coming to the state. Due to the oversight, fundingwas reduced. Neil said with that in mind, the Council needs to approach the State regarding this issue. He saidSteve Gardine would be the person to contact to find out how to approach the situation. Neil asked Claudia McMullin if she would be willing to assist with this project. She said she would.

Lyndia Carter stated that individuals who are eligible for Aging Waiver are the frailest and if they do not receive in-home services, the state will receive a big hit financially by paying for nursing home placement.

Senior Center Meal Program User Guide – Erin Dyreng

Erin Dyreng gave the Council a handout of the “Senior Center Meal Program User Guide” and reviewed it in detail. She said she did not re-write or change the policy, but put it into easy to understand language. The proposed guidelineswere submittedtoCharlotte Vincent, State Nutrition Program Manager, and Nels Holmgren, State Division of Aging Director. After their approval, Erin presented it to the senior center directors for their feedback.

Concerns were raisedby the senior centers regarding kitchen staff being required to wear hairnets and hats. Many centers thought it was not necessary. Erin stated it was and that it must stay in the guidelines. Other issues that were raised by the senior centers were that staff who are under sixty had to pay full price for their meals. Concerns were also brought upabout Ensure and the two cases a month limit. Anita Lewis stated that the centers in Summit County feel they should be reimbursed for distributing Ensure. Scott stated that if the guidelines are not followed they would lose the ability to provide Ensure for seniors.

Erin stated that individuals are ordering a salad and a meal and taking one of them home. Only one meal may be ordered.

Advisory Council on Aging

August 13, 2009

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Anita Lewis expressed concern over the section on page three referring to “take-out” meals for people who are temporarily ill. She stated that the meals in Summit County are provided by a restaurant and does not go through the Meals-on-Wheels assessment process. Scott McBeth said he will work with Erin to clarify that section.

Anita Lewis asked how the user guideline will be presented to the senior centers. Erin stated that it will be in a binder with other useful information. Anita requested that it be presented to each center personally. Erin stated that she would coordinate the process with each center.

Meal Menu Planning – Erin Dyreng

Erin Dyreng stated that some senior centers prepare their own meals that are not approved by dieticians. A new software program called ESHA Nutrition Analysis was recently purchased by the State for Area Agencies on Aging. The software will allow senior centers to stay in compliance to the Dietary Reference Intakes and prepare nutritionally appropriate meals. Menus and recipes are entered and analyzed, and then changes aremade to stay within the nutritional guidelines. The Wasatch County Senior Center will be the first to pilot the software.

Meal Surveys – Erin Dyreng

Erin Dyreng gave the Council a handout of a survey for senior centers and Meals-on-Wheels participants in Utah County. She said the surveys are specific to Utah County because the contract has been in place for a year. The surveys were reviewed by the Utah County Security Center to make sure they would get the feedback they need to make necessary changes to the menus. Surveys will be sent outto home delivered and congregate meal participants in September. Results will be presented to the Council in October.

Sharon Bowers said she received less complaints from her staff at the Pleasant Grove Senior Center after she took them on a tour of the Utah County Security Center. Ted Strong said he asks his staff at the American Fork Senior Center to be positive about the meals and encourages them to sit at different tables to help boost morale. Lyndia Carter said people do not want to eat nutritious meals if it is all the same color and that presentation is a big issue.

Ted Strong said that grocery stores donate various deserts to his center and he will offer them on a separate table with the lunch. Scott Mcbeth said that is acceptable as long as it is not served as part of the meal. Earl Williams stated that the Provo Eldred Center will not allow homemade food items at the center because liability and food safety reasons.

Neil Anderton entertained a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ralph Horne motioned to adjourn the meeting. Stephen Mahoney seconded the motion. The motion carried.

The next Advisory Council on Aging meeting will be held September 10, 2009 at the Mountainland office.