Domestic Violence First Responders Accelerated Collaborative Project
Media-Dissemination Subgroup
Steve Berkowitz, Betsy McAlister-Groves, Emily Donaldson, Alison Byers, Bob Franks, Anna Maria Williams, Melissa Brymer
1. Website (NCTSN website and others)- Bob
2. CD Rom Development- Bob, Emily
3. Co-branding- Steve, Bob
4. Partners for dissemination
IACP-Steve, Melissa
DV Coalitions- Betsy
National League of Cities- Steve
Law Enforcement Training Network/Association?- Melissa
FBI Academy- Steve
National Conferences- All
5. Media Press Releases
6. Through Network and Network Partners
Media / Product Development
1. Formatting & Technology- Emily/NCAC Peter-Bob
2. Family Communications Outtakes from One on One- Steve, Betsy
3. Other video clips-
Kids and Cops/Safe Haven
4. Family Violence Prevention Fund- Betsy
1. Talking heads- law enforcement and mental health expert
Gender and racial issues
2. Video clips
3. Scenarios (live, clips, vignette narratives)
4. Powerpoint slides
5. Embedded questions and answers
1. Introduction of Core Concept
2. Identify key points
3. Illustrate key points
a. scenario
b. discussion of scenario
c. summary: tips for officers (should come from discussion)
4. Accompanying curriculum and handouts
5. Palm card
6. Questions based on content (for possible accreditation)
Action: Individuals follow-up on specific areas and set-up conference call to be scheduled by National Center in approximately 2 weeks