Rotary Club of Park Cities

2014-2015 Committee Sign-Up

as of 7/16/2014

NAME: ______DATE: ______

RCPC has four Avenues of Service: Club, Community, New Generations and International. Your involvement is critical to our success and to your experience as a Rotarian. As a member of the Rotary Club of Park Cities you are automatically a member of the Fourth of July Parade Committee and the Program Committee. In addition we need you to participate in at least two other committees. Please print your name above and circle your committees. Thank you for doing your part in making our Club great!

President-Elect – Karen Farris
Committee / Chr / ViceChr / Description / Time
Awards & Recognitions / Chair- Karl Von Bieberstein
VChr- Bill Sleeper / Recommends to the Executive Committee individuals whose service above self qualifies them to receive club awards at the June Installation Banquet. / 2-3 Hrs / Q4 of the Rotary Year
Fourth of July Parade / Chair- Jim Mills
Partners – Tom Rhodes
Front End – Alan Winn
Back End – Marshall Weaver / Signature Club Event – all members are needed. Organizes the Park Cities parade in the months leading up to the event and fills the people needs on the day of the event. / Sub-committee task specific
Programs / Chair- Tom Dortch
VChr- Roger Diebel / All club members participate by identifying dynamic programs and great speakers. This committee coordinates the process and schedule. / Meets twice a year to draft schedule / spends 2 hrs month coordinating
Rotary Club Of Park Cities Foundation / Chair – Ed Fjordbak
Eric Heitkamp
Karen Farris
Ruth Alhilali – Secretary
Pam Carvey
Dwight Clasby
Linda Tunnell
Fred Brown
Chris Clausen
Doug Gill
Cleve Clinton / The Executive Committee of the Rotary Club of Park Cities Foundation Fund ( of the Communities Foundation of Texas) is appointed by the RCPC President. Responsible for review of grant applications received and makes recommendations to the RCPC Board of Directors / Meets Quarterly
Vice President Committees – Dwight Clasby
Committee / Chr / ViceChr / Description / Time
Membership Recruitment / Chair – Lisa Amsberry
VChr- Tom Swift / Responsibility for growing our membership base through the recruitment of new members, managing the pipeline and the interview process. Works with the PR/Social Media committee on the messaging to reach potential members. Utilizes service, networking and fellowship events to attract new members. / 2-3 hrs / mo
Membership Engagement / Chair – Cleve Clinton
Howard Fitch New Member
Engagement Team
Chair – Chris Short
VChr - Arianne Urschler
Marc Hall
4th of July Parade New Member Float & Fellowship
Chair – TBD
VChr – TBD
Existing Member Engagement
Chair – Fred Brown
VChr - TBD - Attendance / Overall responsibility for promoting and enhancing membership opportunities at all levels.
Responsible for new member engagement – red badge to blue badge process, oversees the new member orientation, matches new members to sponsors, and serves as a conduit to match new members skills with committee & project needs.
Responsible for the 4th of July float building and fellowship event for new members
Responsible for existing member engagement, matching member skills with committee & project needs. Overseas attendance and works to re-engage members with attendance issues. / 2-3 hrs / mo
2-3 hrs / mo
3-4 hrs on
July 3
1-2 hrs / week
Club Service I Committees – Nolan Duck, Director
Committee / Chr / ViceChr / Description / Time
Audio Visual / Chair -
VChr- Charlotte Hudgin / Sets up and takes down A/V equipment at Club mtgs, maintains and displays member badges weekly. / 1-2 hrs / wk
PCR Marketplace / Chair - Shawn Foster
VChr- Teri Thomas / Solicits participants for RCPC Marketplace and highlights advertisers during Club mtgs. / 1-2 hrs / wk
Introduction of Guests / Chair –Jeff McNaughton
VChr- Kendall Laughlin / Introduces guests and visiting Rotarians at weekly Club mtgs. / 1 hr / mo
Invocation / Chair- Richard Stanford
VChr- Mary Bishop / Offers non-denominational prayers at weekly Club mtgs and informs the Club of any special concerns. / 1 hr / mo
Music / Chair - Rick Amsberry
VChr- / As part of weekly Club mtgs, leads Pledge of Allegiance, National Anthem and other songs. / 1-2 hrs / mo
Transportation / Chair- Hank Gaines
VChr- Doug Means / Works with our members who need assistance with transportation by picking them up and driving them to weekly luncheon meetings or events. / 1-2 hrs / mo
Club Service II Committees – Mary McMahon, Director
Committee / Chr / ViceChr / Description / Time
Bulletin (The Hub) / Chair - Betty Dawson
VChr- / Produces The Hub newsletter weekly in a timely and professional manner. / 2-3 hrs / wk
Fellowship / Chair - Mary Bishop
VChr- Bill Sleeper / Responsible for the Signature Fellowship events: the Holiday Party and Installation and Awards Banquet – as well as promoting fellowship opportunities at weekly meetings. Works to identify new fellowship ideas and events. / 2-3 hrs / qrtr
PCR Connect / Chair –Mark Kashar
VChr- Rob Baines / Responsible for our Signature Networking Event – the monthlyPCR Connect. Works to identify new networking opportunities and events for our members. / 1-2 hrs / mo
Internet (Website) / Chair- Dennis Harrison
VChr- Happy Franklin / Oversees the Club’s website and trains members in its use. Looks for ways to expand and promote utilization. ( / 2-4 hrs / mo
Joys and Concerns / Chair- Howard Parker
VChr- / Interfaces between individual members and the Club to communicate personal and family joys and concerns, prayers and cards / 1-2 hr / mo
Super Committee
