The Minutes of the Town Hall and Publicity Committee Meeting

held on

17th June 2016

A meeting of the Town Hall and Publicity Committee was held on Friday 17th June 2016 in the Council Chamber, the Town Hall at 10.15 am.

The following members were present: -

Cllr C Butterworth, Chairman

Cllr R Averill

Cllr Mrs E Coles

Cllr D Davidson

Cllr Mrs J Graves

Cllr M Jarratt

Cllr M Tysoe

Town Hall Keeper: Mr T Palmer

Officer: The Town Clerk

  1. Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr A Corfield.

  1. Declarations of interest – none to report.
  2. Minutes of the meeting held on 18th March 2016 – were confirmed and signed at the meeting.

4.Matters arising

Exterior metal lights

Mr L Walton was to paint the ladies and gents toilet signs outside the Town Hall.

Oil painting

The oil painting of Mr J Langston was away being restored at the moment.

Railings by the public toilets at the Town Hall

Alfred Groves had been contacted and were going to come out and assess the job required on the railings by the Town Hall.

Notice Boards

The notice boards had been ordered and would be 6 weeks before installation.

Electric Meter

A digital electric meter had been installed at the Town Hall to replace the very old meter.

Public toilets

The Clerk was in communication with the Co-op to find out whether they would be taking on the public toilets at the Town Hall.

Exterior Stonework at the Town Hall

The repairs to the stone work at the Town Hall had now been completed.

Energy Audit

Quotations had been received from 3 companies for secondary double glazing and the Clerk was in communication with the Conservation Officer at West Oxfordshire District Council to see whether planning permission was required before the grant application was sent off to TOE. The committee agreed that they would put some money towards the secondary double glazing as this was requested on the grant application form.

Town Hall flag

The committee agreed that the Clerk was to contact B A Hull to see whether they could do add something to stop the rope from wearing against the edge of the building.

5.Town Hall Keepers report

The Town Hall Keeper reported that the alarm in the kitchen was still going off when the oven and the hob was being used. The committee agreed that Broadsword were to be called out to check this problem.

6.Any other business


The Clerk was to contact Mr R Simmons and have a trial run with the microphones at the Town Hall and get them working without any interference.

Super-Fast Broadband

The Phone Co-op had contacted the Clerk to state that they would provide super-fast broadband at the Town Hall free of charge for one year and then charge £10 per month afterwards. The committee discussed this and asked the Clerk to get a cheaper price on this per month.

7.Date of next meeting

The date of the next meeting had been arranged for the 9th September 2016, in the Council Chamber, the Town Hall at 10.15 pm.

The meeting closed at 10.55am.