OCTOBER 17, 2016

The Regular meeting of the Bennett County School District 3-1 was called to order by Board President Mike Olsonat 5:00pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by President Olson. Board members present: Hodson, Huber, Olson, and Petrak. Absent, Alexander. Administration present, Superintendent Halverson, Jr. High Principal Ready, Secondary Principal Redden, Elementary Principal Kuxhaus, Co-Business ManagerRobinson and Coyle. Others present, Tim Huether.

47.0-17Huber moved to approve the agenda, motion was seconded by Hodson with the following additions. All voting aye, motion carried.

58.0-17 Approve application for Plan of Intent Waiver. (Action)

59.0-17 Approve home school exemption for high school student, 17.13, for

2016-2017 school year. (Action)

60.0-17 Move November 21 board meeting to November 14, 2016 due to business

office having meetings out of town. (Action)

61.0-17 Adjournment. (Action)

There were no conflicts of interest disclosures.

48.0-17Hodson moved to approve the consent agenda, seconded by Huber. All voting aye motioncarried.

48.1Minutes of Regular Meeting, September 19, 2016

48.2Claims for October, 2016

48.3Financials for September, 2016

Appove the September financial reports as presented.

GENERAL FUND Beginning Balance 303,848.51, Receipts 215,164.44, Disbursements 380,476.70

Ending Balance 138,536.25,Revenue Summary Local 22,023.44, County 1,839.00, State 169,438.00,

Federal 21,864.00, Other -0-. CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND (383,562.50), Receipts 655,784.06

Disbursements 72,538.69, Ending Balance 199,682.87, Revenue Summary Local 4,718.06, County

-0-, State -0-,Federal 651,066.00, Other -0-. SPECIAL EDUCATION FUND Beginning Balance

(5,690.52), Receipts 19,150.58, Disbursements 62,985.27, Ending Balance (49,525.21), Revenue

Summary Local 1,004.58, County -0-, State 17,255.00, Federal 891.00, Other -0-.

PENSIONFUNDBeginning Balance 28,117.34, Receipts -0-, Disbursements -0-, Ending

Balance 28,117.34.IMPACT AID FUND Beginning Balance 2,370,759.04, Ending Balance

1,721,211.52, Local 452.48, Federal -0-, FOOD SERVICE FUNDBeginning Balance 37,366.86,

Receipts 11,271.32, Disbursements 16,773.25, Ending Balance 31,864.93,Revenue Summary Local

4,819.40, State -0-, Federal 6,451.92,Other -0-. TRUST AND AGENCY Beginning Balance

85,254.25, Ending Balance 84,389.78.


General Fund Salaries $247,086.62, Benefits $66,071.64

Special Education Salaries $34,479.22, Benefits $8,414.70

Food Service Salaries $5,332.52, Benefits $1,367.77

Administrative Reports:

Board Chairman Olson reported that he had a Three Rivers Co-op meeting in Philip on September 20 to finalize the 2016-2017 budget and he has a zoom meeting scheduled with 3-Rivers Co-op next week,

he had visited 2 classrooms at the elementary, he said that both visits were an awesome experience for him to see the GO MATH in action. Mike encouraged the board to visit school and eat lunch at school, and “Parents, GO VISIT, - the teachers will welcome it.” Kevin Hodson visited the shop building, he

observed the welding classes and use of the laser etching machine, and the jr. high shop class.

Superintendent Halverson reported that our official enrollment on count day was 480, the architect

will meet with the building committee on October 25 to discuss the shop building, the business office

window installation is nearly complete, there is a little glitch in the TV Channel it should be up and

running soon, the library contract will expire December 31, she will visit with the library board and the

county commissioners very soon, food service is doing great.

Jr. High Principal Ready reported on professional development opportunities, parent involvement, federal programs, and customized learning.

Secondary Principal Redden and 2 staff members just returened from the National Youth Dropout Prevention convention in Detroit and it was an excellent convention, there were 89 parents attending

Parent/Teacher Conferences and the feedback from surveys was very positive, he also reinforced

what Chairman Olson stated about coming to visit the school, Elliot Dubray qualified for the State

Cross Country which will be held in Huron on Saturday, the last football game is Thursday at 6:30 with St. Francis and volleyball at 3:30 vs. Gordon/Rushville, parents night will be held for cross country

and football before the football game and before the volleyball game.

Elementary Principal Kuxhaus reported that 9 staff members will be attending the PBIS National Conference in Chicago on October 27 & 28, they had 82% parent attendance at parent/teacher conferences, Red Ribbon activities are planned with the high school students coming to do a presentation on Drug Prevention, she stated that these high school students are very good role models to the younger students, November 15 the MGS will host a Math/Science Curriculum and Showcase.

50.0-17Hodson moved to approve updates to bring board policies into compliance with

federal and state laws, seconded by Huber. All voting aye, motion carried.

50.1Board Policy JOA, Student Directory Information

50.2Board Policy JEA, Compulsory Attendance Ages

50.3Board Policy JHG, Reporting Child Abuse

50.4Board Policy JHCA, Physical Examinations and Innoculations of Students

51.0-17Petrak moved to change title of Board Policy, KLD, Public Comments about

School Personnel to KLD, Public Complaints,seconded by Hodson. All voting aye,

motion carried.

52.0-17Petrak moved to remove Policy JO-N, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

(FERPA), this was duplicated in JOA, Student Directory Information, seconded by Huber. All voting aye, motion carried.

53.0-17Petrak moved to approve 5 technology items for surplus, seconded by Huber. All voting

aye, motioncarried.

54.0-17Hodson moved to recognize wrestling volunteer, Joe Wilson, in the Bennett Count School District for the 2016-2017 school year, seconded by Petrak. All voting aye,

motion carried.

55.0-17Petrak moved to approve sick leave bank days for Christie Laverack for the 2016-2017

school year, seconded by Huber. All voting aye, motion carried.

56.0-17Hodson moved to approve the supplemental budget for the 2016-2017 budget, seconded

by Huber. All voting aye, motion carried.

Title I Carryover$108,468.00

REAP $5,917.00

IDEA 611 $41,144.00

IDEA 619 $398.00

57.0-17Petrak moved to review and approve the Special Education Comprehensive Plan

for the 2016-2017 school year, seconded by Huber. All voting aye, motion carried.

58.0-17Petrak moved to approve an application for Plan of Intent Waiver, seconded by Huber.

All voting aye, motion carried.

59.0-17Hodson moved to approve home school exemption for high school student, 17.13 for the

2016-2017 school year, seconded by Huber. Allvoting aye, motion carried.

60.0-17Petrak moved to move November 21 board meeting to November 14, due to office staff

being at out of town meetings, seconded by Huber. All voting aye, motion carried.

61.0-17Huber moved to adjourn the meeting at 5:40 pm, seconded by Hodson. All voting

aye, motion carried.


Michael Olson,Board Chairman Jolene Robinson, Business Manager