PR / Social Media / Shutterbug / PR Chair –Chad Harbor
Social Media Chair – Tania Boughton
Shutterbug Chair – Fred Speno
VChr – Ley Waggoner / Responsible for all PR and social media for RCPC. Manages and monitors our Facebook page. Coordinates all shutterbug activities and posts. / 2-4 hrs / mo
Community Service I Committees – Paul Pirok, Director
Committee / Chr / ViceChr / Description / Time
Blood Bank / UP Chair –
HP Chair - / Assists Carter Blood Care in blood drives at various locations within the Park Cities / One time event
Scottish Rite Hospital / Chair -
VChr- / Combination service and fellowship event – meets for dinner one weekday evening in early December at Scottish Rite Hospital to fill holiday tins of popcorn for the agency’s annual fundraiser.Event is open to family members. / One time event -3 hrs / December
Angel Tree / Chair – Teri Thomas
VChr- / Staffs Salvation Army Angel Tree station at NorthPark Center during the holiday season. / 3-6 hrs / yr
Dentistry With A Heart / Chair – John Whaley
VChr- / Mobilizes and assists 5-10 dentists and their assistants to provide necessary dental services to pre-qualified children and adults at no charge. / One day event – various shifts
Child’s Play at Bachman Lake / Chair -
VChr- / Oversees repair and maintenance of the fully accessible playground and coordinates periodic member cleanup days during the year. / 2-3 hrs / qrtr
Trains at NorthPark / Chair –
VChr- / Staffs train display at NorthPark Center during the holiday season benefiting Ronald McDonald House. / Project
4 / Hrs
Community Service II Committees – Anne Harper, Director
Committee / Chr / ViceChr / Description / Time
Ronald McDonald House / Chair- Jina McDaniel
VChr- Dean Chance / Prepares and serves an evening meal for families staying at the Ronald McDonald House on the third Monday of each month. / 2-3 hrs / mo
Meals on Wheels* / Chair- Patsy Watson
VChr- Rex Jennings / Delivers meals to the homebound in East Dallas and Mesquite once a month in connection with the Visiting Nurse Association. / 2-3 hrs / mo
Veterans Support
(fka Vet to Vet) / Chair – Doug Means
VChr- Marshall Weaver / Interacts with veterans confined to the VA Hospital on the 1st Wednesday night of each month and also hosts other special events for the veterans. Committee also identifies other ways for our club to support our returning veterans. / 3-4 hrs / mo
North Texas Food Bank / Chair- Doug Gill
VChr- Chris Clausen / Serves as liaison with the North Texas Food Bank to identify ways that our club can help to address hunger within the community - Works with the 4th of July Parade Committee to collect donations benefiting the NTFB / 1-2 hrs / mo
Snider Plaza Tree Lighting / Chair-Jerry Washam
VChr-Jim Zapffe / Promotes Club during Sunday afternoon event & collects cash donations to NTFB / 2-3 hrs/yr
Scots For Turkeys / Chair-John Maluso
VChr – Fred Brown / Collects donated frozen turkeys from each campus in HPISD in connection with North Texas Food Bank. / 2-3 hrs/shifts in Nov.
International Service Committees – Jeff Sheehan, Director
Committee / Chr / ViceChr / Description / Time
International Focus Group / Chair-Jeff Sheehan
VChr-Dwight Clasby / Committee established to explore international service opportunities for our club / 4-6 Hours / year
District & Global Grants / Chair-Tom Stutz
VChr-John Whaley / Facilitates matching grants applications from RI and District 5810 for various service projects. This new grant structure gives Rotarians greater flexibility in sponsoring the next generation of leaders. These grants are what can fund our International Service projects and potential scholarships that fall under grants. / 8-15 Hours / year
Rotary Foundation / Chair-Greg Pape
VChr-Doug Means / Promotes support of the Rotary International Foundation by our club and raises the visibility of the projects funded by the Foundation. / 2-3 Hours Per Month
Youth Exchange* / Chair-Herb Burkman
VChr-Ruth Alhilali / Recruits high school student leaders to apply for RI funded exchange programs to a foreign country. / 5-6 hrs / yr
New Generations – Tracy Gomes, Director
Committee / Chr / ViceChr / Description / Time
Ethics / Chair- Kathy Schatz
VChr- Bill Kelly / Promotes ethical awareness, presents community awards and coordinates the Rotary Ethics Month program during February. / 4-6 hrs / yr
Interact* / Chair-
VChrs-Linda Tunnell
Ley Waggoner
Marshall Weaver
Andy Carothers / Oversees Hillcrest Interact Club and their various projects / 1-6 hrs / mo
Mentoring / Chair – Jim Weichel VChr- Christy Bednar / Interacting with individual students at Hillcrest High School to assist them with studies and life skills / 1 hr / wk
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards* / Chair - Andy Carothers
VChr- Chad Harbour / Recruits and sponsors 2-4 outstanding high school seniors to attend the RYLA camp in June and provides other resources as needed. / 6-8 hrs / yr

*Rotary International and District 5810 are committed to an Abuse, Harassment and Neglect Protocol. Those committees noted above with an asterisk may require volunteers to submit to a background check. The policy has three purposes:

  • To protect the welfare of participants in District 5810 programs and provide a vehicle for participants to report and address complaints of abuse, harassment or neglect.
  • To protect Rotarians, volunteers and staff within these programs.
  • To foster and promote the continued successful development and progress of these programs.

For additional information, please visit and click on Youth Protocol.

2014 – 2015 RCPC Committee List and Description / Page 1