
The Deputy Registrar, Academic, IIT Bombay

The following student, registered for the Ph. D. Programme at IIT Bombay, presented the Presynopsis Seminar, as per the details below.

Name of the student = ______

Roll Number = ______

Department/ Centre/ School/ Academic Unit in which registered = ______

Date of Confirmation of Registration = ______

Ph. D. Supervisor(s) = ______

Date, Time, Venue of Presynopsis Seminar = ______


The student submitted a comprehensive report of the research work carried out by him/ her – and made an oral presentation of the same to the panel of examiners. The panel makes the following observations and recommendations.

1.  The work done by the candidate towards the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) is, as of date: (please indicate ONE of the three options (a), (b), (c) below).

(a)  adequate for the submission of the Ph.D. Synopsis and Thesis, and the work may be regarded as final in the present form.

(b)  almost adequate for the submission of the Ph.D. Synopsis and Thesis, and minor improvements/ additions can be made during the maximum period of four months available from the Presynopsis Examination to submit the Synopsis and Thesis. These points of improvement have been indicated to the student during the Presynopsis Seminar and/ or outlined in Item 3 below.

(c)  inadequate for the submission of PhD Synopsis and Thesis – in its present form, and major modifications/ additions/ changes are required.

(Page 1 – Please turn to Page 2 to continue the report)

2.  This panel recommends that – (please indicate ONE of the two options (a), (b) below.)

(a)  The student be permitted to submit the Ph.D. Synopsis and Thesis within four months of this date, incorporating the suggestions made by this panel, in consultation with the Ph.D. Supervisor. A Panel need not examine the work done, again.

(b)  The student must incorporate the suggested improvements/ modifications/ changes, following which the work done must be examined again by a Panel of Internal Examiners, including the PhD Supervisor. The student may be permitted to submit the PhD Synopsis and Thesis only if the Panel sends an accompanying report certifying that the work in its modified form is adequate.

(For the following items, please continue, as needed, on additional sheets)

Number of additional sheets used:

3.  Additional comments/ observations/ recommendations ( if any) :

4.  Publications (accepted/ already published) arising out of the Ph.D. Thesis to be submitted: (please give complete details):

5.  Publications communicated and still under review, based on the work done in the Ph.D. Thesis to be submitted: (please give complete details):

6.  Other Recognition of the work done in the Ph.D. Thesis to be submitted – in the form of patents/ awards/ etc. (please give complete details):

Names, Signatures with Date of the Members of the Presynopsis Examination Panel:

Name / Signature with date
Ph. D. Supervisor(s)
Other Panel Members
(at least two)
Forwarded through :
The Convenor, Post Graduate Committee (PGC):

(Page 2 ) (Additional sheets if any, attached: as specified before Item 3 on this page).